Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2165: Rescue!

Although they are outside the king to protect the blue heart city, but they are not free to protect the blue heart city. As long as it is not a big deal, they will not shoot.

Moreover, even if something big happens, they also receive certain benefits. No benefit, everything is free.

Blue Heart City has not had a major event for a long time, which is not a good thing for them. Because no major events happen, they have no way to get more benefits from Lanjiang.

Although they also receive the benefits of Lanjiang every year, the cost of this is too little for them. What's more, these benefits are still paid once a year, and the time interval is too long.

Therefore, they really hope that this blue heart city will often have some major events, so that their days will be more moist.

Of course, compared to when they were in the foreign dynasty, it was indeed a fat man to be sent to the Blue Heart City. For them to charge the blue river benefits, the foreign dynasty is also blind.

Therefore, after seeing Ximen’s urgency, the city’s government was in a hurry. They not only did not have any urgency, but the more excited they were.

The city government is in a hurry, which means they have more benefits to collect.

However, although they are very happy, they will also send people out to inquire about the situation. Although they are sometimes arrogant, they are not ignorant.

No matter what happens to the city government, they always have to know something about it first. And they are really curious, what exactly is the situation that makes Ximen and the city government anxious at the same time?

Is it that the Dragon Eagle Dynasty launched an offensive again? If so, it is interesting.

For them, the average person really can't afford their excitement. And to be their opponent, only the Dragon Eagle is out.

This Blue Heart City was originally robbed from the Dragon Eagle outside, and it is normal for them to **** it back now. It is also in order to guard against the Longying outside the dynasty, they will send them here after the overseas dynasty.

Sure enough, soon, the guards of the city government ran to them.

"Predecessors, the city government is in a hurry, the city owner asked the seniors to go to support!" The guards saw the crowd, and looked quickly and anxiously on the ground.

"What happened to your city's main government?" asked the first old man to look at the people below.

The people they sent out to inquire about the situation have not yet returned, but the people of the city government first came.

"Our city government was attacked by three black robes, and the people in the city government have been killed and injured!"

"Three black robes? What strength are they?" The old man said indifferently.

To be honest, even if the city government is destroyed, it has little to do with them. For the dynasty, the city government was destroyed, and they would re-support a city owner.

However, in order to protect the face and prestige of their dynasty, they are best not to let the city government destroy. After all, if they can't keep a city owner, how would the outsiders see their dynasty?

Do they think they are so cold-blooded? If this is the case, I am afraid that all the city owners in the outer dynasty will be chilling. It is also difficult for these city owners to be faithful to their dynasty in the future.

Therefore, although they do not care about the life of the city owner, it is best to keep them. After all, today's Lanjiang is still obedient, so they are not willing to change another person to be a city owner.

"The villain is not very clear, but the city owner said that these three people are likely to be in the late Mahayana, or even..." The guard said that half of it was silent.

"Even what?" The old man was somewhat dissatisfied.

"The city owner, these people have even broken through the late Mahayana, and reached the robbery period!" The guard said with some fear.

Although it was also a monk, in his eyes, the Mahayana period was already beyond reach. And the period of the robbery is more of a legendary existence in his view.

Because only the monks who successfully robbed can be regarded as the robbery period, and such a master can be said to be a quasi-immortal. As long as the aura in their body is transformed into a fairy spirit, theirs can fly up to the fairy world.

Therefore, for such a true top master to come to their city government, he thought about it and trembled.

"How about the robbery? How is this possible?" Not only the old man, but all the masters who were present all lost their voices.

In the past, the Dragon Eagle Dynasty even sent people to attack the Blue Heart City, but did not send a transitional robbery. Now there are three masters of the robbery period coming to attack the city. This is too unbelievable. Is it true that the Dragon Eagle Dynasty is determined to withdraw the Blue Heart City?

However, although the masters of the robbery period shocked them, they were only shocked.

Because they also have a period of robbery here, and there are also three, which is also the defense prepared by the overseas king to prevent the dragon eagle.

At the beginning, they also felt that the foreign king was too cautious. After all, the masters of the robbery period were generally fairies, and the secular disputes rarely attracted their attention.

Even if something really happens, these masters of the robbery period may not be willing to shoot. And their speculation is normal, they have come to the Blue Heart City for so many years, although the Dragon Eagle outside the DPRK also sent a master to attack the Blue Heart City, but the strongest sent out is only the late Mahayana ~www.ltnovel.com ~ So, these three masters of the robbery period have not appeared since they came here.

"Nonsense, how can there be a period of robbery to attack the city? Let's go and see!" They naturally do not believe that the master of the robbery period will come to the Blue Heart City.

In their eyes, these people are even stronger, but they are only in the late Mahayana. The three Mahayana periods are not difficult for them.

Thus, under the leadership of the old man, a group of people in the hall rushed directly toward the city government.

Nowadays, major events have taken place in the city's main government, and all the people around the city's main government have escaped.

Inside the city's main government, there are screams everywhere, and accompanied by loud noises, this is the voice of fighting.

Although Lanjiang himself is only in the late stage of the fit, it does not mean that they have no masters of the Mahayana period.

After all, the masters of the Mahayana period also have to practice, and their practice also requires a lot of resources. Not all masters of the Mahayana period have their own martial art, and many of them are left alone.

And many times, they have to rely on some big forces for resources. Moreover, they are attached to these forces, generally in a very high position, and the resources are quite rich.

Therefore, they are also willing to stay and become their guest, this is just a mutual use.

Therefore, this city government also has a lot of masters of the Mahayana period. Most of the time, they have no major issues to deal with here, and they often play a deterrent role.

But now, they regret it, they never thought that they would one day encounter enemies in the robbery period.

"Predecessors are forgiving!" A monk in the middle of the Mahayana was pinched in the hands of a black robe. This master of the mid-term is no longer a master of style at this moment, loudly begging for mercy!

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