Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2186: The plan has changed!

In the following days, Cheng Yu often appeared on the border of the Dragon Eagle, and as time passed, the dragon eagle's borders were more and more masters.

The mission of Huai elders was not successful, because Xiaohai was ready to go to the Dragon Eagle. Moreover, they have already made contact with the various foreign dynasties around the Dragon Eagle. They all agreed to attack the Dragon Eagle's border after the whistle of the sea to the Dragon Eagle.

However, what shocked Xiao Hai was that they were extremely concealed in the war against the Dragon Eagle. Except for these foreigners who are connected with them, it is absolutely impossible for outsiders to know about it.

In their view, those foreign dynasties will never tell Long Ying about such important news. Isn't that asking for trouble?

However, in order to let Xiao Hai see the devil's wolf ambition, Huai elders told the news to Xiao Hai. The purpose is to hope that Xiao Hai can understand the situation at this time, and not to be on the demon.

Although Xiao Hai has some doubts about this matter, he does not think that this is impossible. Because they didn't really believe in Ronaldo, but they never thought that this Ronaldinho would tell the Dragon Eagle about this news. What ideas did they play in the magical rota? .

However, they have already defended the Ronaldo, so after the incident in Luoshuicheng, they have already sent a lot of masters to Luoshuicheng.

Believe that if Ronaldo is not stupid, he should not suddenly go to war against them when they fight with Xiaohai.

Therefore, with these calculations, they Xiaohai strongly disagreed with the strike.

Huai elders saw that Xiaohai had already eaten the scales and irons. He had to fight with the Dragon Eagle. His heart was angry and angry, but he still did not leave immediately. He was also prepared to find a way to let Xiaohai stop, so he stayed for a while. Xiaohai resident.

The foreign king naturally could not directly rush to the Huai elders, so he arranged a yard rest for him.

After Huai elders left the main hall, the people of the overseas dynasty once again told the story of the dragon eagle about the news that the devil would start the war.

"Outside the king, this demon Luo did not have a good heart, the front foot just promised us to attack the dragon eagle, but the hind legs sold us, it is hateful!" Tan Chang old said with an angry look.

Because when he first came out to make the Ronaldo, it was up to him to talk to them about the war matters. But now that Ronaldo is behind their hands, it is clear that he is hitting his face, how can he not be angry? How does this let other people present see him?

"External King, I am worried that it is not just a demon Luo. I don't know what other foreign dynasties are playing now. Is it really the same as the agreement we reached earlier when we played for the Dragon Eagle?" Li Changchang stood up and said.

Obviously, such a thing is beyond the expectations of all of them. It is a big event to start a war, and it is not to be sloppy.

If all the foreign dynasties around the Dragon Eagle have been turned down, then whether this war is really going on, then it is really necessary to consider it.

"How is this possible? The reason why Ronaldo betrayed us is obviously because of their special geographical position. Ronaldo is not only bordering the Dragon Eagle, but also bordering us on the sea, so that they can both us and the Dragon Eagle at any time. Profit.

Therefore, Ronaldo is obviously not so kind, deliberately passed such important news to Long Ying. Originally, we went to the Dragon Eagle, and they could easily occupy the city of the Dragon Eagle, which is absolutely unfavorable for them.

But now they are helping the Dragon Eagle in disguise, so if we fight with the Dragon Eagle, then the Dragon Eagle will certainly have some protection against the Ronaldo, which is not a good thing for Ronaldo, then they Why do you still have to do this? "The elder Tan said.

"The reason why they do this is because it can make them have more interests than to occupy the Dragon Eagle with us!" said Elder Li.

"What benefits?" asked the foreign king.

"According to our original plan, we joined forces with foreign and foreign parties, and we suddenly attacked the Dragon Eagle and beat them by surprise. Together with the cooperation of other foreigners, we can certainly get a lot of money in a short time. The interests of the site occupy more dragon eagle.

But now that the Dragon Eagle got the news of the Ronaldo, it is obviously impossible for them to easily win so many cities.

They will inevitably send more masters to the border during this time. If we start the war two months later according to the original plan, our war may be very difficult, and the consumption and loss will definitely be great. of.

As Mo Luo, who can also benefit from Longying and Xiaohai, the more we consume with the Dragonhawk, the more losses we have, and the better it is for them.

If we wait until we consume almost, and Ronaldo will fight us and the Dragon Eagle at the same time, then we and the Dragon Eagle will be in danger! "Elder Li said ~www.ltnovel.com~ It is really possible to say so, they may be the idea of ​​playing. Or else they will never tell Longying about such important news, it is not asking for nothing." What?” Tan’s elders agreed very much at this time.

This devil wolf ambition, he is to hate this guy.

"If this is the case, then it is not very dangerous for us to attack the Dragon Eagle at this time?" Xiao Wang said.

With the strength of Mo Luo, if they deliberately sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, when they both consume a lot of time and then send troops to attack the two foreign dynasties, they will eventually become losers, which is obviously what he does not want to see.

"External king, or we still have to stop the war, the situation is really not suitable for the current situation. At that time, we may be stealing chickens and not eclipsing the rice!" Li Chang said with some concern.

"Our news has been passed on to those foreigners. Can you lose your words? With this time, we will want to cooperate with them again. They are afraid that they will not believe us any more!" The foreign king said with some embarrassment.

In fact, after getting the news of the demon sale, he did not want to fight with the dragon eagle. Although he always wanted to find a chance to fight with the Dragon Eagle, he did not want to be a chess piece.

Only words have already been smashed out, can you lose your words? At that time, all the foreign dynasties will not believe them, that is the greater loss.

"In this case, then we will start the war ahead of time, and then the original plan to start the war will inevitably envelop the devil's trap. And, Ronaldo wants to deal with us, it also takes time to send troops. Moreover, now the Dragon Eagle knows our plan, We must also fight against them when they have not sent more troops. After the shortest time to gain benefits, they will retreat. They can no longer fight the dragon eagle according to the previous plan!" Elder Li thought about it.

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