Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2166: The chance to live!

The people in the city's main government saw that their usual high-ranking guest was now pinched in the hands of these mysterious black robes, and everyone was scared of the liver.

In the middle of the Mahayana, it was a realm of hope, but at the moment, the people who had looked up to them were so vulnerable that their beliefs seemed to be broken at this moment.

Who are these people? Why is it powerful? What makes them even more puzzled is why such a powerful person should start with their blue heart city?

Who really offended such a terrible enemy?

At this moment, many people’s hearts are angry except for fear. In their view, peerless masters like the black robe, the strength has already overloaded them too much.

It is naturally impossible for such peerless masters to casually release to the people of the secular world, but now it is already the case that the people of their city government have offended them, otherwise they will never do so.

Looking at the guest who struggled and begged in the hands of the black robe, they didn't know what to do. Even the guest was not an opponent. Even if they rushed up, it was just a moth.

"Three predecessors, I don't know who in our city's main government has offended a few seniors, please seniors anger, we can help the seniors to offend the sinners of the three predecessors to the predecessors!" In the hall, the other is also the middle of the Mahayana The guest has not dared to fight again, and quickly showed the way to the black robe.


However, the man in the black robe carrying the Mahayana mid-term monk suddenly used his hand to force the hand of the Mahayana mid-term monk's neck to be crushed.


Everyone suddenly became scared and chilled, especially the monks who had been weakened and had already scared their pants. I saw that the guest in the middle of the Mahayana was directly crushed by the other side, and the eyes were wide and full of pain and unwillingness. They all cried.


The black robe man threw the body on the landlord, and made everyone's heart tremble.

"Seeking for the predecessors for life! Ask the predecessors for forbearance!" Another guest has not considered the majesty and identity that he usually accumulated in the city's main government, and quickly squatted on the ground and begged for mercy.

At this moment, if they still don't know the strength of these people, then they will be mixed to the present. It is inevitable that the master of the Mahayana period can be easily killed.

During the robbery period, it is a real astronomical person. Although the Mahayana period is only one day away from the robbery period, the strength is one day.

Those who succeeded in robbing the sky, but they were recognized by the people of Heaven, and they already have the spirit of the spirit. They don't know how strong the spirit is, but they can be seen from the current strength gap.

A monk in the middle of the Mahayana was so vulnerable in the face of these robberies. This is the gap.

They are only the guest of the city government. They are willing to stay and contribute to the city government. It is only for the sake of resources. However, this does not mean that they are willing to live and die with the city government.

As a sprawl, they can cultivate to the realm of today, that is, they know how to avoid disadvantages. In this world of cultivation, it is itself a weak and strong food, and the strong can be respected.

These years, it is because of this that they have received enough respect in this city. But now, stronger than they are more terrible, these black robes no longer have respected capital.

They don't care about the wolverines in front of the black robe, and as long as they can leave their own lives, these black robes are more embarrassing to humiliate them, and they can bear it.

Because only living can have hope!

"Who can bring the citylors, you who can live!" Someone who was delighted at the place was that one of the black robes was a little strange, but they seemed to hear the sound of nature.

It turned out that these black robes were directed at the blue river of the city, and everyone was killed in the heart of the blue river. The enemy is coming, but this guy has hid, no wonder these masters are killing them.

"Predecessors, we will bring the city owner to you now!" The guest in the middle of the Mahayana was delighted to say.

It’s hard to break free from life and death and find a way to live, how can they give up. This black robes have already said, whoever brings the city owner can live.

Upon hearing this sentence, the people in the entire hall were all excited but nervous. Because only one of these people in the hall can live, because there is only one city owner.

At this time, everyone can no longer care for any status. The only thought in their hearts is that they must find the city owner and bring the city owner to the black robes. Otherwise, they will be greeted.

They didn't think about going to escape, because they couldn't escape in the face of the peers in the robbery period.

Therefore, the only way they want to live is to find the city owner Lan Jiang.

At this time, there are several people hiding in a dark room, everyone is trembled, do not know what to do!

Since the appearance of the three black robes, these people have avoided everyone and have come to hide in this dark room.

They didn't know what was going on outside, but they heard a loud noise outside the darkroom~www.ltnovel.com~ They listened carefully, and one of them suddenly changed his face.

Although the sounds heard in the darkroom were small, they still heard clearly that they had to catch the city's blue river.

"The city owner, what can I do? The people outside are looking for you?" A guard around me worried about it.

"This dark room is no longer known to the second person in the city. You can rest assured that it is impossible for them to catch me!" One of the middle-aged people is the Blue River of the Blue Heart City.

Although he said this in his mouth, his heart was afraid, but he knew he could not show it.

He didn't know if the guys outside could find the darkroom, but now he has no way. Moreover, he has sent people to the residence of the Blue Heart City dynasty, believing that such a big thing happened in the city government, the dynasty people will not stand by.

As long as they take the shot, they will certainly be able to kill the three black robes. Therefore, they only need to hide here for a few days, and when the situation outside is stable, they can go out safely.

Therefore, they only expect people from the dynasty to arrive early, otherwise he is really worried that they will be caught by these people.

However, just as the three black robes stood in the hall waiting for everyone to catch the blue river, a group of people suddenly came outside the city government.

"Where is it small, I dare to destroy the city government!" The people have not yet arrived, and the voice has spread throughout the city.

Those who were looking for the city owner in the city government office heard this voice, and suddenly they were happy, and their reinforcements came. Many people know that they may have been saved, but they have given up looking for a city owner.

And those monks who have already understood the strength of the black robes, even if there are reinforcements, they are not sure to live, so they are still trying their best to find the blue river.

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