Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2180: Fight the war!

"Elder Li, your imagination is really rich. If you can't prove that it is a dragon eagle, then you can only ask for the evidence of the devil." Tan long stood on the side and sneered.

He didn't think that this would be a calculation. The matter was already very clear. This is what Long Ying did, but this time there was an accident, which was discovered by their people.

"I have already said it before. I just suspected it. Moreover, I did not say that this matter must be done by Mo Luo, or it may be Zichuan or Tianzang. They all have such suspicions!" Li Chang is somewhat dissatisfied. Said.

"External King, I think this matter is already clear. As the elders just said, the Blue Heart City was originally taken from the Dragon Eagle.

Coupled with the unique geographical location of the Blue Heart City, it can be said that the Dragon Eagle wants to recapture the Blue Heart City than anyone else. In this way, the Dragon Eagle will not be completely exposed to our screaming sea.

If the Dragon Eagle has the opportunity to take away the Blue Heart City, then even if the murderer of the city is the Ronaldo, they will not be able to give up this great opportunity, and they will inevitably send masters to occupy the Blue Heart City. In this case, we will occupy The initiative.

Everyone knows that they are not good people with dragon eagle. If they are cheap, will they not take it?

But today's situation is exactly the opposite. They didn't even send people to occupy the Blue Heart City. This is equivalent to handing over the Blue Heart City to us.

why? Because they are very clear, if they really occupy the blue heart city, then things are already very obvious, we must have a battle with Xiaohai. In this case, the results can be imagined, the few foreign priests who will look at the dragon eagle will not turn a blind eye, and even take the opportunity to attack the perimeter of the dragon eagle and win more of their city.

Therefore, they chose this way, and they deliberately attacked the Blue Heart City but did not occupy the Blue Heart City. Let us Xiaohai suddenly understand the situation and suspect all the foreigners together. However, for the Dragon Eagle to see such a big pie, this will make us stunned to relax the Dragon Eagle's vigilance, thinking that this is not their Dragon Eagle.

Because they just want to tell us that we don’t even want a big pie like Blue Heart City. How can we start to scream at you?

Now, they deliberately started to go to Luoshuicheng between Luoluo and our Xiaohai, let us doubt the murderer of the former Blue Heart City to the Luo Luo, this is to divert our attention.

If we can fight with Ronaldo, they will laugh when they dream. At that time, they can copy the practice of our year. When we fight with Mo Luo, they can easily retrieve the Blue Heart City without worrying about being attacked by other foreigners.

At the same time, we Xiaohai used all the energy to deal with the magic Luo, even if the Dragon Eagle took the Blue Heart City away, we simply did not care about this Blue Heart City. When we reacted, the battle with Ronaldo ended. At that time, we had already been badly hurt. Is there still power to compete with the Dragon Eagle for Blue Heart City?

However, they have thousands of dragon eagle, but they have not counted our people will unintentionally find those three black robes. Therefore, the external king, the dragon eagle’s intention is already very obvious. This matter is clearly the trap that the dragon eagle gives us. It is really true that the target is transferred to the demon or some other foreign dynasty. On the dragon eagle! "Tan Chang’s mouth is hanging, and the words are plausible.

Everyone listened and nodded, because Tan’s analysis was well-founded, and it was related to the balance between several of them.

Therefore, before the real murderer is determined, he must not act rashly, or else the whole foreign dynasty may be in ruins.

When Elder Li heard the analysis of Tan’s elders, he saw that everyone agreed with Tan’s words, but he was helpless. He sighed and no longer argued.

In fact, Tan’s words are very reasonable, but the current situation is really elusive. Perhaps according to Tan’s thoughts, there is nothing wrong with the people, but in turn, this may be the same as that of Luo Luo or several other foreign dynasties.

They used this method to make them mistakenly think that the murderer is the dragon eagle, and they are sitting on the side of the profit, so his heart is uneasy.

He looked at the overseas king, and he knew very well that they couldn't count any more arguments. Finally, I still have to look at how the foreign king chooses.

At this time, Xiao Wang was also sitting on the face with a dignified look. He looked serious and said nothing. Everyone calmed down and waited for the answer from the outside king.

"Tan elder, if this murderer is really a dragon eagle, can we play against the dragon eagle?" Xiao Wang Wang finally put his gaze on the elder Tan.

"External King, I think I can fight, as I said earlier, if we fight with the Dragon Eagle, then a few foreign dynasties adjacent to the Dragon Eagle will take the opportunity to collect the dragon eagle's city. By that time, the Dragon Eagle will be enemies on all sides. It must be defeated!" Tan long heard the words of the foreign king, and his heart was overjoyed. This meant that the foreign king had already believed his words, so he said with confidence.

"External king, the situation is unknown at this time, we must not fight!" Li Changsong heard that his most worrying thing is going to happen, and quickly stopped the road ~www.ltnovel.com~ Although the analysis of Tan’s elders is very good The reason is even very likely, but now, no matter who the murderer is, they are not suitable for the war.

Because once the war started, it was not only the balance of the dragon eagle as the center circle, but also the balance of their whistling sea as the center circle.

"Elder Li, what do you think?" Xiao Wang Wang naturally knows that the war can be big or small. If he has not thought through it, he will not easily go to war.

However, the three black robes attacked him on the ground in the past, which made him very angry. If this situation cannot be stopped, it will be continued in the future.

Therefore, even if the murderer is really not a dragon eagle, he will use war to deter those who are hiding behind the scenes and let them know that although their strength in Xiaohai is not very strong, it is not something that others want to pinch.

"Outside the king, once the war is opened, the final result must be both defeated. Although we attacked the dragon eagle, the foreign eagle around the dragon eagle will take the opportunity to plunder the dragon eagle. Similarly, the outer dynasties around us will also squat. When we fought the Dragon Eagle, we plundered our territory.

Therefore, once we have started this war with the Dragon Eagle, no matter what the outcome, we are not worth the loss! Li Chang said with an anxious look.

"Women's benevolence, we are fighting in war. If we have not dared to go to war now, how will the other foreign dynasties look at us? And if we do not act now, then we will have More cities have been attacked, and by then, the loss is still our whistling.

Elder Li, you have to know that we have lost five elders in the robbery period. Do we have to continue to endure and let more elders fall? Tan long said loudly.

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