Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2187: Shocked thoughts!

"War in advance? This is not appropriate. We also need to prepare for ourselves. In our current situation, it is necessary to bring all the disciples together to fight. It will take at least one and a half months. For so long, the Dragon Eagle is afraid that it has already been done. Well prepared for the battle." Xiao Wang Wang thought about it.

When I heard this, everyone was silent. They thought they could launch an unexpected war, but because of the sale of the devil, it was discovered that they themselves are now riding a tiger.

Now they are not playing in the sea, not fighting or not. If they play, they have already prepared for the Dragon Eagle. It is impossible to make another surprise and be caught off guard.

But if they don't fight, they have already contacted the various foreign dynasties around the Dragon Eagle. If this time they lose their trust, they will continue to find them again in the future. Others will not believe them anymore. This is for Xiao Hai. It is not a good thing.

Thinking of this, everyone is really helpless. The original good game of chess was all ruined by the devil.

"I have said that we should not tell the news to the Ronaldo. This is good, Ronaldo betrayed us, let us ride the tiger, the attack is not, the attack is not." Dissatisfied.

Originally, he did not agree with this battle, but the head of Tan’s previous analysis was the road, and Tan’s voluntarily went to Ronaldo to persuade them to stand on the same line as Xiao Hai, and he had nothing to say.

But now that their situation in Xiaohai has become so embarrassing, he naturally wants to take this opportunity to marry Tan.

"Yes, I will inform the Ronaldo about this news, but I did not think that Ronaldo would be so shameless, and there is a set behind the surface. As for why to inform the Ronaldo, everyone is very clear, This is not wrong.

If we suddenly attack the Dragon Eagle but do not ventilate with the Ronaldinho, they will definitely take the opportunity to send troops to us in the sea, of course, I must prevent them from this! "Tan Chang has naturally heard the meaning of Li’s words, and that is clearly aimed at himself.

However, although he was the main battle, but everything was negotiated by everyone, everyone agreed. Even the foreign king agreed to this matter, he naturally has enough confidence.

It was only for the behavior of the devil, he was also very angry, but this is the end of the matter, even if he is angry again, there is nothing to make up.

Now, in the face of such a situation, everyone is really embarrassed.

"Hey! What kind of person is Ronaldo? Everyone has already known that we shouldn’t believe them in the first place!" said Li Chang, angry.

"Well, at this time, there is no point in talking about the problem of Mo Luo. Everyone still wants to deal with the problem at hand!" Xiao Wang Wang stopped everyone's dissatisfaction.

For the devil, he also hates it, but there is no way, who makes people strong? With their current strength in Xiaohai, it is naturally not enough to deal with them.

Therefore, he will want to launch this war. If this war can grab most of the Dragon Eagle’s territory, their strength in the sea will inevitably increase, and then there will be no need to worry about the Ronaldo, or even There is also the power to fight with the magic.

But now they are put together by Ronaldo, and it is obviously impossible to realize their dreams.

"External king, I have an idea that has the best of both worlds. I don't know if it works!" Everyone was silent for a moment, and suddenly a tall and thin old man stood up.

"Xiao elder, what do you think, let's listen, you won't know until you discuss it!" The foreign king nodded to Xiao Elder.

"External King, now several foreign dynasties have already known that we have to attack the Dragon Eagle, and we also told them so. Although the sale of Ronaldo made us ride the tiger now, but this also shows the ambition of Ronaldo.

If we continue to attack the Dragon Eagle again, then we will not be able to get rid of the situation of losing both sides. In the end, we may have to be plundered by Ronaldo.

Therefore, in order for us not to lose faith, this war, we must continue to fight, but our attack is not the Dragon Eagle! When Xiao Xiao Lao said it, he stopped.

Everyone is already thinking about the elders of Xiao. When he heard that he suddenly stopped, he was suddenly curious.

"Xiao elders, who do we not attack the Dragon Eagle?" Several other elders asked very doubtfully.

The foreign king is also looking forward to his face. He also wants to know. If he does not attack the dragon eagle, then who is going to fight around, is it going to attack Zichuan? This time is not suitable for attacking it.

"Magic Luo!" said Xiao Xiaolao.

"Magic?" Everyone was shocked when they heard the words.

With their strength in the sea, how can they dare to attack the devil? Isn't that looking for a dead end?

"One nonsense, the power of the devil is strong, so we can fight against the power of the whistling sea. Once the war is turned on, then we will not be destroyed by the whistle of the sea~www.ltnovel.com~ is also a broken body, At that time, even Longying and Zichuan could not resist. Isn't that self-seeking dead road?" I heard that they want to turn their direction to attack the demon, and Tan elders stood up against it.

Others are because the idea is too crazy, and there is no response at all. It was not until Tan’s rebuttal that everyone was awake.

The idea of ​​Xiao’s elders is indeed too bold. To attack the Luo Luo with the strength of Xiaohai, it is indeed looking for death.

Even the foreign king is a disappointment. I thought that Xiao Chang had any good ideas, but this idea is basically impossible.

If he wants to attack the Ronaldo, he would rather attack the Dragonhawk, even if they have prepared.

"Tan elders, don't worry about it first! It is impossible to attack the demon alone by the strength of our whispering sea. But if someone is attacking the devil with us, then the result may not be that we lost. "Elder Xiao said.

"Someone is attacking the Ronaldo with us? Xiao elder, are you daydreaming? Who do you think is so stupid, do we do such a crazy thing with Xiaohai?" Tan long said disdainfully.

"No? Their people can still whisper in our sea?" Xiao Chang smiled faintly.

"In our Xiaohai? Xiao Elder means..." After Xiao Chang’s reminder, everyone suddenly changed his face and seemed to think of something.

"Yes, it is the Dragon Eagle!" Xiao Chang nodded.

"Jokes, we have to attack the Dragon Eagle before, but now we have to attack the Ronaldo with the Dragon Eagle. They are afraid that they are not so stupid!" Tan Elder was shocked by the thoughts of Xiao Chang, but he did not believe in the Dragon Eagle. Will be willing to make silly with them in the sea, to take this risk to attack the devil!

"Why not? You must know that now we are the key to Xiaohai." Xiao Chang said with confidence!

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