Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2173: Xiaohao overseas!

There is no way for Cheng Yu to withdraw from the Blue Heart City. Now is not the time of confrontation with the dynasty, his current purpose is to weaken the strength of the dynasty, but also a temptation.

If he now let Bai Li occupy the blue heart city, then it will inevitably be attacked by the overseas dynasty, although for a while, Bai Li may have some advantages. However, the best of a foreign dynasty, certainly not only this strength.

Therefore, in the end, the loss will inevitably be white away from them, and even may cause them to sacrifice. This is what Cheng Yu does not want to see.

In addition, he is now trying to create some illusions for Xiao Chao, and this time it is the people of other foreign pilates who have caused them to blow overseas.

Now that they have laid the blue heart city, they have not occupied it, and there are many situations that can occur. It is unclear whether the people from the overseas dynasty are from the Longying outside or other foreign dynasties.

Before the Blue Heart City, it was the city of the Dragon Eagle, and it was later occupied by them. It is also normal for the Dragon Eagle to rush back now.

But now that Blue Heart City is not occupied, the situation becomes very complicated.

And this is the effect that Cheng Yu needs. No matter whether it is suspected in the end, it will not be implicated on them.

In Cheng Yu's plan, although there was a territory occupying the dynasty, since he learned about the situation of the foreign dynasty, he felt that it was the best way for him to consume the dynasty that should be disintegrated from their interior.

Even if they can't let them collapse in the end, let them consume themselves from each other.

Therefore, the plan to attack several cities in a row was also suppressed by Cheng Yu. He now has to look at the response of the overseas dynasty to the Blue Heart City, and several other foreign gangs seem to have acted.

If it is possible to get their parties to fight, it is naturally better. If it doesn't work, he will implement the latter plan and let them consume it step by step.

Although Cheng Yu has always shown his ability as a tolerant person, he still does not appear too close to the Blue Heart City in order to avoid suspicion.

During this time, he has been constantly inquiring about the news of Blue Heart City. I heard that the major forces of the Blue Heart City and the heroes have been killed in order to compete for the position of the city. After all, this is an opportunity for the rise of power or family.

Under normal circumstances, no one dares to directly destroy the city government, and the city of Lanxincheng is destroyed. The realm of comprehension is everywhere, just like the original family.

Therefore, it is not only the forces of the Blue Heart City and the heroes who fought for the position of the city owner, but even some of the heroes and forces in the surrounding city have taken their minds.

After all, for a city with a city owner, a force and a family will be suppressed by the city owner even if they rise again.

Therefore, a force and family want to fly to the sky, it can only become the master of a city. However, it is easier to be the master of a city.

For these city owners, they have all been supported by the forces behind them, and they do not understand the forces behind the city.

This also makes them even more taboo, they are very clear, if they dare to take the shot, it will certainly be suppressed by this force. In addition, the forces in each city are intricate.

If they take the hand of the city, but they can't replace it, then they will inevitably be swallowed up by other forces in the city. Therefore, although the forces in the city have long been in the position of the city owner, they would rather be suppressed by the city owner than dare to provoke the position of the city owner, for fear that other forces will take advantage of the loopholes.

But now, the city owner of the Blue Heart City was directly destroyed. Although this incident was shocking, many families and forces outside the Blue Heart City saw this opportunity.

Therefore, these forces have been watching the situation of the Blue Heart City. Seeing that the parties in the Blue Heart City are incapable of fighting, they are also happy to see.

However, there are some inferior forces and families who are directly fighting the forces and families of the Blue Heart City. They want to compete for this opportunity to fall from the sky and fly.

This has led to the greatness of the position of the city owner of the Blue Heart City. However, although the battle for the position of the city owner of the Blue Heart City has intensified, Cheng Yu has never seen the involvement of the Kuo overseas dynasty, which makes him somewhat strange. .

However, Cheng Yu thought about it and understood the truth.

In fact, for them, no matter who became the new city owner of the Blue Heart City, for him, there is no meaning. Moreover, the more intense they fight, the better they are screaming overseas.

What they need is a more powerful city owner, which forces can stand out from so many forces, which shows that this power has enough strength and wisdom to manage his city.

And the only thing they need to do is to stabilize the status of the new city owner in the end. In this way, these city owners will be grateful to their dynasty, and will honestly hand over the tax they need every year, which is enough.

Three months later, the blue-hearted city’s melee finally came to an end. I heard that in the end, a surnamed tyrant became the last winner. www.ltnovel.com~ became the new city owner of Lanxincheng. This Blue Heart City was renamed Yucheng.

However, what disappoints Cheng Yu is that I don’t know if the dynasty is too hidden, or that there is no movement at all in the past. In the past few months, they have not heard any news about Xiaowai’s overseas dynasty. Did not see any changes in them.

What Cheng Yu didn't know was that, in fact, the changes in Blue Heart City have indeed attracted the attention of the overseas dynasty, and they are constantly investigating the whereabouts and identity of the three black robes.

Xiaohao Overseas is a very wide area. Within his jurisdiction, there are more than 200 cities. How wide I am in more than two hundred cities, no one can estimate.

However, in the eyes of ordinary people, such a region is indeed very broad. But for so many foreigners under the dynasty, a foreign dynasty with more than 200 cities is really too small.

Even the jurisdiction of the Longying Foreign Dynasties governs more than 300 cities, which is why Xiaohao’s overseas occupation occupied Blue Heart City.

The place is fixed, and if they want to become bigger, they can only occupy the city of the neighboring dynasty.

In the area of ​​the overseas dynasty, in a mysterious mountain forest, surrounded by fog all year round, but after bypassing these fogs, you can see a shocking place.

There are many buildings here, and the Gaogefei Building is built on the mountain. The huge waterfalls seem to come from the heavens and fall from the sky.

Here, it is the resident of the overseas dynasty.

However, in the main peak of the resident, at this time a middle-aged man sat on the hall in a gloomy face. There was a disciple under the main hall, and the atmosphere inside the main hall seemed to drop to the freezing point.

"Is it found?" The middle-aged man above the main hall was screaming.

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