Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2169: Fear is spreading!

The elder Huang was severely wounded, which made everyone suddenly nervous again. That is their strong backing, and now the backing seems to be somewhat unsettled, how can everyone not be nervous.

At this time, everyone’s heart is shocked and puzzled. Who are these people? Why do you have such a strong strength to attack the Blue Heart City?

Is it really the person sent by the Dragon Eagle outside the DPRK?

Even the elders of Qin had some doubts at this time. Before that, he felt that these people were not like the dragon eagle. But he thought carefully, looking at the world, and what forces dare to publicly provoke their dynasty?

After all, the provocations that these people have encountered have come from neighboring foreigners. Therefore, they now suspect that even if these people are not the people of the Dragon Eagle, they may be other neighboring foreigners.

Because the neighboring a few foreigners are very clear, the Blue Heart City was robbed by the overseas dynasty from the dragon eagle. It would not be impossible if several other foreign dynasties wanted to provoke a sneak peek between them and the dragon eagle.

In their view, only these foreign gangs dare to provoke them to scream overseas. As for the forces in the world, they are not so bold, even if those retreating big families and forces are afraid to do so.

However, he could not judge whether the three black robes were from outside dynasties.

Moreover, with the strength of these three black robes, they should all be full of old monsters. However, although they cherish the words like gold, they still hear a "kill" word. Their voices are a bit strange, some hoarse, but not like an old monster.

At the same time, the most dangerous thing now is that the strength of these three black robes is too terrible, they are not good, especially the other party is so much use of the fairy spirit, this is incredible.

After the skyrocketing strength, the white squad counterattacked, and the Qin elders continued to defend, but they were also repelled. I was so upset that I even had the idea of ​​retreating.

However, there are so many people watching, he suddenly bite his teeth and resist the idea of ​​running away.

"Swordsman long days!" Qin elder sword refers to the sky, a giant sword descended from the sky, want to knock back these three black robe people.

However, they still underestimated the strength of these three black robes. I saw that there was no fear of this huge sword shadow, and I rushed directly into the sky. It was the same sword, and directly shattered this huge sword.

"Good horrible strength! Huang elders, Tang elders, we rushed back!" On this, Qin Elder knows that their general trend has gone, if you do not retreat, there is probably no such opportunity.

On the one hand, Huang Huang was originally suffering. In the three periods of the robbery, he was the weakest, because his success in the robbery was not long, and his foundation was naturally weak.

Under the violent attack of Bai San, he was completely defeated. If there is not the last support of the fairy spirit, he is afraid that he will be killed directly by the other party.

Although it is dangerous now, Xian Lingqi always keeps his life. When he hears that Qin Elder wants to retreat, his heart has already been overjoyed, and he will retreat without saying anything.

On the other side, the elder Tang is better than the elder Huang, but his strength is weaker than that of the Qin elder. Now even the elders of Qin can't resist it, and he is also stubbornly insisting.

Therefore, after the three men counterattacked, they would retreat to the rear without saying anything.

The actions of the three elders clearly shocked the dynasty of the city and the resident dynasty, and they also fled. You know, these three elders are in the robbery period, and they have to run. They are just small scorpions in front of others. Can you not run?

It is a pity that although they have the heart to escape, they may not have this strength.

Just after they withdrew from the 100 meters, they found that the perimeter had already been set by the three black robes. This group of people had already entered the trap of the black robes.

So people face a big change, a pale, they are going to die here!

"Let's get out!" Qin Elder is also a tight heart, but did not give up, forcefully hit the barrier, the barrier suddenly gave a strong light, a few flashes.

However, this barrier was only so flashed a few times, not broken by him. Everyone was in a state of sorrow. Even the elders of Qin could not break this barrier. I thought that this is over, and I really want to die here.

"Huang Elders, Tang Elders, help me!" But the face of Qin Elder is ugly, but did not give up, his face is not angry.

He may not be able to break this barrier alone, but if Huang Elder and Tang Elders take the shot together, they will certainly be able to break the barrier.

Huang Elder and Tang Elder nodded, just when they had to help Qin Elders to break the shield together, Bai Li was already rushing up.

Although they are just a white bone, they are not comparable to any dead bodies. They also have their own wisdom. They received Cheng Yu’s order to destroy the defending power of the Blue Heart City, and they would naturally find ways to destroy these guys.

White flew out of the three swords in their hands at the same time, the goal is the master of these three robbery period ~www.ltnovel.com~ see this scene, where the three elders of Qin dare to go all out to break the barrier, first It’s important to keep your life, and quickly turned around to resist the three swords.

Looking at the momentum of these three swords, the three hearts are gone, knowing that this sword is not as simple as imagined. Although they are also in the robbery period, the weapons they use are not swords.

In this world, the fairy is still relatively rare, not everyone has a fairy. There are not many masters of the robbery period, but there are fewer immortals.

Of course, if it is an unborn fairy, it may not be less. Just want to find these fairy instruments, is it a simple matter?

Therefore, the elders of Qin used only a kind of soul machine, and even the best soul device is not.

Compared with this fairy sword, this momentum does not know how much weaker.

The three black robes on the opposite side are the strongest of the robbery period. Although they can't really play the power of the fairy like the immortals, the strength has been able to play at least seven or eight.

This kind of power is not something that everyone can resist.

The three elders of Qin were fearful, but they had to resist this powerful force. If they resist, they may just be injured, but if they don't stop, they are likely to fall.

boom! boom! boom!

The three people gnawed their teeth, and the three loud bangs blew at the same time. The powerful force rushed all the people in front of the barrier. It was only the airflow that rushed after the explosion that caused most of those people to die.

Only some people with some strength and luck are only under strong impact, only suffering some minor injuries.

But in their hearts, they have already collapsed, especially when they see people around them mourning each other, all around are blood, their legs are constantly shaking.

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