Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2176: Can't be made!

When I heard the thoughts of the elders, many people in the hall seemed to be attracted by the thoughts of the elders. This world is like a big cake. If they want to get more benefits, they can only win from other foreigners.

Just like when the overseas rushed away from the Blue Heart City, I thought that they would not only have to take back the Blue Heart City, but also robbed other cities in the Chaowai overseas. How can we not be excited?

"Hey! Take the blue heart city as the starting point, drive straight into the city, and win the city of the overseas dynasty? Often elders, your idea is quite good. But you think it is too simple to think of the overseas king, if it is so easy to win these cities, We don't have to wait until now to take the Blue Heart City?" Huai elders said disdainfully.

Although he also hopes to take down many cities in the overseas dynasty as the elders have said, this is a good thing for the whole dragon eagle.

However, where is this simple?

No one knows how many killers each foreign lord has. If their dragon eagle really captured the city of Xiaohai, it must have been a two-war battle.

For such a war, the loss is immeasurable. What's more, in addition to the overseas dynasty, other foreign dynasties have long been glaring at them. If they started the war in these two dynasties, then the other foreign dynasties will inevitably shoot them and win the city of their dragon eagle, so this is simply an action that is not worth the candle and an action that cannot be put into action.

"We are not really attacking the overseas dynasty. We can take the temptation after taking the Blue Heart City. Even if we can't take too many cities, even if we take the next two cities, it is good!" The elders never give up. Said.

"Hey! I believe that the foreign king is clear about this matter, or ask the foreign king to decide it!" Huai Changlao lazily argued with the elders, holding a fist and looking at the golden body of Luohan Road above the main hall.

"Okay, you two are the giant bones of my dragon eagle. Can you hurt this little thing? You are here today, not to discuss whether we want to recapture the Blue Heart City, but let you analyze What is the identity of the three black robes who have destroyed the whistling forces in the Blue Heart City?" The young monk looked at the people and said faintly.

"External King, I have sent people to inquire after the news that the city government of Blue Heart City was destroyed. However, I did not find the traces of these three black robes, indicating that these people have been planning for Blue Heart City for a long time. I have already prepared all the preparations, and will not let us easily get the clues." Huai elders said.

"Well! This king has also sent people to investigate, and indeed did not find the clues of these three black robes. Then you think that these three black robes are most likely to come from?" The outside king nodded and said.

"External King, I said before, this blue heart city may be just a trap. Everyone knows that this Blue Heart City originally belonged to our Dragon Eagle.

However, now that Blue Heart City has an accident, in the eyes of outsiders and Xiaowai, they may suspect that this is what our Dragon Eagle did. This is only known to us, and we have nothing to do with our Dragon Eagle.

Therefore, I think this is someone who deliberately used Blue Heart City to provoke our relationship with Xiaohai to obtain their purpose. "Huai elders said.

Everyone listened to the analysis of the elders of Huai, and they nodded and felt that this is the case today.

"Go ahead!" said the foreign king nodded.

"We are not sure if the overseas overseas dynasty has seen this trap. If they think that this is what our Dragon Eagles do. They may be able to shoot our Dragon Eagle anytime.

Of course, with the strength of our dragon eagle, they must dare to take the shot, the most natural loss is their whistling. However, we can't take it lightly. At least we can't let the latter get cheap.

Judging from the current situation, we are the most suspected of the two foreigners around the two major foreigners. Whether it is a few foreign dynasties adjacent to Xiaohai, or a few foreign dynasties adjacent to our Dragon Eagle, there is such a suspicion.

As long as we fight with Xiaohai, it is natural for these foreigners to make a profit! "Huai elders continue to analyze.

"Well! You said it is reasonable, then the Huai elders think what we have to do now?" asked the foreign king.

"Now we are better to send messengers to the overseas dynasty, telling the truth, let them not act rashly, otherwise they will be counted by others. By then, the loss is not only our dragon eagle, they are also others Prey!" said Huai elder.

"External king, this law is not appropriate!" At this time, the elders stood up and said.

Seeing Huai’s elders talking about it, the head of the analysis is the road. Everyone agrees with his point of view. Even the kings nodded frequently, and his heart was a bit uncomfortable.

Just listening to the analysis of the other side, there is no flaw, although he is not good, but there is no way. But now I heard that I had to send someone to make a fuss, then I felt that the opportunity had come, so I quickly stood up.

"What are the high elders? Why is this law inappropriate?" Jin Han Luohan looked at the elders ~www.ltnovel.com~ asked.

"The outer king! Our dragon eagle outside is more powerful than the overseas dynasty. If we send the messenger to the overseas dynasty, do we weaken the momentum of our dragon eagle?"

In the eyes of outsiders, we thought that our Dragon Eagle was afraid of Xiaohai. Didn't that ruin the reputation of our Dragon Eagle for tens of thousands of years? Said the elders.

The crowd nodded and felt that the elders said it also makes sense. It’s really wrong to send messengers. Can they send messengers to the weak?

"Elderly, do you think that the interests of our Dragon Eagle are not as good as this reputation? If Xiaohai is working with us, then the benefits we lose are our own. Do you think this reputation is important or our interests are important? "Huai elders are dissatisfied."

"Important interests, reputation is more important! People are awesome. Sometimes they only need one sentence. It is even more terrible than a thousand troops. Don't forget the most important point. This time, Blue Heart City fell, but those people are Deliberately did not occupy the blue heart city, it is clear that these people deliberately want to let the overseas overseas squad doubt us!

If we don't send messengers, no one will say anything. But if we send messengers to Xiaohai at this time, others will think that we are summoning to Xiaohai. I didn’t even dare to take it if I captured the Blue Heart City. What makes other foreign dynasties look at our Dragon Eagle?

They will think that our dragon eagle is so timid. Doesn't it make the foreign dynasties around us more daring and arrogant, and use our dragon eagle as a soft persimmon?

Therefore, the foreign king, the analysis of the old man before the Huai elders agree, but this sent the messenger, but never agree. This is not only to let the surrounding foreign princes look down on our dragon eagle, but also to lengthen the ambition of others and destroy the power of our dragon eagle! The elders said loudly.

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