Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2174: It is possible!

"Back... Go back to the king! Still... not yet!" The disciple was pale and trembled.

"Waste! A bunch of waste! For so long, why haven't there been news of the three black robes? Can they still disappear from the air?" The middle-aged man angered.

For the city owner of the Blue Heart City to be killed, he naturally does not care. He cares that the three masters of the robbery he sent out are also killed by people. This is the reason why he is so angry.

The master of the robbery period is the foundation of a foreign dynasty. Losing any one is heartbreaking. What makes him even more hateful is that their people are dead, but even the enemy is not investigated. How is this not angry?

"The outside king is angry, obviously, this is a conspiracy that has been long-planned. These murderers are afraid that they have already hid, and now it is impossible to find them." Inside the hall, an old man said.

"Don't our people die like this? Isn't this a joke that lets them see me in the sea?" Xiao Wang Wang is now angry, where is the two words can be deflated.

"External King, I think this thing must be the ghost of the Dragon Eagle. If they dare to start with us, then why should we bear it again? The last time we grabbed the Blue Heart City, then we will kill now. In the past, I took Tianhe City and Qianlong City together to see what they said!” Another old man also said with anger.

"Tan elder, are you too sure about this? Any clues are not found now. How do you know that this is what the dragon eagle did? I think that Mo Luo and Zichuan have several of them neighboring us. It’s more likely that the foreigner is doing it!” said the old man who had spoken before.

"Oh? What is the opinion of Elder Li? Why do you see that this is done by several other foreigners?" Tan Chang said with some dissatisfaction.

"There is no clue to the old man, but from the current situation, this is not impossible. If this is the revenge of the Longying Foreign Dynasties, why do they not take up the Blue Heart City? You know, this Blue Heart City But they were originally the site of their dragon eagle. They have been occupied by us for so long. Didn’t they have the mind to **** it back? I don’t believe it.

If this time the provocation is that they are carried out by the dragon eagle, they can't take the risk of taking the blue heart city and withdrawing. This is obviously not in line with the character of the dragon eagle!

Therefore, this time the provocation is obviously other foreign sects. It may even be that several foreign strategists want to provoke a separation between us and the eagle eagle. The purpose is to let us fight the dragon eagle. This way they can fish and benefit! Li Chang said faintly.

"Hey! Although Li said that there is some truth, but you don't think that you think it is too simple? Even you can think of it, do you think others will not think about it?

Mo Luo, Zichuan and Tianzang, which of the three foreign dynasties is a simple generation? If they are using such a simple trick to provoke dissension, I think anyone can see it out, will they be so stupid? Tan long said disdainfully, the words are full of irony of the elders of Li.

"Tan Qing, what do you mean by this? Are you saying that I am stupid?" Li Changchun suddenly patted the table and stood up and said with anger.

At this time, Elder Li’s hair floated, showing how much his anger was, and he’s overwhelmed with a big disapproval.

"You all shut up to me!" At this time, the screaming overseas king on the main hall shouted loudly.

Li Changlai stunned Tan’s elders and sat down unwillingly.

Xiao Wang’s face was sullen, and he was already very angry. Now he hasn’t found the clues of the three black robes for so long, and the people under his hand are still bickering here, how can he not be angry?

For those three black robes who attacked and did not occupy, his heart was also very doubtful.

As the two of them just discussed, is it too simple if this is a few other foreign dynasties who want to provoke a separation between them and the Dragon Eagle?

However, simplicity does not mean that there is no such possibility, and the simpler it is, the more effective the strategy is. Sometimes, many people are blinded by their appearance and think it is too simple.

It can be said that if this is really the behavior of several other foreign dynasties, this is a conspiracy. You can see the other's tricks clearly, but you can't tell the truth.

Moreover, he had sent three masters of the robbery period in order to shock the dragon eagle. After all, Blue Heart City was robbed from the Dragon Eagle, and the location of Blue Heart City is important.

As long as he holds the blue heart city, the dragon eagle cannot break into his whispering sea. However, he always believes that even if the Dragon Eagle is attacking the Blue Heart City, it is impossible to send a master of the robbery period.

After all, even if they were the entire dynasty, the status of such a master in the robbery period is supreme, and it is also the existence of the elders.

If it is for a blue heart city, they will send three masters of the robbery period to attack, which is obviously somewhat unreasonable~www.ltnovel.com~ and they are screaming overseas except for the dragon eagle It is also bordered by the Moluo Foreign Dynasties, the Zichuan Foreign Dynasties, and the Tianzang Foreign Dynasties. If they really united, they only need to send a master of the robbery period for each foreign dynasty.

It seems that this possibility is not impossible, and that they do not take up the attack, it is to make people wonder. If this is the case, then they may be dangerous now.

After all, the three foreign dynasties united, and they could not resist it anyway.

In the dynasty, the struggle between the foreign and the dynasty, the dynasty will not be in control, because for the dynasty, no matter which foreign dynasty was destroyed, or which dynasty annexed another dynasty, it is the land of dynasty. .

Therefore, if they rushed overseas, they would lose to the other three foreign dynasties. This is also what he has been worried about.

Now I see that these elders are not at all inconsistent, but also constantly fighting, which makes his heart more troubled.

However, this is also the worst result he thinks.

Although it is possible that this incident is due to the other three foreign pilgrimages, the possibility of this dragon eagle is not absent.

It is possible that this is also the intention of the Dragon Eagle outside the dynasty. It is not impossible. He knows that the Blue Heart City is the one they snatched, but he just deliberately attacked and did not occupy it. In this case, they would not target their dragon eagle.

Therefore, they let Xiaohai think that this incident is what other foreign dynasties have done. At that time, he just watched the friction between them and other foreign dynasties. He profited from it. This possibility is also there.

This is why he is so anxious to send people to investigate the whereabouts of the three black robes, but this has happened for more than three months, but still has not found any clues, which makes him very angry!

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