Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2170: Life-saving gourd!

Puff puff!

In the face of these three giant swords of the black robe, it is necessary to say who has the greatest strength, and naturally it is necessary to count the three elders of Qin.

Although it is also a period of robbery, it is also strong and weak. Especially when the spirit of the spirit is used at the same time, the other party's body is wrapped in the spirit of the spirit, it has already represented the other party to win half.

Under the urging of such a strong fairy spirit, even if it is just a common sword, it is two completely different levels than the use of Xianling.

What's more, these three swords are not just a sword, it is to stimulate the real strength of the three. It can be seen how powerful the three swords are.

At the same time that the three elders of Qin touched the three swords, the faces of the three men suddenly became awkward, and they felt that this power was too strong.

Especially the elder Huang, who was seriously injured before, was hit so badly at the moment, the result is self-evident, although it is not directly obliterated by this sword, but the injury is even heavier.

The elders of Tang and the elders of Qin were also directly squirted with blood, and the two were also shot and flew out. Finally, because they hit the barrier, they stopped the body that flew out.

The whites quickly rushed to take over their own swords and once again smashed toward three people. However, with the situation of the three of them now, where can they still hold on to the white attack of the three?

The elder Qin bite his teeth and the long sword in his hand flew out. Even if he could not block the other side, he must at least keep his life.

When the elder Tang saw it, he couldn’t care so much. The whole person’s fairy aura increased again. The fairy spirit above the long sword was a little more, and then the sword directly rushed out.

As for the elder Huang, his injury at this time is already very heavy. Even if there is a fairy spirit in his body, he will eventually be attacked by Bai San. Seeing that Bai San was killed again, his eyes had already shown despair.

However, he was not willing to be killed by the other side. At this time, he is also like the elder Tang, who has already refused to consume the spirit of his body.

Although this fairy aura is important, his life is more important. This fairy aura is consumed, as long as people are still there, they can accumulate in the morning and evening, and at most they will spend more time in the human world.

But if life is gone, it doesn't make sense to say anything.

Therefore, the spirit of the body has been released at this time. At this time, he is also like the white three, and he is wrapped in the spirit of the spirit.

However, a closer look, it is different from the white three, although he is wrapped in a layer of golden light, but only a layer of faint golden light, compared with the white three is obviously weaker.

There is no way, although the elder Huang can be as white as the three, and the spirit is wrapped so tightly. But he can't just consider this, but also consider whether he can still fight.

If you use so many fairy auras like the other party, then even if he takes the other side's blow, he can no longer continue to use the fairy spirit in the next battle.

Even so, the spirit of his body is in rapid consumption. If he can't find a way to save his life, he will still die.

In the middle, although it is the same as the previous white, they are also swords, but the momentum of this sword is one by one. In addition, the white is a strong one, and the sword of Qin Elder is directly smashed.

When the elder Qin saw this situation, he knew that he could not do anything. He could only vent his anger in his body, or he would be killed by the other side.

The body of the fairy spirit wrapped around the body, double boxing out, fists and heavy shadows, the momentum is actually much stronger than the trend of the sword.

A few consecutive punches made the attack of Bai Li quickly weaken, and there was no way to kill Qin Elder. The elder Qin also took the opportunity to take the long sword back and attacked him.

The elders of Qin are worthy of accumulating a strong master of the robbery period. The last outbreak of Xian Lingqi made him once again comparable to the white war. The rest of the people were excited and the chances of living were a bit bigger.

However, the elder Qin was bitter and self-aware. At this time, although he was fighting against the black robe, his fairy spirit in his body was consumed.

His heart is very strange, why these three people can use the sacred spirits so much and persist for so long.

He had thought that if he could persist, he would have to drag the three black robes. But the fact that he is wrong, he really can't figure out, how strong the three guys are, and they have persisted for so long without any signs of weakening.

Of course they will not understand that the black robes will be wrapped in a white bone, but the difference is that this is not an ordinary bone, but a fairy bone.

When they still have the flesh, they are real immortals. Although the flesh is no longer there, the immortal is gone. However, their skeleton is also the bone of the immortal.

Now they are resurrected by Cheng Yu, even if they can't recover the flesh, but their bones have been activated ~www.ltnovel.com~ This fairy bone can not only transform the fairy spirit, but also transforms the effect much faster than the lower monk.

At the same time, the celestial bone itself can exude a fairy spirit, which is comparable to the lower bounds of human monks who have not reached the immortality of the immortal.

Therefore, even if they were three from the beginning to the end of their battle, the fairy spirits on their bodies did not see a weakening, because these fairy spirits are themselves exudes from the bones.

How can outsiders understand?

Seeing that Huang Elder is already the end of the strong, and the situation of the elders of Tang is getting worse and worse, even if he is afraid to stick to it soon, Qin’s heart is even more anxious.

However, the three people on the opposite side are so powerful, how can they run away?

"It seems that only use it!" Suddenly, Elder Qin thought of a thing, suddenly a happy heart, ready to use this thing to fight.

"Huang Elder, Tang Elder, go with me!" When Huang Elder and Elder Tang were preparing to fight with Bai San and Bai Er, Qin Elder suddenly yelled.

I saw the elders of Qin suddenly throwing a hand, a brown light shot, suddenly a huge brown gourd appeared in front of them.

Seeing this magic weapon, Huang Elder and Tang Elder suddenly felt happy in the heart. They have seen this gourd. It is the life-saving gourd of the Qin elder, and it has a very fast speed.

The two didn't think about it. A sword took the other side back and jumped up to the brown gourd.

The elder Qin quickly rushed the gourd toward the barrier, and the speed was so fast that they could not keep up with them.

However, it is not easy for them to run away like this because there is a barrier in front of them.

However, the elder Qin seems to have already thought about the countermeasures. The three men joined forces in the case of the rising of the spirits, and they actually broke the barrier directly.

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