Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2222: Waiting for the opportunity!

However, most people can't pose a threat to Cheng Yu, but when the number of these people reaches a terrible level, that is another. !

And according to the news that Cheng Yu has mastered, the monks who played in them, the masters of the Mahayana period have not yet appeared. The highest realm that is currently emerging is the period of fit, with 200,000 monks, and the number of monks in the fit period is more than 10,000. This is a terrible number.

Therefore, when Cheng Yu heard the news, he felt that it was no wonder that the forces in the world did not dare to fight this dynasty, because their accumulation was indeed too strong.

After all, there are tens of thousands of years of power, and the world is in their hands, representing the resources of the world are in their hands, they have to train so many people, it is really not a difficult thing.

Seeing this point, although Cheng Yu wants to provoke the contradiction between the Dragon Eagle and Xiaohai, it is not the best time. It is necessary to let them spend another period of time, even if they do not have more reinforcements, so that they can be the army.

When the time comes to let all the foreign dynasties around the world know that the Dragon Eagle and Xiao Hai have fallen out, it must be pushed by the wall.

Although the final result is definitely to make the foreign levies around the cheap, but it does not matter. Because they want to swallow these sites of the Dragon Eagle and Xiaohai, it is definitely a great loss.

So when they got time, they got a lot of sites, but these monk resources are not recoverable.

After all, any monk is accumulated by time. If there is too much death in the war, even if they have more resources, the monks are not so easy to cultivate.

In fact, Cheng Yu is very clear, although this time let these foreign dynasties fight, but it is not the best way to deal with the dynasty.

Because after the end of this war, no matter which foreign dynasties failed, and which dynasties won, these sites were also in the hands of these foreign dynasties, and ultimately did not leave the dynasty.

Therefore, even if they lose more monks, as long as these sites are still in their hands, the people they lose will always recover through the passage of time.

Therefore, in Cheng Yu's view, the best way is to use these sites for their own purposes while not only losing their talent resources. This is the best way.

However, although he now wants to occupy these sites, he is very worried. Because he has only a total of more than 4,000 bone warriors.

Although these fairy bone warriors have the strength of the robbery period, it is reasonable to say that so many people do not have to fear any more during the robbery period.

However, he still worried about the dynasty's cards, because after so many years, the dynasty definitely had more than 4,000 periods of looting. If he let Bai Li occupy these sites, the dynasty opened his mouth, these foreign dynasties are no longer what, and fear that they will unite and send out the masters of the robbery period to kill them.

Therefore, Cheng Yusi wants to go and feel that the timing is still not mature enough. If you want to grab the land with the dynasty, you must at least resurrect the 20,000 bones of your hand.

Twenty thousand celestial bones, it is not enough to destroy the dynasty, even if the dynasty is badly hurt, it is also a good thing. After all, if more than 20,000 celestial bones are destroyed, the loss of the dynasty is incalculable.

I don’t think that I don’t think that there is no chance at all. He still wants to see if the Dragon Eagle and the overseas dynasty are forced to a dead end. What will happen to them?

If the period of the catastrophe of these foreign dynasties is not as much as he imagined, it is not impossible to fight with the dynasty with the more than four thousand sacred warriors of his hands.

Moreover, if Cheng Yu wants to occupy the site, it must start from Xiaohai, because Xiaohao is facing the sea. If it occupies this site, then it can be attacked before the white, and then can be retired, there is no need to worry about the dynasty.

But Bai is not afraid of death, and when the dynasty robs the sea, he can also grab it back.

You know, although he can't do anything with the dynasty, he also has a dynasty that has no way to compare with him. That is, his master of the robbery period is mass-produced, rather than accumulating time by little.

The same is the loss of a master of the robbery period, fearing that the dynasty wants him more heartache.

Therefore, if they are not afraid of death, but the masters of their dynasty's catastrophe dare to be so desperate? I am afraid that I will not dare.

It is precisely because of this that Cheng Yu feels that if there is a chance, he will not wait until the 20,000 bones are all resurrected, and he can also start the dynasty.

The more I think of it, the more excited Cheng Yu’s heart is, and he really wants to rebuild the holy city earlier. However, he always felt that this dynasty had a great relationship with the Holy City, and the dynasty also snatched away the gods ~www.ltnovel.com~ so he wanted to rebuild the holy city, and he could only destroy the dynasty, or have no Fear of the power of the dynasty.

So I couldn’t wait to start the dynasty. If it wasn’t for the dynasty, it would be too strong.

This time, it is the best chance to see the strength of the dynasty.

Time has passed for more than a month. Over the past month or so, the war between the various foreign pilgrimages has become more fierce. Even those foreigners who had only played a small fight at the Longying border finally increased their troops and once again exerted their strength on the border of the Dragon Eagle.

As a result, the Dragon Eagle lost ten cities and towns in half a month.

In the largest battlefield in the north, because the Dragon Eagle or the Xiaohai, the main force will be sent out. Although the strength of the devil is strong, but under the joint efforts of the two foreign dynasties, the devil has lost, which has caused the loss of the devil, and lost more than 50 cities in a short period of more than a month. The devil was ruined.

However, seeing such a situation, Cheng Yu is not in a hurry, because he is very clear, this is not the full strength of the devil. Now, the two foreign princes of the Dragon Eagle and the Xiaohai are rushing to the Devil, and it is said that several foreign dynasties around the Ronaldo are also plundering the Ronaldo's territory. The Ronaldo will never give up.

Therefore, Cheng Yu is still sitting and watching, he believes that he can't use more than one, and Luo Luo will continue to counterattack. By then, the losses of these foreign dynasties will continue to expand.

Although the process is not anxious, it is very vigilant to the Dragon Eagle and Xiao Hai. Because if the momentum of the Dragon Eagle and Xiao Hai is indeed too strong, he will also start to provoke two foreign dynasties.

He can't let the Dragon Eagle and Xiao Hai beat the Luo Luo too, or else Luo Luo did not fight back, how to use him to completely destroy the Dragon Eagle and Xiao Hai? ) Download the free reader!!

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