Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2218: The news of strangers!

If it is in the world, the war of 10,000 people is already a big battle, but for the realm of cultivation, there is no shortage of monks. What's more, for the dynasty, a force that doesn't know how much accumulation and inheritance, 10,000 people are nothing.

He said that since this city has no way to break through the city of Aoki, it must be because the guards of Aoki Castle are too many, or the strength is too strong, so it is possible that they have not captured it.

But now they only have 10,000 people. Can such a person not be able to cope with it overseas?

Moreover, the number of people who are preparing to disrupt the Dragonhawk site this time is more than 10,000. This is really a bit of a surprise.

"The people in that city seem to be similar to those in Aoki Castle, so now the war seems to be deadlocked!" said the spy.

"How does Xiaohai send only 10,000 people to attack the Qinglong Eagle?" Hearing that there were only 10,000 people in Xiaohai, the elders felt that they were not right.


"Is not right, is this the temptation of the overseas dynasty to the Longying dynasty?" He Chang whispered softly.

Since the Tianzang and the DPRK have already heard the news, saying that the overseas dynasty will go to the Longying outside, then this news should not be fake. And now they are actually fighting in the two foreign dynasties.

However, this battle seems a bit small, and the development of the war is too slow.

Not to mention that there is no clear understanding of Tianzang here. Even when several foreign gangs around the Longying dynasty were not attacked by Qingmu City for more than a month, they did not understand how it came back. thing.

Can they still wait to attack the Dragon Eagle? However, now that the overseas dynasty and the Longying dynasty have entered the stalemate at the beginning, this is not a good thing.

If their warfare does not expand, they will not dare to send troops into the sphere of power of the Dragonhawk outside, or else they will be burned.

Anyway, the dragon eagle outside the dynasty and the whistling of the overseas dynasty is not big, and they can free their hands to fight with them. If this is a war, it will be cheaper for others, so they did not see the dragon eagle outside when they were really dragged by the war. They did not dare to send troops to the dragon eagle.

"Is this a plan for the overseas dynasty?" Some people suspect that it was only fake news when they told them overseas that they might have other secrets.

However, what they have seen so far is that Yucheng attacked Aoki Castle and found nothing else. They only let them be extremely disappointed.

However, fortunately, they were originally stationed in the city of this border, but there is also enough time to wait for the expansion of the Longying dynasty and the overseas dynasty.

At this time, in the Ning'an City and Taihe City of the Ronaldinho, they were puzzled when they mastered the battle between Aoki Castle and Yucheng.

At the beginning, they were sent to the Longying Foreign dynasty, and they hoped that they could send heavy soldiers in Aoki Castle, so that they would start fighting in the overseas city. Both sides lost a lot of battles.

However, the current situation is completely out of the expectations of all of them, because whether it is Aoki Castle or Yucheng, the number of people they dispatched is quite small, which is a bit less than expected.

This is the case nowadays, they have no way to gain benefits from it, and if they continue to do so, they are afraid that other foreigners will not dare to use the dragon eagle.

"What kind of ghost is this dragon eagle and the overseas dynasty? I haven’t laid a green wood city for so long, and the number is so small?" In the city of Anning, the commander stationed here is Huang Elder, who is also a late Mahayana. Master.

He was very excited when he got out of the whistling overseas and headed for the Dragon Eagle. Because they finally have the opportunity to expand their territory.

However, they waited for a month in a hurry, but they waited for such a small war, which made them very disappointed, and even felt that they were being played by the overseas.

In fact, they will think of it, this is a trap itself.

When they first rushed overseas, they proposed to use such a fake war to draw their attention, just to prevent these outside from sending them to the army.

Therefore, no matter whether it is the overseas dynasty or the dragon eagle, the troops they dispatched are not many. In this way, not only can they confuse these foreign dynasties, but they also dare not easily send troops to the Dragon Eagle.

Because when they can't see the truth, they are absolutely afraid to fight the Dragon Eagle.

After all, the war between Dragonhawk and Xiaohai is not serious now. If there are other foreign strategists attacking the Dragonhawks, then the Dragonhawks may send heavy troops to attack them at any time, which makes them all foreigners Produced scruples.

If they started the show too much, they used a big war to attract these foreign pilates. Maybe they would start the war with two foreign lords. These foreign dynasties will follow them to fight the dragon eagle. Wonderful.

Although it is said that the overseas dynasty is also very eager to make the Longying outside the devastating loss ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ but that is also after the destruction of the devil. If it has not yet attacked the devil, this dragon eagle has already been disrupted by these foreign dynasties. How can the dragon eagle and the foreign dynasty continue to send troops to cooperate with them to attack the magic roar?

Therefore, in this case, Xiao Hai had to cooperate with the Dragon Eagle to use this small war to drag everyone.

At this time, it is also the time when they rushed overseas and the dragon eagle to transfer troops.

However, they are not as good as days, and they have not counted them. Among all the calculations, there are still a group of people who are not dynasties.

Therefore, when the Longying Foreign dynasty and the Xiaowai Overseas dynasty continued to transfer troops to the North, Ning'an City and Taihe City of the Ronaldinho Foreign Ministers received an important news.

The Xiaowai overseas dynasty has formed an alliance with the Longying dynasty. At the same time, they are sending troops to Qingshuicheng and Fengshan City to prepare to attack the Luoluo.

"They actually formed an alliance to attack our devil Luo? Where did the Ningcheng Lord get this news?" The Huang Elder saw the news from the Ning'an City City, and all said shocked.

"This news is a hotel buddy sent to the city government, but we have already asked the buddy, he only said that a young man told him to go to the city government, so I do not know who that person?" Ning Chengzhu Shake his head and say.

Huang Elder frowned, although he did not know who sent the message, but he thought the news was likely to be true.

Because from the current situation, this battle of Aoki Castle is indeed in the drama of the overseas dynasty and the dragon eagle outside to show them!

"You will immediately send someone to tell the elders of Taihe City to let him prepare for the enemy." Huang’s elders are very decisive, they themselves are going to attack the dragon eagle and Xiaohai, since these two foreign dynasties think They are not afraid of going to Yin, as long as they are ready.

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