Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2177: Deduction!

After listening to the words of the elders, everyone began to be silent, and even the outer king thought about it for a time. It’s not unreasonable for the elders to say, as he said just now: People are awesome, and sometimes a sentence is even better than a thousand horses.

"Why do the elders think that this should be done? Do we not do anything? If we are screaming at the sea and launching a war against us, who will be responsible for the consequences? Are you elders?" Huai elders looked at them often. The elder said.

"Before you can't figure out the situation, Xiao Hai dares to launch the war easily? You know, they are also facing the situation of our dragon eagle. In addition to our dragon eagle, the foreign dynasty adjacent to them There are also Luo Luo, Zichuan and Tianzang. These foreign dynasties have always been stunned by Xiao Hai.

This Blue Heart City incident may be one of them. If they whispered to us, these three foreign dynasties will certainly take the opportunity to take down the city in Xiaohai.

As long as this Xiaohai is not stupid to this point, it will never be easy to launch a war. Said the elders.

Everyone nodded, and it is true in the current situation. At present, the major foreigners are in a temporary balance. As long as no one breaks this balance, the balance can be maintained.

But if someone breaks the balance, then the result will become, and no one can decide.

"That may not be!"

"Outside the king, the old man thinks that this matter will either take down the blue heart city in one fell swoop, or temporarily wait and see what happens!" Chang Chang continued.

"How do you feel?" Jin Han Luo Han looked at the crowd and asked.

"External King, I think the opportunity is rare. Since the rushing overseas is not necessarily daring to launch a war, then why don't we take this opportunity to recapture the Blue Heart City, which can also increase our momentum for the Dragon Eagle." One of the elders stood up and said.

"External King, I think we should still wait and see." At present, no one knows who the Blue Heart City is. In the event of rashly regaining the Blue Heart City, perhaps the latter is in the middle of the game, so we should not recover it for the time being. Blue Heart City!"

For a time, everyone expressed their opinions, others thought that they should regain the blue heart city, while others thought that it would be safer to wait and see!

"Okay! I understand what you mean, and you have nothing wrong with your statement. However, there is indeed too much doubt in the matter of Blue Heart City.

Regardless of who the latter is, their purpose is to hope that we will fight against Xiaohai. If our Dragon Eagle has not moved, then Blue Heart City will return to the overseas dynasty. So for those who are the latter, this is equivalent to their plan failure.

I think this plan should not be their only plan. If this plan fails, they may have other actions. So for the time being, we should wait and see what happens to these people! "The golden body of Rohan interrupted the discussion of the people and directly decided to go."

"Wang Wang Mingming!" Although those who think that they should recapture the Blue Heart City still feel a little uncomfortable, but the foreign kings have already spoken, and they have no way, everyone is holding a fist.


The time passed quickly, the influence of Blue Heart City seems to have slowly disappeared, and now everyone is slowly getting used to the new city name of Yucheng.

The Xiaowai Overseas Dynasty also sent a strongman to the town of Yucheng. It is said that this time a total of five masters of the robbery period came. The strength of the dynasty is so hidden, it is not something that outsiders can know, so knowing this news, it is also between a few foreign dynasties.

Cheng Yu was disappointed in seeing things calm down. These guys are too cautious, and a Blue Heart City has not let these guys fight.

However, even if they do not have an infighting, but at least he has been removed from the three robbery period, this is also a good news.

If other monks can rely on resources to cultivate, then the master of the robbery period can not be cultivated with resources.

Although everyone feels that after the Mahayana period, they are close to the robbery period or even the fairy world, but this is not the case. Not every Mahayana has a chance to rob.

Because each person's talent is different, some people have reached the late Mahayana, but his talent is not enough, and he has never been recognized by the heavens. Therefore, even if he achieves the great perfection in the later period of Mahayana, he will never be able to drop the catastrophe.

Moreover, even if it is really a catastrophe, it is not everyone who can successfully survive the robbery.

Everyone only knows how to rob, but I don’t know how many geniuses have been left under the catastrophe? Even if it is not dead under the robbing of the sky, it will only become a scented singer, and the difference between the catastrophe and the robbery period is too great.

Therefore, it is rare to be able to successfully rob the robbery.

Although this dynasty may have existed for tens of thousands of years, and accumulated a large number of late monks in the Mahayana, Cheng Yu can be sure that there are not many who can truly successfully rob.

Moreover, after successful robbery, it will face the ascendant fairyland ~www.ltnovel.com~ So even if it is a dynasty, there is no way to do this.

However, on the other hand, the dynasty has accumulated a lot after all, even if this number is too small relative to the number of dynasties, but for any force or martial art in the world, the number of this robbery period must be scary to everyone.

Cheng Yu didn't know if the dynasty had the ability to have 20,000 masters of the robbery period, but he was not sure that the other party did not have this number, and the period may be more than this.

However, at least in the case of Cheng Yu, now that he has killed a robbery period, it is really one less. After all, the period of robbery is not like other realms.

Therefore, although this time the plan did not meet expectations, it was able to sample three periods of robbery, which is also a victory.

Anyway, Cheng Yu knows that the road ahead is still very long. He does not believe that the dynasty of the dynasty can not kill. Moreover, killing a robbery period is very fast, but there is a period of robbery, but it takes hundreds of thousands of years.

Therefore, Cheng Yu’s consumption is so great that he can slowly consume it with their dynasty.

However, although this time they were not fooled, Cheng Yu believes that at this moment, the screaming overseas pilgrimage is definitely not to believe in the various foreign pilgrimages around, and there are doubts.

Then he should consider a new plan, it is best to be able to force them to whisper overseas toward other dynasties.

However, this time, it is most appropriate to choose which foreign dynasty to choose. This makes Cheng Yu embarrassed. He must make a good deduction.

At the same time, it is an absolute secret to leave their identity, and they must not be allowed to discover them. In addition, the twenty-one robbery periods can not occur at the same time. Otherwise, then all the foreigners will be suspected.

After all, there is no one outside the daring to send so many robbing masters to provoke another dynasty!

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