Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2153: No regrets!

hiss! Ning Wuji heard some meanings from Cheng Yu’s words. Cheng Yu actually wanted to fight against the dynasty. The idea was too bold, and he immediately let him breathe a sigh of relief.

Although he did not know much about the dynasty, one thing he knew very well was that the city was owned by the dynasty. This means that most of the resources in the world are in the hands of the dynasty.

In these years, Wang Chaoguang was the resource he took from Ningshuicheng. He did not know how many masters could be trained. Not to mention so many cities in the world.

Moreover, according to him, the more advanced the city, the more resources it needs to pay. Therefore, this dynasty is the resources that are collected every year is an unimaginable wealth.

If the dynasty used these resources to train talents, how many talents could it cultivate?

He didn't know how to imagine, but, in any case, he thought that the dynasty was irresistible to any martial art and strength in the world.

These years Cheng Yu is also a relatively famous figure in the realm of cultivation. Even in such a remote town like Ningshui City, I can often hear some legends about Cheng Yu in these years.

He also learned that Cheng Yu’s greatest identity is the disciple of the Promise of the Promise. Moreover, Cheng Yu seems to have established a Cheng family in the world.

However, no matter which identity, it is not enough to face such a huge thing as the dynasty.

Now I heard that Cheng Yu intends to fight against the dynasty. He thinks Cheng Yu is clearly looking for death.

However, Cheng Yu said that it is also a frost-free savior, and from the conversation between himself and his daughter, he also heard some flavors, his daughter loves him.

Then he said, "You are my daughter's savior. I should support you here. However, the strength of this dynasty is not something we can fight against, so I hope that you should still think about it."

Ning Wuji's words are already very clear. If Cheng Yu really wants to confront the dynasty, even if he knows it is not, he will support Cheng Yu.

However, he still reminded Cheng Yu that if he really planned to do so, he should seriously think about it. Because once they do, they may be completely ruined.

"This Ningcheng Lord please rest assured that my Cheng Yu is not an ignorant person. Although I have not fully understood the strength of the dynasty, I will not blindly die." Cheng Yu nodded.

In fact, Cheng Yu’s understanding of the dynasty is actually more than that of Ning Wu. Moreover, he knows from Xu Wei that although the city is owned by the dynasty.

However, this world has also been divided into many areas, and the leaders of these areas are the so-called foreign kings.

In the introduction of Xu Wei, the outer king of this area belonging to Ningshuicheng is Jinhan Luohan. It is said that this golden body of Luo Han's cultivation is a heaven, but the specific strength is not obvious.

After all, even the outer kings of Xu’s area have not seen it, let alone the outer kings of other people’s regions.

However, Xu Wei told Cheng Yu that this golden body is the Buddha.

For Buddhism, he reminded him of the master of Zhihong who had saved him. Now that Master Zhi Zhihong has already ascended to the Buddha world, his strength should exceed that of the golden body.

If the strength of this golden body is better than that of Master Zhihong, wouldn't it have already risen to the Buddha world?

In Cheng Yu's view, the strength of this golden body is the peak of the robbery period. And he has so many sacred bones in his hand, even if the single one of these sacred bones is not the peak of the robbery period, but in terms of quantity, he is enough to overwhelm any foreign king.

Therefore, Cheng Yu is not afraid of these foreign kings. It’s just that his plan has not gone directly to these foreign kings.

Because he is very clear, these foreign kings must be the backbone members of the dynasty. If these foreign kings are killed, then the dynasty is likely to rush over to him. In the current situation, he has no way to go all out.

Therefore, even if there is a detachment, in his opinion now, if he shoots, he will only slowly absorb the influence of the dynasty by means of no residual food.

The frost-free side of the side saw that his father was willing to support Cheng Yu, and he was very happy. Cheng Yu has helped him so much. She always hopes to repay Cheng Yu, but she is not able to do anything for Cheng Yu.

Now that the father is willing to support Cheng Yu, it is also a small wish.

Cheng Yu can't stay in Ningshui City all the time, and Ning Wushuang can't stay here anymore. However, in order to let Ning Wushuang be able to accompany his father as much as possible, Cheng Yu can only choose to stay in the city government for a few more days.

After staying for five days, Cheng Yu did not leave the city's main house one day, because it is easy to attract people's attention when entering and exiting the city government. Especially now, there are dynasty spies in the case of monitoring Ning Wuji, so it is better not to move around. .

These five days, Ning Wushuang has been with his father, and no one has seen Ning Wushuang except for them.

After five days, Ning had no frost, but she knew that she had to leave.

On this day, the three of them gathered in the room again~www.ltnovel.com~Ningcheng Lord, there is absolutely nothing to be done in my place without frost. In fact, I am worried about the safety of Ningcheng! Cheng Yu looked at Ning Wuji's worried face and said.

"You are talking about the dynasty?" Ning Wuji clearly understands the meaning of Cheng Yu.

"Yes, although the traitor of the city government has been cleared, but when I appeared in the city government that day, I was afraid that I was already stared."

Coupled with the fact that they have already left the city government in these days, they should know this too, and they are even more suspicious of Ning Chengzhu.

There was no news before, so they kept on moving. But now I have contacted the Ningcheng Lord, and they have an excuse to start with you.

So we are going this way, they are afraid that they will not be able to stand still! Cheng Yu said simply.

"What should I do?" Ning Wushuang on the side heard that the dynasty had to deal with his father, and he was worried.

Ning Wuji is also silent, and he also knows that Cheng Yu is telling the truth. Although the dynasty did not shoot him this year, it is because there is no news of the city government.

But now that someone has contacted him, the dynasty will certainly interrogate him. If I don’t say what they want to know, I’m afraid that I won’t believe what I say.

"Do not worry, even if they suspect that I have no evidence, you can leave without worry, no matter what, I will not tell them the truth!" Ning Wuji thought about it.

Originally, he had never had the daughter's whereabouts, so he was always worried about his daughter's safety. Now that she knows that her daughter is with Cheng Yu and has solved the poison, she has been accompanied by her daughter these days. He has nothing to worry about.

Even if the dynasty is going to kill him now, he has no regrets any more. He believes that Cheng Yu will protect his daughter!

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