Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2164: The city government is in a hurry!

At this moment, among the people who entered the city, there are not only ordinary people, but also many monks. For ordinary people, any monk is a godlike existence.

However, for ordinary monks, those who are distracted are also as high as the gods. Even if it is a monk who is a higher monk, the distraction period is not a high god, but it cannot be casually provoked.

However, at this moment, everything they saw subverted their understanding of the distraction period. In their eyes, the master of distraction is so powerful.

However, some of them are now even beginning to doubt.

Because, in the middle of the moment when the black robes waved their hands, these distracting masters made a scream of screaming.

This is not the same as just being bounced off. This time, the black robe is a real counterattack. The result of this counterattack is that these originally powerful distractions suddenly flew out.

Their mouths were not only screaming, but only the blood was seen in front of everyone, even thinking that the sky was raining.


More than a dozen distracted monks fell to the ground one by one. What is even more shocking is that some of the weaker distractions were directly shot by this wave.

The rest of them are not dead, but they are still lying on the ground, but their eyes are full of horror, and the blood is constantly flowing in their mouths. Obviously, these people are alive, afraid they are abolished. It is.

Quiet! Very quiet! It seems that everyone can't hear any sound except to hear the sound of their own breathing.

For ordinary people, they don't know what the meta-infant period is. They only know that everyone seems to be afraid of those who are distracted.

But now, this black robes will kill and kill the group of very powerful people. These black robes are much more terrible than those who are distracted. This scene directly scares them into pants.

And even those monks, seeing this scene are all scared legs.

What is this strength? A group of distracted waves waved, not dead or cruel! Are these three black robes the top masters of the Mahayana period?

When they want to come, there is only one of the masters of the Mahayana who can't be seen.

Huang Xiong, who saw it all the time, was completely shocked by the strength of this black robe. But then, they are extremely excited, encountering such a master, this blue heart city is unlucky.

I saw that these three people didn't care about it at all. They continued to enter the city. Those defending the city guards were not afraid to go forward and block them. I was afraid that they would take pictures of themselves and they would be finished.

Until the three black robes gradually drifted away, they could no longer see their backs, and all the talents came back.

Then look at the distracted monks who are lying on the ground and constantly vomiting blood. They believe that this is not a dream, but a real occurrence.

At this moment, the captain of the guard finally reacted and quickly took out a red-hot signal flare. The fire red signal bullet represents a strong enemy.

At the same time, the **** captain quickly sent people to the city government to report.

Watching this fiery red signal flare fly into the sky and then blast, the sky over the entire West Gate turned into a fire red, as if the sky was burning.

Although only the sky above the west gate is so, but this kind of abnormality is accompanied by constant loud noise, it is easy to attract the attention of the entire Tianfeng City.

After everyone in the city noticed the vision of the sky, someone who understood the meaning of this signal was suddenly confused, because it was likely that a strong enemy had invaded the Blue Heart City.

However, most of them do not know what this vision represents. Everyone points to this vision of the sky and has a lot of arguments.

After seeing this situation, the city government first had two men of the fit period rushing out from the city government and heading toward the west gate.

Although the vision of this day represents a strong enemy invasion, but now does not know the specific situation, sending two fit periods, is to first understand the situation.

Moreover, they also know that if they really find something big, Simon will definitely have someone to report.

For the monks in the fit period, it doesn't take long for the city to go to the west gate. The people who reported the letter have not yet gone, and the two monks of the fit period have arrived.

When they saw the distracted monk of the city's main government lying on the ground at the gate of the city, his face was extremely ugly.

"What is going on here?" asked a coldly fit period.

"The elders burned. There were three black robes who appeared in the West Gate. These people were injured by the three black robes. It is wrong. They are exactly said to be injured by one of the black robes!" The **** captain remembered In the scene just now, I still have a lingering fear.

At the same time, he was also somewhat grateful. Fortunately, the three black robes did not force them to block when they entered the city. Otherwise, they are now lying on the ground.

Some of those on the ground are still vomiting blood ~www.ltnovel.com~ and some have already been comatose, and some have died after serious injuries, and there is some sympathy in my heart.

"Three black robes? What about them?" The two fit-time monks were a little surprised, and then inquired about the details.

However, when they heard that these people were just being waved by a black robe, the two suddenly took a breath.

As a period of fit, I need to know more about strength. I can easily break a group of distractions into such a situation. This is at least the strength of the Mahayana period. At least the fit period is not so overbearing.

"They have already entered the city!" said the captain of the guard.


However, just as the voice of the **** captain just fell, suddenly the sky in the city also had a loud noise, and at the same time, the sky in the city became a fire red.

"Not good! The city's main government is in a hurry!" The two monks of the fit period saw this scene and suddenly changed their face.

From the direction of this fire cloud, this is clearly the direction of the city government. Reminiscent of what happened here, and the three black robes that the **** captain said, apparently, the three black robes went to the city government.

There was such a change, and the two monks of the combined period could not control the West Gate. They rushed into the city and headed for the city.

Similarly, in the north of this blue heart city, there is a large luxury house, where the masters sent by the overseas dynasty are stationed.

They had already noticed when the clouds were coming out of the West Gate. They naturally knew what the cloud represented, but they did not immediately shoot.

In their view, this Blue Heart City is still the jurisdiction of the Blue River. Even if it is really a big event, it will be topped by Lanjiang. If he can't stand it, he will naturally send someone to ask for help.

And for them, it is also a good opportunity to earn a spiritual stone.

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