Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2171: despair!

"We escaped!" Huang said with excitement.


However, as soon as he was excited, he suddenly squirted a blood in his mouth. The battle with Bai San had caused him to be hurt too much. It is not easy for him to endure it now.

If he did not release a lot of fairy spirits in his body, he might even have fallen.

"Huang Elder, how are you?" On the side of the elder Tang, he hurried.

Although they are not like Huang Huang, the situation is not good enough.

"Can't die!" Huang Elder shook his head.

Although he is currently very hurt, they have already escaped. Just give him some time and these injuries will be restored.

"These people are too strong, although we are like the robbery period, but the strength is too much difference." Elder Tang said with some fear.

"Their strength is stronger than ours, but the most important thing is that their fairy spirit is really terrible. Such a strong fairy spirit is not like a robbery period. I don’t know which foreign dynasty has such a terrible Master!" Elder Qin said very depressed.

Although the two sides were also weaker than the other side when they did not use the fairy spirit, they were not completely unstoppable as they are now.

However, the other party is completely wrapped in the spirit of the spirit, so that the rich fairy spirit is hidden in the body, the strength is not what they can resist.

“Qin elders think they are from other foreign dynasties? I don’t feel like it!” Elder Tang frowned.


"I can't say it, I just feel that these people are a bit strange. Although our screaming overseas is not strong in the major dynasties of the dynasty, it is definitely not the weakest.

Our Xiaobo overseas dynasty also has an absolute supremacy, but we will never send such a peerless master to compete for a city, which is too expensive.

I think that even if other foreigners are stronger than us, they should not make such crazy things! "Elder Tang analyzed.

"There is also some truth to say, forget it, no matter who they sent, we finally escaped. We must now return to the foreign dynasty, tell the news to the king, the blue heart city is a small thing, The emergence of such a powerful mysterious enemy is true!" Qin Elder shook his head and said.

"That's also true!" Although the gourd is fast, we are not sure if they also have the magic weapon of this speed, or else it will be bad.

At this time, the three of them saw that the elders of Qin had fled, and the others suddenly looked bleak.

Although the barrier was broken, but in the face of the strong people like them, there is no master of the robbery period to resist them, where are they running away?

The facts are also true. Although the whites left the three, they saw that the elders of Qin had run away with the magic weapon, but they did not immediately chase them. I saw his red eyes blinking a few times, and then he killed all the people in the surrounding city and the people on the station.

Then I stayed at the city government and prepared to find the city owner of the Blue Heart City.

The three elders of Qin, riding on the gourd, saw that the guys behind him didn't catch up, and the heart was relieved, and the fairy spirit on his body suddenly recovered.

After all, the fairy spirit is accumulated, and the province can be saved. And now they also feel that they are out of danger.

However, they couldn’t think of it. Since they had received orders to remove the city’s defensive forces, how could they let them run so easily?

It can be said that the three of them are only a temptation to attack the city. If the forces here are not too strong, the three of them will be removed directly.

After all, Cheng Yu does not want to expose more situations to the enemy at once. If there are more than 20 periods of robbery, this will make Xiaohao suspicious.

What he hopes most is that Xiaowai’s overseas thinks that this is the master of the Dragon Eagle’s foreign dynasty to rob the Blue Heart City. If it is not good, they will be misunderstood. This is what other foreigners deliberately provoked between the two foreign dynasties. Ok.

Therefore, he does not want to leave them all at once to reveal all their strengths. More than twenty times of the robbery took the shot, then they certainly will not believe that this will be the other foreign dynasty in the ghost, but someone else is targeting them.

Therefore, if there are many masters in this area, they will not be the third, and their remaining companions will not be late.

However, the strength of this Blue Heart City is not strong, but the masters of these three periods of robbery are not easy to kill. Fortunately, they also have a backhand, so when they saw that the three of them ran, Bai Li immediately contacted the companions outside the city.

The three elders of Qin took the gourd out of the city, and suddenly they breathed a sigh of relief. In their view, they have already flown so far, and those guys have not caught up, it seems that they also give up chasing them.

However, their happiness did not last long. Shortly after they left the city, he suddenly appeared three black lights in front.

"What is that?" Elder Tang pointed to the front and screamed.

"Not good, there is an ambush!" Qin elders fixed their eyes, suddenly shocked, and quickly turned the gourd, ready to run to other places.


However, before they turned their directions, there were three black lights in front of them~www.ltnovel.com~ Three people had a tight heart and turned high again, but there was no accident, and three black lights appeared.

"No, we are surrounded!" Looking at the situation, the three suddenly paled.

They can only go to three places after they leave the city, but now there are enemies in three places, and they are behind the blue heart city, they are also very clear. If this time is returned to the city, they will die.

However, there are only three enemies in the city, and nine enemies appear here. If the strength of these people is all about the robbery period, they have no idea of ​​running away.

"What should I do next? Do we have to hurry back and go out from the East Side?" Elder Tang said nervously.

This blue heart city is on both sides of the mountain, so there are only two cities and two gates, which is why Blue Heart City can hold the city to collect the cost of entering the city.

They didn't think so much before, just looking for a direction and coming out. They believe that there are enemies outside the West City, and that the East City may not be there, because they can't set the East City, unless these people set up the game as early as a few months ago.

"Go, we will go back to the city immediately and go out from the East City!" Qin Elder can't control so much. I don't know what the strength of the nine bright enemies is, but he dare not take the risk, taking advantage of the three in the city. The master did not chase it out, they have to hurry back to the city.

So the three quickly turned around and immediately returned to the city. They saw that the three masters did not catch up. Some of them were fortunate and then ran out from Dongcheng.

However, when they left the East, it was not long before they were completely desperate.

"How is this possible? We are completely surrounded!" Looking at the nine rays that were once again surrounded by three sides, the three faces were full of despair and pale!

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