Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2199: Go up the road!

"Ha ha ha ha!" When I heard the Qinghai city master Qinghai, all the soldiers in Aoki Castle suddenly gave an ironic smile, which made the face of the hurricane more ugly.

"Zhou Daren, this Qinghai bully me too much, I also asked Zhou Daren to help me out of this bad smell. When the war is over, I will definitely thank the adults!" Hurricane bite his teeth and said to a blue robe old man around him.

This old man named Zhou Ping is a master of the Mahayana period.

In the past, they were not the city owners. Although they knew through the various relationships that there was indeed a mysterious force behind the city government, they never knew what kind of power it was.

Now, they have become the family members of Yucheng. As the city owner of Yucheng, he is naturally a person who needs to contact this power. It is from this time that he knows that the power behind him is called Xiaowai.

This week, Zhou Ping is the presiding war sent by the overseas dynasty. However, what makes the hurricane uncomfortable is that this guy simply did not let the people who whispered the sea go to war with the people in Aoki Castle, but let them The people of the family go to battle.

Although he was very dissatisfied, he did not say that the strength of the overseas dynasty, but Zhou Ping, such a master of the future, has already made him very scared.

Therefore, they ate a big loss at home, but they could only swallow in their stomachs.

Now they have lost a lot of times, even being ridiculed by Aoki Castle. He has no way. The masters who have come to pay high prices have been reluctant to play again.

For those who are home, they are willing to assist their family because they need resources to practice. But this does not mean that they can really take their lives for this resource.

Several families have been killed by the masters of Aoki Castle. These people are already a little bit afraid. Now facing the provocation of Aoki Castle, there is no way for the hurricane. I can only ask Zhou Ping to let them send their own people.

If they let them go home again, even if they are at the end of the war, they will not have the ability to preside over the overall situation of Yucheng.

Therefore, he can only use resources to exchange his family's status in Yucheng, and let Zhou Ping change himself.

"Don't be anxious, the foreign minister has already made a decision on this war. We still don't want to destroy the plan of the DPRK. Otherwise, we can't eat it all!" Zhou Ping faintly carrying his hands and watching. The people on the other side of Aoki Castle are constantly provocative, but they are completely indifferent.

"Zhou Daren, why is this? The master brought by Zhou Daren is like a cloud. If the adults are willing to take it out, it would be a breeze to take down the Aoki Castle. Take the great credit of Aoki Castle, and then the Queen will return to the DPRK. Isn't it good to reward?" The hurricane is very puzzled by Zhou Ping's approach.

In his view, if Zhou Ping is willing to take the shot, they will not be like this, the masters will fold one by one, and they will have already hit this Aoki Castle.

He does not seem to be in the war now, but instead seems to come to observe, the hurricane is anxious.

"If you want to stay in Yucheng, you shouldn't know something. You better not ask, otherwise, the consequences are more serious than you think." Zhou Ping's face suddenly became cold and looked The hurricane said coldly.

When I heard Zhou Ping’s warning, the hurricane was shocked and suddenly became afraid. She quickly said, “Yes! The wind is wrong!”

He didn't know about this overseas dynasty. So far, he only knows such a name. However, from the people sent by this Xiaohai, the strength of this foreign dynasty is not what he can imagine.

After all, in the late Mahayana, they can't afford to raise their homes, and there are not so many resources to supply them.

However, for this mysterious overseas dynasty, the late Mahayana, which is rare, seems to be able to send a bunch of them casually.

This is enough to see the terrible thing about this overseas dynasty.

He is now just a city owner, and many things are still unknown. In the past, after he became a city owner, his family would receive unparalleled glory and more power.

However, after this time became the city owner of Yucheng, what he felt was not the case. Before he won the battle of the forces of all parties, he won the position of the city owner.

At that time, the people of the foreign dynasty came to congratulate him and took the gift from the foreign dynasty. He feels that he seems to have been recognized by the forces behind him, and he will be in the future.

However, after that glory, he discovered that in the eyes of this foreign dynasty, a city owner is really nothing. So no matter who won the battle in the city, there is no meaning for the foreign dynasty.

All they need is an obedient city manager.

Just like now, for this war, he is inexplicable~www.ltnovel.com~ He doesn’t know why he is going to fight in Qingmucheng. He doesn’t know that Zhou Pingming has so many masters, why he doesn’t attack Aoki Castle. It seems that the war is so deadly, which makes him really puzzled.

"Yucheng Lord, you can rest assured that since you are now the city owner of Yucheng, as long as you have not betrayed our foreign dynasty, your position in Yucheng will not be easily replaced.

Although these days have caused you to lose some people, but this is also your contribution to the foreign dynasty, when the outside world will reward you!

As long as there are resources, what are the few Yuan Yingshi monks? By then, there will naturally be more masters to sell your life for you! Zhou Ping saw the hurricane's cautious appearance, his face faint smile, and looked at the other side with a gentle look.

If you want these city owners to be loyal to the foreign dynasty, you have to give a stick and give you a sweet date. Let them understand that as long as they follow the foreign dynasty, they have a lot of benefits.

“Thank you for reminding Zhou Daren, and also asking Zhou Daren to return to the foreign dynasty for a few words to the outside of Wang Meiyan. He must be grateful!” There was a hurricane that was somewhat disappointing to the position of the city owner. He heard Zhou Ping’s words. Suddenly, there was a passion.

So in the pleasing words, I unwittingly took out a jade bag and placed it on Zhou Ping’s hand. Zhou Ping quietly took the jade bag, and the gods looked inside and checked the jade bag directly into the storage bag.

The smile on his face was deep. When he saw the hurricane on the road, he was the master of the foreign dynasty who defended the city. He often had to deal with him often. The people who went on the road were more convenient.

"The city of the city is relieved, your loyal Zhou has long been in your eyes, I will tell the truth to the king. I believe that your family will only get better and better in the city!" Zhou Ping said with a smile, it is given A hurricane a reassurance!

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