Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2152: remind!

It is rumored that her daughter had been in the Fangjiafang’s poisonous scent of eclipse, and she learned from her daughter’s mouth that this is not a rumor but a real existence.

After confirming this incident, he was shocked, but he heard no frost and said that her poison has been solved.

This made Ning Wuji feel impossible, but under the daughter's many explanations, he finally told him that the detoxification person turned out to be the big man in front of him.

Of course, Cheng Yu’s possession of golden blood is an important secret. Without frost, without the permission of Cheng Yu, he will not tell his father about it. It’s just that Cheng Yu has worked hard for a long time. She solved the poison.

Although Ning Wuji feels incredible, but in any case, Cheng Yu is extremely grateful for his daughter's poison, so this ceremony, he is grateful.

"Which Ningcheng Lord needs to be so polite, frost-free and me are friends. For whatever reason, I can't stand by on this matter! Although the process is somewhat complicated, it is perfect to solve it after all!" Cheng Yu quickly helped Said Ning Wuji.

"In order to save the little girl, you also offended a big force, which made me feel very embarrassed!" Thinking of Cheng Yu, although he saved the frost, he also offended the dynasty. After a year of waiting, he finally realized. All the truth.

At the beginning, Cheng Yu saved the frost, and it was Cheng Yu who also destroyed the Fang family. In fact, when I heard my daughter say it all, his heart was really grateful and admire Cheng Yu.

Because, at least, even if he is a frost-free father, he dare not do this. He really didn't have the courage to fall out with the dynasty. With his little strength, even Fang Fang couldn't help, let alone the dynasty.

However, it is precisely because Cheng Yu did this, which made Cheng Yu an enemy of the dynasty. This really made him feel very embarrassed, the other party is to have such a powerful enemy for his daughter, but he has no way to help Cheng Yu, he is ashamed.

"Ningcheng Lord does not have to be like this. In fact, we started with frost without the dynasty. I had a festival with the dynasty before, so with the dynasty, we have already been enemies." Cheng Yu shook his head and said.

"But in any case, this matter has led me to start from the house. In the end, I asked you to carry such a big pot for us. I really don't know how to repay your great kindness!" Said.

However, his heart was indeed a little surprised, did not think that Cheng Yu had a holiday with the dynasty.

"Ningcheng Lord is relieved, even if it was me who had destroyed Fangjia, did they not find them in the dynasty? Otherwise, they would not arrange so much in the city government. Ningcheng said, is it?" Yu did not like to smile.

If there is no white separation, he may still be helpless with this dynasty. But now there is a detachment, even though it can't be confronted directly with the dynasty, but he has not been so worried before.

What's more, his current fairy tower is resurrected within the fairy tower. For him, his secret strength is strengthening every moment, and he is afraid of anything.

However, as long as his identity is not exposed, his efforts to use the white to attack the dynasty will be greater, and the loss of the dynasty will be greater.

"Indeed, if they already have evidence, then it will not be so troublesome. They are doing nothing more than trying to find out the real murderer who had killed the party.

The dynasty has always suspected that the real murder is related to me, so it will put so many eyeliners in this city. Ning Wuji remembered the things of Pang Hakka, but said helplessly.

"I don't know how much Ningcheng Lord knows about this dynasty?" Cheng Yu asked.

Although he asked this question, he did not have much hope for Ning Wu. Because he is very clear, although the lord is standing behind the city, but these lords are only the spokesperson of the dynasty, and can not be regarded as true dynasty.

For most of the city owners, they didn’t even know where the dynasty was. The only dynasty they had contacted was even the messenger sent by the dynasty.

"To tell the truth, I really don't understand the dynasty. However, the messengers they sent are all beyond our reach. So for me, this dynasty is powerful except for mystery. But to what extent it is so powerful, I really can't understand it!" Ning Wuru said truthfully.

As the city owner of a three-tiered city, the one he touched the most was the messenger sent by the dynasty. Besides, he had not touched anyone else in the dynasty.

Therefore, at the beginning, Fang Fang actually found the dynasty as his backing, which made him very confused. He did not know how Fangjia had a relationship with the dynasty.

Although Cheng Yu had expected this result to be the result, it is inevitable that he is somewhat disappointed. He is very clear that now he can find the most understanding of the dynasty is Xu Wei.

However, even Xu Wei can't explain the true strength of the dynasty.

"Ningcheng Lord, I think you should be very disappointed with the dynasty now?" Suddenly ~www.ltnovel.com~ Cheng Yu looked at Ning Wuji.

"I don't know what you mean by this?" Ning Wuji has some incomprehensible look at Cheng Yu.

To be honest, for the dynasty, he has a lot of dissatisfaction. If you don’t say anything else, just say your daughter.

Also as the city owner of a three-tiered city, they actually pressed the people and forced Fang to force their daughters. This is really too cold for his heart.

And after the incident, the dynasty has always regarded him as a thief-like defense, always want to find the murderer from him. Even bought so many people, if it was not because no one had come to the door, they wanted to use him as a bait to lead the murderer, fearing that he had already been taken away by the dynasty.

Therefore, he is really dissatisfied with the dynasty. But this dissatisfaction can only be placed in my heart. After all, the dynasty is too powerful for him.

In addition, the city owners need to pay a lot of resources to the dynasty every year. In many cases, the resources accumulated by them in one city are enough to be paid to the dynasty, which makes it more difficult for them to develop.

This is also the case for so many years, and there is no major reason for this big change in Ningshuicheng. Because a lot of resources were taken away by the dynasty.

"Actually, the contradiction between me and the dynasty is irreconcilable. But the dynasty is big, not the current one I can resist.

However, although I am not an opponent of the dynasty, I cannot allow the dynasty to continue to be so strong. Therefore, I hope that when I need it, Ning Chengzhu can support me! Cheng Yu said to the other side.

He will not immediately tell his plan to Ning Wuji, but he can first give him a wake up in advance, and he and the dynasty will one day stand on the opposite side.

Although a Ningshui City does not play any role, the power of the dynasty is such a city and a city weakened!

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