Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2198: The sorrow of the family!

For Cheng Yu, it was for the war between the overseas dynasty and the dragon eagle. Now that the wars in the two dynasties have finally erupted, Cheng Yu’s heart is full of joy.

In the days when these foreigners went around for a few months, he waited for this day. He not only wants to see these foreign gangs kill each other, but also to see how strong these foreign dynasties have.

The three-day time was not really a problem for Cheng Yu. In the process of going to Qingmu City, I saw that many people and even monks were fleeing in the direction behind him.

However, like Cheng Yu, there are also a few monks who know that there is a war in the front. After all, the facts of the monks passing through are too many. Although this kind of large-scale war is terrible, for a truly powerful master, there is not much difference between a large-scale war and a small-scale war.

When Cheng Yu rushed to Qingmu City, he heard the huge banging sound outside the city of Aoki. The sound was like a catastrophe. It was really scary for the people of Aoki Castle.

However, Cheng Yu is quite excited because he has come to this world and has not seen a large-scale war of monks. This is the first monk war he saw, naturally it was a heart-warming.

Yucheng is in the east of Qingmu City, so the masters of Yucheng are naturally attacked from the east. Therefore, this war broke out outside the East Gate of Qingmu City.

Cheng Yu came from Yucheng, north of Qingmucheng, so he had to enter the city from the north gate of Qingmucheng. It’s just that there is a war in Qingmu City, and it’s easy to go out of town, but it’s more troublesome to enter the city.

Because the city owners of Aoki Castle are also worried about the traitors in the city, they need to check it out.

In order to avoid trouble, Cheng Yu changed his face again, and then said that he was a member of Qingmu City. He came here to contribute to Qingmu City. At the same time, he gave the city gatekeeper a bag of Lingshi, and was put into the city.

Entering the city, the city is not as confusing as it was imagined. In three days, the one who wants to escape has already escaped, but the one who does not escape is the one who firmly believes that this Qingmu City will not be broken.

Nowadays, the East Gate has been strictly guarded by the city government. No one except the soldiers of Aoki Castle can approach the East Gate.

Therefore, it is basically impossible for Cheng Yu to go to the battlefield to watch the war. This makes Cheng Yu very disappointed.

However, when Cheng Yu was disappointed, he saw that a large number of recruiting soldiers were in the city of Aoki. Any monk who had completed the construction of the foundation could become a soldier.

Although Cheng Yu does not really want to become a soldier in Qingmu City, in order to understand how this battle between the overseas dynasty and the Longying dynasty, he must enter the battlefield to see.

So he went to the conscription department to sign up and became a soldier. Although he changed his face, his realm is still in the late stage.

This kind of strength is also considered to be a powerful figure among the recruiters. After all, it is a true master in the realm of cultivation after reaching the fit period.

Although the fit period is not as good as the Mahayana period, the strength of the fit period is considered to be a master in the battlefield. It is impossible for all people to be a Mahayana period, or else, this Mahayana period is too worthless.

What's more, the masters of the Mahayana period are the masters of the two sides, and they will appear in the battlefield. Therefore, the most common occurrence on the battlefield is the fit period.

Because the strength of the fit period is already very strong, as long as the Mahayana period does not come out, it can basically complete the overwhelming power on the battlefield.

When Cheng Yu was sent to the battlefield with all the newly recruited soldiers, he saw the end of the two Yuan Ying’s monks, and the Yuan Ying period monk on the Yucheng side seemed to be seriously injured. The Yuan Ying period monk suffered some injuries, but it seems to be in good condition.

Seeing that the war was such a single fight, this made Cheng Yu suddenly disappointed. He came here to see the large-scale battle between them on both sides, but it is not to see the fight.

If you follow this kind of fighting style, then the battle will be a year, and it is impossible to let them both consume.

"The Lord of the City, is the strength of your family just that? You really don't know how your family became the city owner of the Blue Heart City. It seems that you really have no talent in the city. If so, I think you are still early. Return to Yucheng, or wait until we counterattack the city, you are afraid that even the people who defend the city are gone!" Qinghai City's city owner Qinghai looked at the opposite camp and shouted.

The hurricane heard the scream of the other party, and his face was blue. Thinking of this attack on Aoki Castle, he also has a hard time to say.

They have just won the position of the city owner of the Blue Heart City. The masters who lost in the battle of the city have not yet come and added, and they have received orders from the forces behind them to attack Aoki Castle.

It can be said that they are one hundred unwilling to go home ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ but now they are home to the city of the city. He did not dare not obey this order, even if there are thousands of unwilling, he must also send his own home to attack Aoki Castle.

Of course, this time attacking Aoki Castle is not entirely dependent on them. The squad overseas also sent soldiers, but they wanted to make the city a shield.

It has been three days since the war started in Aoki Castle. They have also carried out small-scale battles and both sides have suffered losses. It’s just that their family’s losses are even greater.

In order to avoid losses, they began to fight alone, and their family has lost a lot of strength in this war.

He really didn't want to go on any more. He didn't even understand the significance of their war. These dead homes will be cultivated by their family members who have spent a lot of resources, or they will be recruited with a lot of resources.

Now they watched them fight like this, his heart was bleeding, and the other's Aoki Castle was different. Their youth was deeply rooted in Aoki Castle.

In addition, they did not have the power to change before the Qingmu City, nor did they change through the position of the city. The strength of their youth was fully demonstrated in this war.

At this point, the hurricane has already regretted coming to the Blue Heart City. If it was not for the family to have a better future, it would be better to go to the Blue Heart City to compete for the position of the city owner.

Now it’s good, the position of the city owner is won, but no one has thought that it’s only been more than two months since they left their home in the city of Blue Heart.

And his hurricane has just been sitting for two months as the seat of the city, this kind of pleasure in holding the city's power is only two months, he originally thought that their good days have begun.

However, he never imagined that this good day has just begun to seem to be over!

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