Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2216: Do not dare to speak out!

After Cheng Yu returned to Qingmu City, he did not implement the plan immediately because it was not yet available. And his plan wants to implement, but it still takes a while, at the very least, it must wait until the Dragon Eagle outside the dynasty and Xiaowai overseas to face the Devils outside the war.

Otherwise, they triggered the civil war between the Longying dynasty and the overseas dynasty in advance. Then their alliance ended prematurely, and it would be impossible to fight the sorcerer again.

Only when they were actually fighting in the three foreign dynasties, no one could get out of it. At this time, the war between the Longying dynasty and the overseas dynasty was triggered, so that they could make their two foreign dynasties suffer a lot.

Although the plan will not be implemented for the time being, he still has to understand the strength of Aoki Castle first. In particular, there are people stationed here in the Longying dynasty, especially the elder Qin, who is the master of the Mahayana in the town of Qingmucheng. The people of the Longying dynasty stationed here are listening to him.

Cheng Yu would like to know if this Qingmu City has a master of the robbery period, but he has thought a lot of ways, and did not find out the secret.

On this day, Cheng Yu is chatting with Qinghai.

"The city owner, now half a month's time, this plan for the city to attack our city every six hours is still going on. Do you believe that they really will not attack Aoki Castle?" Cheng Yu asked. .

Although he already knows the inside story, he will not take the initiative to say it, which will cause doubts in Qinghai.

"Mr. Hu is relieved, although they have a strong position, but they will not really attack Aoki Castle." Qinghai said confidently.

Now, the Longying Foreign dynasty and the overseas dynasty are alliances. How can they let the squadron really attack the Aoki Castle?

"But even if they really didn't plan to break through Aoki Castle, they attacked the city every day. The loss of our Aoki Castle is also very big. These soldiers are the backbone of our Aoki Castle. If they die, then What a pity.

And Qingcheng Lord spent so much resources to raise these soldiers, but now it has killed this city, do you think it is a pity? Cheng Yu said to Qinghai.

"This city is indeed hateful. Even though I have been attacking Qingmu City for ten days in a row, our people have indeed lost a lot of money, but I have no way to do it now." When it comes to this, Qinghai is also very angry.

Because the people in Yucheng were attacking the city, their Qingmu City seemed to be somewhat passive. Although the siege made both sides lose, the ones that lost the big ones were still the ones who defended the city.

And as the soldiers fell, they had to replenish the soldiers to guard the gates, so for ten days or so, even if these soldiers were monks, it made them very tired.

"Qingcheng Lord, I think this is not the most important!" Cheng Yu said faintly.

"Oh? What is the most important thing for Mr. Hu?" Qinghai wondered.

"Although you always say that Aoki Castle will not break, but I have been very worried. I heard that there are people in the city who have a robbery period, such a master, but any other monk can not be blocked.

Today, this city is so crazy, so frequent siege, nothing more than because Zhou Ping’s men were killed by me, he wants to take the people of our Aoki Castle to vent.

If at that time he saw that we had no killing in Qingmu City, or we only had the masters of Qin Elder, I was afraid that they would not even dare to call for help in the robbery period. Cheng Yu said.

He always wanted to know if there is a master of the robbery period in the city of Aoki. He said that he wanted to bring this topic to this.

"Oh, Mr. Hu is more worried. Although they have masters of the robbery period, we also have the same kind of green wood, so you don't have to worry about this. Aoki Castle will never fall, mainly because this week is too hateful. They attacked the city every day, so that our losses are really big, we have to find a way to stop them!" Qinghai said.

"It is unlikely that you want to stop them from fearing, unless you kill that week. If he dies, those people will definitely not attack this line again!" Cheng Yu naturally can't really help Qinghai stop this game. war.

He hopes that this war will never stop. He even thinks that the siege time in Yucheng is too long, six times, and that each time they attack is fixed, which gives everyone enough energy. take a break.

Therefore, although these soldiers were really tired after being attacked by Yucheng for ten consecutive days, they were not as tired as they thought, because they also had enough time to rest.

What he has to do is to constantly deepen the contradictions between them. It is best to let them fight themselves. If it doesn't work, then you can only rely on the heart of the river and they are here to add fuel.

If Zhou Ping can be killed, then the people in Xiaohai are afraid that they will not continue to bear it again?

"Kill Zhou Ping? How is this possible? That Zhou Ping is the late Mahayana, our city government can not have this strength!" Qinghai also wants to kill Zhou Ping ~ www.ltnovel.com~ After all, this guy is really abominable.

However, to kill a late Mahayana, this is simply impossible for him. The two strongest guests in their city's main government are just the middle of the Mahayana. In the late Mahayana, one is enough to kill them. How can they kill each other?

"Our city government is really impossible to kill Zhou Ping, but we are not also Qin elders? If he is willing to help, it is not difficult to kill this Zhou Ping?" Cheng Yu said.

"Let Qin elders kill Zhou Ping? This is simply impossible. Mr. Hu still does not want to play this idea. We have to find another way to stop them!" Qinghai shook his head and said.

This city has to attack Tsingtao City twice a day. The people in their city's main government have suffered heavy losses, so he has long borrowed money from the elders of Qin. In this case, the soldiers he invited were also very expensive, and there were a lot of medicinal resources every day, etc., but these were the capitals of the city.

When he thought of it, he was heartbroken. If they have enough strong people in the city government, where do they still need to ask Qin Elder for help?

When he borrowed troops, Qin said that he understood very well that he could borrow money, but all the resources needed by these soldiers were borne by the city government.

Although his heart is very angry, but there is no way.

Because this war has not had much to do with their city government, it is completely between the Longying and the overseas dynasty, but all the losses caused now are borne by the city government. This is unfair. It is.

But what is unfair and how can he do? He does not dare to compete with Qin Elder. Who makes him not have this strength? Although this city will not really break the city, but they also have to guard against the city, if they really broke the city of Greenwood someday, then his loss will be even greater!

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