Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2208: Unyielding!

"Kill it!..."

"Kill me! Everyone kills me!..."

Just six hours after Cheng Yu fainted, it was the late night ugly, but at this time, outside the city of Aoki, there was a sound of shouting.

"What happened? The people in Yucheng killed again?"

"No, they didn't fail to attack the city? Are they dare to come?"

In addition to the soldiers patrolling in the middle of the night, the rest of the soldiers who heard the sensation outside the city were shocked and their faces were full of doubts.

Although I don't want to believe it, the shouting sound outside the city is so big that it is impossible for them not to believe.

"It’s really awful to scream at the overseas pilates. I just ate a loss and even dared to attack my Aoki Castle." Qinghai received a report from the next person, and said with anger.

In his view, although this accident of Cheng Yu caused the city to suffer a dark loss, they had already reached an agreement with the overseas dynasty and the overseas dynasty. This is a play, even in acting. It is normal for some people to lose in the process.

Therefore, he feels that this kind of thing can be done. However, I did not expect that this overseas dynasty was so abominable, and this night in the middle of the night it was going to attack the city.

Although they knew that they could not really break through the city, they also had to guard against it. Moreover, if it is not handled well, even if they just pretend to attack the city, they will die a lot.

In view of this, Qinghai had to appear again on the East Gate Tower of Qingmu City.

"Qingfeng, what is the situation?" came to the tower and saw that the people on the side of the city were really siege, and many of the defenders of the Castle City were killed, which made his face look ugly.

"The city owner, the situation is not very good. There are many masters of the Yuan Ying period and the distraction period among the soldiers in the city. We have already lost a lot of people. If they continue to attack like this, we are afraid of Aoki Castle. It’s really going to be broken by them.” Qing Feng’s face is not very good-looking, and he also feels a sense of crisis.

However, he did not know what happened between the overseas dynasty and the dragon eagle, so he did not know that this was just a scene. Because whether it is a play or not, these soldiers killed by the people of Yucheng are genuine.

Therefore, Qinghai is telling him that this is just a play. He is afraid that he may not believe. After all, this city of Yucheng is really embarrassing this time, and the strength of the soldiers is obviously not just the people of the family.

Because the family has been damaged by these days, they cannot have so many elite soldiers.

"This city is really abhorrent!" Qinghai's face was even more ugly when he heard the report from Qingfeng.

Now even he has some doubts that this time the city is really pretending to attack the city? Do they want to tear up the covenant? Turned to attacking their dragon eagle?

"You, hurry to Xiying to find the elders of Qin, said that Yucheng sent a large number of masters to attack the city, we suffered heavy losses, and asked them to send a master to support!" Qinghai said to a guard near him.

The Guardian arched his hand and disappeared into the night sky.

Looking at the constant death of soldiers, Qinghai's heart is bleeding, these are the accumulation of their Qingmu City, but now one by one, it really makes him feel bad.

"Retired! Retired! The city owner, they retired!" But when it was about a fragrant incense, the Guardian did not bring reinforcements, and the city was also when morale was high, but it was in such a situation. Next, Yucheng suddenly withdrew.

Qinghai does not know why they clearly have a great advantage. How can they suddenly withdraw their troops?

However, in any case, seeing the soldiers of Yucheng retreat, his heart was still relieved. He is really afraid that there is no credit in Xiaohai, and he is really ready to attack Aoki Castle.

It seems that during the day, although they have squandered a dark loss in the sea, Zhou Ping even has no anger, but he has not lost his mind.

If they really attacked Aoki Castle, if the elders of Qin did not send a master to support, then this Aoki Castle really could not last long.

"Check out the battlefield, be sure to keep the East Gate!" Qinghai saw the crisis lifted, and his heart was exhausted. He ordered Qing Feng to leave with his own guard.


"Kill it!......."

"Kill it! Let me go to Aoki Castle with me!..."

However, the siege war last night has already made the soldiers of the East Gate defending city tired. However, when you were finally able to take a break for a while, the sound of shouting and shouting came from the side of Yucheng.

"Is this people in the city crazy? Did you attack the city last night, now come again?"

"Yeah, I see that they were really mad at yesterday, and now they deliberately want to torture us!"

"I am afraid that he will do it. These guys are not ready to fight us. We will be told that they will come back!"

The people who saw Yucheng were so crazy and so arrogant that they had launched three sieges in two days, which also angered all the soldiers in Aoki Castle.

"Fast! Hurry to go to the elders of Qin to ask for reinforcements!" This time ~www.ltnovel.com~ Qinghai heard the sound of shouting outside the city, and left the guards to go to the rescue.

After the First World War last night, Qing Feng later counted the battlefield, and when he reported to him, the loss was not too big, which made them far from the guards of Aoki Castle.

Coupled with the obvious presence of the overseas dynasty in the city, I want to rely on the strength of his Aoki Castle, and I can’t resist the attack of Yucheng, even if they didn’t take the meaning of Aoki Castle, but people Still will die.

Therefore, he only asked the elders of Qin to send out the dragon eagle, so that they can recover the weakness.

"Is that young man awake?" A guardian went to the rescue army. The worry in Qinghai was not diminished. I remembered Cheng Yu, who was in a coma yesterday, and asked.

"I have already woken up, and now I am resting in the West House!" said the guard.

"Go, let me go to see him!" Qinghai heard that Cheng Yu had already woken up, and he was happy, and quickly took a few guards to the West House.

The main house of the city.

Cheng Yuduan sat in one of the rooms, and at this time he was no longer a problem. It is known from the mouth that he is in the West House of the city government.

With this answer, Cheng Yu is somewhat happy. It seems that his strength has been recognized by the owner of the city, and he should have recruited himself.

He also heard the following people attacking the city on the other side of the city last night. Now he heard the shouting sound outside the city, and his heart was a bit strange. This city is really indomitable.

Two days have actually launched three sieges. If they really fight like this, this Aoki Castle is afraid that they will be attacked sooner or later.

However, this is also the place where Cheng Yu is puzzled. Now, Aoki Castle is the time to master, but it is really strange to think of those masters who have quietly left Greenwood City!

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