Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2207: Angry Zhou Ping!

"This......." Whether it is Aoki Castle or Yucheng, I saw that Cheng Yu was injured, but he ran to Aoki Castle very much. Everyone was suddenly paralyzed.

"Isn't that dead? Is his life too big?"

"Haha, this is a bad city, and I didn't kill him in the late Mahayana!"

"Brother is too bully, you are a hero!" Just after everyone reacted, there was a thrilling cheer on the side of Aoki Castle.

Although Cheng Yu was defeated, he escaped from the hands of a later Mahayana, and before that, Cheng Yu also killed a peak of the same level of late stage, this battle is undoubtedly Cheng Yu is The ultimate winner.

Even if Zhou Ping finally shot, he successfully hit Cheng Yu, he is also a complete loser.

Zhou Ping's face was twitching, his face was extremely ugly, he was fooled, and he was actually played by a fit later.

Cheng Yu naturally does not really want to beat him with a punch, but it is only a strategy that Cheng Yu wants to use his escape. However, what he could not believe is that when he was opposite to Cheng Yu, he felt an incredible power.

This is also the reason why Cheng Yu used him but was able to escape. If you change someone else, even if you want to use him, you must be able to take his fist.

Originally, I wanted to pursue it again, but I saw that Cheng Yu had already escaped to Aoki Castle. He knew that he had no chance to kill the kid again.

Cheng Yu sneered in his heart, although in the eyes of outsiders he spit so much blood, and it seems that the injury is very heavy. But he is very clear about himself, this is just a play for these people to watch.

He can't really fight with the masters of the Mahayana late, it will only expose himself. Now that I was hurt by a boxing, I escaped. Even if others doubted it, there would be no more evidence.

"Brother, you are too cow, my admiration for you is like a river..."

"Brother, how did you do it, even after taking the master of the Mahayana, you can survive."

When Cheng Yuyi returned to Qingmu City, it was a very glorious glory. Everyone regarded him as a hero. After all, I can survive the next master of the Mahayana, and in all people's eyes, it is enough for him to be proud.

"Haha! Brothers have won the prize, but luckily! Oh!" Cheng Yu smiled, but suddenly a blood spurted out of the chest, and it fainted directly.

This time it was really not pretended by Cheng Yu, but it was really squirting blood.

Because he can't show his strength, he can only show the strength of a late fit. Even if the last shot of Zhou Ping's punch seems to have exceeded the late stage of the fit, it is far weaker than the later stage. .

If it is only a little weaker than the late Mahayana, it can easily lead to doubts from others. Therefore, he was really injured, but the injury was not as serious as he thought.

With the successful escape of Cheng Yu, this siege war in Yucheng is also over. Although Hurricane and Zhou Ping know that this siege is just acting, but for others, this is indeed a real war.

Therefore, at this time, the people in the Yucheng camp have already reached the extreme, and they can’t wait to launch a siege war against Qingmucheng.

However, at this time, Zhou Ping is also angry, but he must focus on the overall situation. He dared to launch a real attack on Aoki Castle because of the death of Qi Fei.

If it was because of him that the real war broke out with the eagle, it would be a great disaster.

"Zhou Daren!" The hurricane saw Zhou Ping's face, and the death of Qi Fei, the heart was timid, and asked cautiously.

"From now on, every two hours will launch a siege war against Aoki Castle!" Zhou Ping said coldly.

Although he did not dare to launch a real war against Aoki Castle, the small-scale siege war has nothing to do with it. If Aoki Castle couldn't stand their provocation, then it would not be a mistake to make a big fight.

After all, when the foreign king also said that they would not really attack the dragon eagle, but this play is for other foreign dynasties, especially the magical dynasty, so this time with the dragon eagle The acting must be true.

These days, they have been making small noises. If they don’t come again, the spies of the Ronaldinho’s foreign dynasty will find out, and they are afraid to see the flaws.

In this case, they will continue to launch the siege war, and it will be a temporary suffocation for Qi.

You know, even a small-scale siege warfare will be dead. Therefore, as long as they continue to launch the siege war, then Aoki Castle will suffer heavy losses.

"Ah? Six times to launch a siege war? But Zhou Daren, you are not saying..." Before the hurricane, I got some information from Zhou Pingkou. They were just playing the opposite side of Aoki Castle. play.

But now Zhou Ping is about to launch a siege war every six hours~www.ltnovel.com~ Is this still acting?

"Let you do it, if you think you can't do the city of the city, then I will find someone else to do it!" Zhou Ping angered.

"Adult, I don't mean this. I mean that such a frequent attack on the siege also requires manpower, and there are not so many people in my family who can support such a frequent siege war. You see if it is... .. "The wind is tight, and I look worried.

The siege war is small, but even if it is a small siege war, they also need people. This is about to launch a siege war every six hours. Even if they count the old and the young, they can't send so many people anymore.

"You can rest assured that from now on, I will hand over a part of my people to you. You will arrange a good man to attack the city when you arrive!" Zhou Ping said faintly.

He is now really hating the Aoki Castle. This is his right-hand man, and he is like a teacher and apprentice. In the overseas dynasty, he used a lot of resources to cultivate Qi Fei, but he actually died in Qingmu City, this hatred, he will not be so.

"Adult, I understand!" Hurricane knows that Zhou Ping has been overwhelmed by hatred at this time, and he wants to persuade it is useless.

But since he is willing to provide enough people, he does not matter. It’s just that he is a little worried, and Zhou Ping’s doing this will not break the big things of the foreign dynasty.

He shook his head, but his heart was helpless. Who made him a small city owner? Even if it is really bad, it is not his business.

What he has to do is to do what Zhou Ping said, and when it is time to happen, it is also Zhou Ping’s business. After all, although he knows that the war with Aoki Castle is fake now, but he has no plans for the outside, he still knows nothing!

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