Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2179: Is this a calculation?

"Why don't you talk? You can't quite say it on weekdays? Say!" Xiao Wang Wang vented for a while, but the people below saw their eyes low and their anger was even stronger.

These people who are present should be his assistants, and let him better manage the whole foreign dynasty. However, these guys seem to be very powerful on weekdays, but every time they are at a critical moment, they are all stunned.

These three black robes are too much, and it is simply that they are screaming overseas and no one is there. Previously captured the Blue Heart City, but now it has captured Luoshui City.

The most annoying thing is that if they capture the Blue Heart City and Luoshui City, they will directly occupy the two cities. However, these guys only kill people. When they are finished, they leave directly. It seems that there is no meaning of occupying the city. It is really hateful!

Like the previous one, they did not have a master to escape, and the two masters of the robbery in Los Angeles were eliminated. In the past few months, they have lost five masters of the robbery.

During the five periods of catastrophe, it took a lot of resources to make them accomplish what they are today. But now that killing is killed, I don’t even know what the enemy looks like.

However, the more the Wang Wang is angry, the more people dare not open their mouths. Whoever is the first bird, it is to find fault.


It was at this time that a sudden sound came from outside the hall.

"Come in!" Xiao Wang said, anger and loudly.

Everyone who was shocked by the sound had his ears broken, his heart trembled, and his neck narrowed.

At this time, after a disciple of the fit period came in, he saw the outside king sullen face, while the others all looked like a wrong person. There was a strange atmosphere in the hall. He suddenly had a bad atmosphere and even the atmosphere. I dare not go out, and trembled in front of the king outside.

"Outside the king, there are disciples in the middle of the DPRK who have heard the whereabouts of the three black robes!" The disciple of this fit period said carefully.

"Good! Say! Where did they go?" Hearing the news, the old-fashioned screaming overseas king suddenly heard the best news he had heard these days.

These three black robes are really hateful. He has already had a care in his heart. Just let them find these three black robes, and he must let these three black robes die without a place to die.

"After being destroyed in Luoshuicheng, these people disappeared without a trace. But my disciples unexpectedly found them in the territory of the Moluo dynasty, so they followed.

However, after they had been twirling several times in the territory of the Moluo, they finally sneaked into the territory of the Dragon Eagle Dynasty.

Just because the strength of those people is too strong, the disciple did not dare to be too close, and finally let him lose it! However, according to the disciple, he was not far from the place where the dragon eagle was outside! "The disciple of the fit phase said.

‘“Dragon Eagle!” I heard that the three black robes finally entered the site of the Dragon Eagle, and not far from the Dragon Eagle resident, the face of Xiao Wang’s king was even more embarrassing.

He seemed to see himself falling into a trap from the beginning. It turned out that this black robe was actually from the Longying outside. In this way, he can be sure that the things in the blue heart city were really deliberate.

And the reason why they can disappear after the siege, but also must return to the Dragon Eagle, so they can not find.

After all, in the scope of the Dragon Eagle's sphere of influence, no one can have such a great power except for the Longying outside, which hides the news of these people so thoroughly.

This time it is obviously because the location of Luoshuicheng is between Mo Luo and Xiao Hai. They have no way to return directly to the Dragon Eagle. They must first return to the Ronaldo to return to the Dragon Eagle.

It is for this reason that their people discovered these guys.

"External king, this dragon eagle is really hateful, even with us want to swear. Before attacking the blue heart city, deliberately retreat, do not occupy the blue heart city, let us think that this thing is not what they do.

Nowadays, it is even more devastating to destroy Luoshuicheng. This is clearly deliberately causing our suspicion of Mo Luo, and even wanting to cause us to fight with Mo Luo, this dragon eagle is awkward! After the elder Tan heard the news again, he finally made his voice for the first time, and his face was full of resentment.

"Yeah! Outside the king, this dragon eagle is really hateful. When we snatched the blue heart city from their hands, they have been resentful. But now, they deliberately attack and do not occupy, this is not just Insulting us to scream overseas, and still consume the strength of our Xiaohai!" Another Lin elder also followed the path of Tan.

"Yes! This Blue Heart City was originally their Dragon Eagle. They should dream of taking back the Blue Heart City. But they are attacking and not occupying it. This is too unreasonable. With my understanding of the Dragon Eagle, Even if this is really not done by the Dragon Eagle, they see that our power in the Blue Heart City has been destroyed, and they will also come out to occupy the Blue Heart City in the first time. It is ~www.ltnovel.com~ But the fact This is not the case. This shows that the Dragon Eagle itself has problems. They want to elute and attack the Blue Heart City. The more so, the more there is no silver in this place!"

At the same time, several other elders also expressed their dissatisfaction with the Dragon Eagle.

Instead, Elder Li stood silent and stood by, seemingly looking at it all with cold eyes!

"Elder Li, what do you think of this matter?" Xiao Wang Wang looked at the expression of everyone below and saw that Elder Li was silent, so he asked curiously.

"External king, I think this is a scam!" Elder Li thought about it.

In fact, he has already seen it, even the outside king has identified these two things as the Dragon Eagle. However, although he also thinks that this may be the case, he always feels a bit strange.

"Oh? Elder Li said to see, where did this scam come from?" Tan Chang Lao looked at Li Changzuo and sneered.

When the last incident of the Blue Heart City, he thought that this was done by the Dragon Eagle. Now that he has such a clue, he is more certain that this is what the Dragon Eagle has done, otherwise it will never be so coincidental.

Everyone else looked at Li Elder with curiosity, and even the Xiaowang Wang showed curiosity.

"I think this may be a calculation. The real murderer is not a dragon eagle, maybe there are others." Elder Li did not have enough evidence to prove his thoughts. He just felt a little uneasy in his heart, so It will be speculated.

"What is the calculation? You mean, this may be the attack of Luoshuicheng, it is probably the magic Luo outside to yourself?" Wang looked at the elder Li.

"Is it true that I don't dare to say it, but I don't think it is too coincidental? Why do these people let our people discover it?" said Elder Li.

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