Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2168: very scary!

"Is it a scent?" After the overseas three people felt the strange smell of the three black robes on the opposite side, the first reaction was that the other party was a sinister who failed the robbing.

Because they can't sense the existence of Xianling Qi from the other side, for a successful robbery period, his body will inevitably have a breath of fairy spirit.

However, they did not feel the spirit of the fairy spirit from the three black robes. However, what scared them was that they felt that the three people were unfathomable and even felt that the strength of the other party was terrible.

"Who are you?" The middle-aged elder of Qin asked with a gloomy face.

"Kill!" Before the white, they have not used weapons, but now, seeing that there are finally three opponents with some strengths, they took out the weapons directly and killed them in the three old robbers.

When they saw each other's words, they directly killed them. Qin Elders no longer want to know each other's identity. Regardless of who they are, they will take the three.

For a monk in a robbery period, this is not willing to take it casually. But the other person has already started, they have to fight.


Three people collided with each other's swords, and a strong airflow rushed toward the surrounding area. The trees in the city's main house were all destroyed, and the bluestone on the ground was all turned into ashes at this moment.

The old man in the late Mahayana and another companion suddenly jumped back and forth, and at the same time, even the stone walls on the three sides of the hall were completely destroyed, showing the confrontation between the masters of the robbery period. How terrible it is.

As for those good people who have come to watch, they have not figured out what is happening. They are directly swallowed up by this powerful airflow.

The masters of the robbery period are really terrible, and all they have been destroyed. Especially those who have heard people come to the rescue before, those who no longer look for the guards and monks of the city, are hiding in the city seat.

However, they know where they did not use real strength before they left. Now there are three masters who are also in the robbery period, and naturally they will not be merciless.

At this time, the buildings of the city's main government collapsed one by one, and the guardian monks who hid in the building constantly found screams. Although he has survived and survived, he has suffered serious injuries. As for those who have been weakened, they have directly become their buried bones.

After the six men fought for a few rounds, the more elders of the Qin Dynasty who were overseas, the more they were shocked. The strength of these three black robes exceeded their imagination.

Especially the yellow elders on the right, after a few rounds, have already lost to each other, and even suffered some minor injuries. The Tang Emperor on the left did not have a good place to go. Although he was not injured, he was always suppressed by the other side.

And he just became a tie with the other side, but the other side still slightly took advantage.

Thinking of this, he felt that if he did not use the true skill in this battle today, he was afraid that the result would be very unfavorable to them. When he thought of it, he shouted, and the long sword in his hand suddenly covered a layer of faint gold.

This is the fairy spirit, the first elder Qin used the fairy spirit. The Huang Elders and the elders of Tang, who are on both sides of the left and right, also know that only the use of Xianling gas can regain the disadvantage.

So, the two of them also used the fairy spirit!

This fairy aura, the momentum of the three suddenly surged, both speed and strength are significantly higher than just now.

Seeing this situation, whether it is the old man and his companions, or other people in the city's main government, I am very happy. They are very clear that all of their hopes of living now are on the three of them.

If the elders of Qin were defeated or failed, or even killed by the other side, then they would not be able to survive.

Therefore, their hearts are particularly nervous. Before seeing the elders of Qin, the three of them were at a disadvantage, and the whole person’s heart was picked up.

But now the three of them suddenly surged in strength and pulled back the disadvantages. This is really a good news. They also had a smile on their faces.

If Qin Elders can always protect such advantages, even if they can't kill the three black robes on the opposite side, I believe they can make them retreat.

Obviously, as a Mahayana period, although they are only a small step away from the robbery period, they are not sure why the strength of the three of them is suddenly rising.

They also don't know what a layer of faint gold is suddenly wrapped around their sword.

In the case that the three elders of Qin used the fairy spirit, the three of them were suddenly in a weak position.

However, although Bai did not have a real flesh, they suddenly saw the red eyes of the other side, and suddenly they were shocked.

They really don't understand, what kind of people will have such eyes.

However, just as they were scared, the next scene made them feel scared. I saw the three black robes on the opposite side were actually wrapped in golden light ~www.ltnovel.com~ How could this be? Such a strong fairy spirit? "The three elders of Qin were shocked by the incredible."

The reason why they only wrapped a layer of faint fairy spirit on their own swords, because these fairy spirits are too precious.

Although their strength has been recognized by the people of Heaven, but it is very difficult to transform the aura of the body into a fairy spirit.

Therefore, they are cherished by the celestial aura they have accumulated. Every time they save more, they go further from the fairy world. And now because of the appearance of these three black robes, they have to use the fairy spirit.

And every time they use a cent aura, it means they are one step away from the fairy world. Therefore, they must be careful to use these fairy spirits. If you can leave one more point, leave one more point.

However, they never imagined that the three black robes on the opposite side were so horrible that they released so many scent of the sage and wrapped the whole person directly into the fairy spirit.

Especially on their long swords, the thick layer of fairy aura is even more shocking to them. They just used such a little fairy aura, and the strength has skyrocketed.

So now, what is the use of so many fairy spirits?

The elders of Qin did not dare to imagine, but they did not retreat, but continued to attack the three.


However, the opposite black robes were shot for the first time under the parcel of the fairy spirit.

It was just a simple counterattack, but the result was that almost everyone was scared. The elders of Qin were directly attacked by three black robes.


The elder Huang had been injured by Bai San before, and now he was hit by a large number of fairy spirits wrapped in white, and he was even more seriously injured!

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