Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2167: The reinforcements are coming!

The voices of the foreigners were like Hong Zhong, but when they rushed to the hall of the city government, everyone was shocked.

There are no fights in the hall, not even one person. Although the landlord has some bodies, there are not many.

The first reaction in their minds is that the people in this city's capital have been killed by these three black robes?

However, when their eyes all fell on the three black robes, these people were all stupid.

"By...over...the robbery period? Actually... really a robbery!" Everyone can’t believe that this time it’s really The robbery period.

"Go to the elders, these people are really a robbery period, we are not opponents!" The old man reacted the fastest, even if they were arrogant, they were not arrogant enough to think that they could compete with the masters of the robbery period.

So, after they entered the hall, they immediately had the idea of ​​running away.

However, it is easy to come, but it is not so easy to go.

This time, there were a total of six Mahayana periods in the overseas station. However, all this happened too fast. Six people wanted to escape, but only the outermost monk managed to escape. The remaining five people All of a sudden, the black robe stopped the retreat.

"Predecessors, we have no intention to offend, please forgive the sins of the predecessors!" The old man who saw the head did not stop his retreat, and suddenly he was in a hurry, but he was begging for the three black robes.

However, under the three black robes is just a bone, but he already has his own wisdom. Even the wisdom of Warcraft will not be weak, and the wisdom of these three bones is much higher than the skillful Warcraft with the help of Cheng Yu.

They will not understand the meaning of this old man? In their minds, only one word emerges, killing!

So, as if I didn't hear the old man's words, Bai Li directly shot.

The five black robes were shocked, although they were not the first to see the robbery period, because they also had three periods of robbery. However, they are the first time to play against the peers of the robbery.

However, they obviously do not want to fight against such a master, but they have no retreat in addition to the battle at this moment.

Compared with the few masters of the Mahayana in the city, the strength of these five people can be much stronger than them. What's more, they have been trained in the dynasty since childhood, and the resources they have received are not comparable to those of the guest.

Moreover, even in the face of the same Mahayana late monks, these five people have enough confidence to kill each other. However, in the face of the masters of the robbery period, the thoughts in their hearts are invincible. The only thing they can do now is to ensure that they are not dead in the hands of the black robe.

After all, they also ran off a companion, as long as they can hold on to a few rounds, I believe the three elders will arrive. At that time, the elders who have the same robbery period will deal with them, and they will no longer have to worry about it.


Under the white blow, the door of the hall directly smashed the big side and there was a huge gap.


Five people took a breath, but fortunately the other party did not hit them. If they are hit by this attack, they will be seriously injured if they are not dead.

Although there is a big gap between the strength of the black robes, but they are so good in the realm of the late Mahayana, it is also a leader. They can't beat the black robe, and there is no way to escape the hall, but they can still escape in this hall.

However, this is just a slap in the face, and it is easy for them to want the lives of these five people. Sure enough, when Bai Li took another shot, three of them didn't have such good luck.

Puff puff!

The three people were suddenly shot away from the palm of their hand. What is more unfortunate is that one of them was shot dead on the spot, and the other two people did not have a good place. The whole person hit the stone pillar in the hall and was on the spot. The smash that hit the stone pillar.

At this time, they have been lying on the ground and constantly pouring blood.

Seeing this scene, the old man and another companion suddenly looked horrified. Is this the strength of the robbery period? At this moment they became clear that they were still too young to watch the robbery period.

Even the masters of the late Mahayana were so vulnerable in front of them that they were really fierce this time.

When I think of it, he regrets it a bit. As long as he knows this, they should believe that the person who reported the letter went directly to the three elders.

But now it’s too late to say anything, but even so, he still wants to fight for it. I hurriedly said: "Predecessors, this is just a misunderstanding, please exalt your seniors, spare me and wait for a life!"


However, it seems that Bai did not hear the generals at all, and did not say a word. They answered them directly with actions.

The two men changed their faces and quickly fled to both sides.


The hall of the entire city government was immediately opened by Bai Er.

The two people saw the hall being opened, and at this time they could not manage so much. Their first thought was to escape! Hurry!

However, the possibility of two monks in the late Mahayana to escape in front of the three masters of the robbery period is too low. Unless the white leaves them with a heart to put them on a horse ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ but the reality is cruel.

Bai Li has never let go of their thoughts. In his view, his task is to remove the power of the entire city government and the overseas dynasty station.

And these people come to the rescue, that is the power of the city government, they will not let go of anyone.

Bai Li took another shot, and a giant palm would be taken to the old man. The old man hurried back, but his forehead was sweating, but he felt that he had not escaped this giant palm anyway, and suddenly he was desperate.

However, there is no way to go, just after the old man thought that he would be caught by the other party's giant palm, the sky was not far away and suddenly came a white light.

This white light rushed and rushed straight toward the sky.


A loud noise, the old man and another companion were directly rushed out by this powerful original airflow. However, although the two were injured, they saved a life.

The two had not come and thought more, and suddenly three figures appeared in front of the old man and the two of them.

"Thank you for the help of the elders!" The old man saw the back of the three people, suddenly overjoyed, and quickly squatted on the ground grateful.

"Get up! Let's go back first, here is not something you can solve!" said an elder in the middle.

"You are not a foreign eagle?" The elders on the left saw that the three men were not the ones sent by the Dragon Eagle.

Although they are hostile to the Dragon Eagle, they believe that the Dragon Eagle outside will never easily send a master of the robbery period.

Moreover, the breath of these three people is a bit strange, although they seem to be somewhat like a robbery period, but it does not seem to be a robbery period.

What makes the three of them feel more dignified is that although these three people are eccentric, they always feel that these three people are unfathomable!

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