Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2217: too slow!

Time passes, and Qingmu City will still be attacked by Yucheng every day. Although Qinghai also knows that they will not break through Qingmu City, he does not dare to care, so he has to send people to the East Gate.

However, the result of this is that the soldiers in Aoki Castle are decreasing day by day. Although his heart is angry, there is no way. Fortunately, there are people with dragon eagle outside, although this will make Qinghai lose a lot of resources, but Qin Elders finally put their people into the task of defending the city.

In this way, Aoki Castle is not a big loss even if it has losses. After all, compared with the screaming overseas, the strength of their dragon eagle is stronger.

Their siege people are good, but their defenders are not bad.

Cheng Yu saw that the two foreigners had no pains in this war, but they did not react. Because he already knew their purpose.

However, he has already heard from Qinghai that this Qingmu City is also a master of the robbery period. However, with his strength, it is impossible to find this level of master.

Of course, if they are determined to hide themselves, even the masters of the robbery period will not find them.

Although Cheng Yu wanted to make Long Ying Wai Chao and Xiao Hai Chao fight, but at this time, Long Ying Wai Chao and Xiao Hai Chao did not fight against Mo Luo, so he could only wait in Qingmu City.

When they think of Yang Ruoxue, they are all in Aoki Castle. He only pays attention to them as strangers, and even never had any intersection with them.

The news of the war between Aoki Castle and Yucheng City was very fast, and it was spread all over the East for more than a month.

For the few foreign dynasties that bordered the Dragon Eagle, the outbreak of this war was not shocked, but it was very exciting.

The news of the Longying Foreign dynasty and the alliance with the overseas dynasty did not spread. The overseas dynasty did not send any more people to inform these foreign pilates. So they thought that everything was planned, and now the people in Yucheng are attacking Aoki Castle, which means that the war between the Dragon Eagle and the overseas dynasty began.

However, they are not fools. Now that the war has just begun, they will not send troops so easily into the sphere of the dragon eagle.

They are also waiting, and they will only choose to wait until the two foreign dynasties fight to the heat. Only in this way, most of the strength of the Dragonhawks will be involved in the rushing overseas, and they will be more confident in attacking these border cities.

At this time, there is a border city in the north of the Tianzangwai Dynasty, called Tianbo City. The north side of this border city is the sphere of influence of the Dragon Eagle.

"How is it? Is the Dragon Eagle outside the dynasty and the squad to go to war?" In a huge mansion in Tianbo City, an old man in the late Mahayana sat in the hall and looked at the spies below.

"He elders, we got the news. Now Xiaowai has sent Zhou Ping to lead the city of Zhucheng to attack Aoki Castle. At present, the city will launch a siege attack on Aoki Castle every six hours," the spoke said.

"Yes, it seems that this screaming overseas did not lie to us, they actually started to work with the Dragon Eagle!" I got the news, and the elders nodded with satisfaction and felt more relieved.

They were originally stationed in Tianbo City on this day, but the news that they got the whistle of the overseas dynasty to the dragon eagle was sent to them by the Tianzang dynasty.

And because of this news, the Tianzang and the DPRK even sent a lot of people to Tianbo City again, in order to be in the infancy of the Longying outside and the rushing overseas. They took the opportunity to attack the Dragon Eagle. In the DPRK, it invaded the city of the Dragon Eagle.

However, they have been waiting here for more than three months, but they have not waited for the news, they thought it was just a fake news.

Now that I finally got the news, my heart finally settled down, but their eyes were full of excitement. As long as they start the war, it is easy to do. I believe that it will not take long. The Longying Foreign dynasty and the Xiaochao dynasty will be in a big battle, and they can also send troops to the Dragon Eagle.

"Right, how long have they been fighting, when will Aoki City break?" Elder Cheung has some time to wait.

"Back to the elders, as far as I know, they have been fighting for almost a month, but Aoki Castle has not broken!" The spy thought and said.

"What? It’s been a month since the start of the war? But hasn’t the Aoki Castle been broken?” Not to mention the elders, and everyone in the hall was very surprised.

For these monks, is it not difficult to break the city? However, the two foreign pilgrimages have been going on for a month. According to this time, and their inferences, the one-month time of rushing overseas will at least hit three cities.

But now they have not even attacked the first city, which is too shocking. Is their strength in the overseas dynasty so weak?

"He elders, it is indeed like this ~ www.ltnovel.com~ When I got the news, Aoki Castle has not yet broken, maybe it is not broken now!" The spy also said uncertainly.

After all, it takes a certain amount of time for the news to be sent to the city of Aoki, and it is normal for the news they get now.

"Don't you say that Xiaojian will attack a city every six hours? How can it be broken for so long? Is it true that the Longying outside has already known the plan of attacking them overseas?" He also sent a heavy army in Aoki Castle?" He said with some doubts.

"This subordinate is now unknown, and can only continue to wait for news!" said the spy.

"You are going to check it out, we must pass the latest news to us!" He Chang also knows such a long distance, the news is definitely not so timely, so I did not blame this spy.

However, a few days later, they came again with news. The news they got was still that Yucheng had to attack Aoki Castle.

"This is strange. What kind of ghosts are there in the end? It has been a month since now, and it has not yet broken through the Qingmu City. So they want to attack the Longying dynasty, which is simply waste! After receiving the news that Aoki Castle has not been broken, He is very disappointed with Xiao Chao’s overseas dynasty and is also somewhat angry.

In their view, this screaming overseas is really too useless. It’s been a month’s time, and even a city has not been won. How can this be played?

"How many dragon eagle ancestors appeared in Aoki Castle?" He said to the Detective again.

"Elders, according to the news we got, there seems to be only 10,000 people in the city of Aoki," said the spy.

"What? There is only 10,000? What about the city?" He Chang was even more surprised!

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