Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2223: Send heavy troops!

The devil is outside.

"The outer king, now the whole east has become confused because of our three-war battle, especially the surrounding foreign dynasties have almost been involved in various battlefields." Peng Chang veteran said the situation in the entire eastern region.

This eastern region has been stable for decades. In the past few decades, although there have been occasional frictions between the various foreign ministers in the east, and even some fighting has been triggered, it is a small fight. Not to mention the war that caused the surrounding foreign dynasties.

Because there is no outside daring to break this balance casually, because once a person breaks the balance, then this destructively balanced foreign dynasty will inevitably be attacked by other foreign dynasties.

The reason is very simple, no matter which foreign dynasty is not willing to be the first bird, but if someone is the first bird, then there will definitely be a main battlefield, then the surrounding foreign dynasties must want to smash.

Just like this time, because the three foreign dynasties broke out, this time exposed all the thoughts of the surrounding foreign dynasties. Moreover, there are three foreign princes including Dragon Eagle, Xiao Hai and Luo Luo. They are the main battlefield here, and the main forces of the three foreign dynasties will be led to the main battlefield.

Then naturally there will be emptiness in other places, even if there are still forces in other places, but the force can never be compared with the main battlefield.

Therefore, this is the best time to robbery around these pilgrimages. So this time the Three Dynasties and the whole East were in chaos.

Everyone knows very well that there are dragon eagle, Xiao Hai and Luo Luo fighting there. They don’t have to worry about how these three foreign dynasties can make them, so everyone will give them all three foreign gangs, hoping to Get the most benefit.

Therefore, in this war, no matter which external dynasty the final victory is, these peripheral foreign pilates will definitely get some benefits, but the problem of the size of the interests.

"Hey, these foreigners have long been glaring at us, but no one dares to come out of this head. Now that the Dragon Eagle and Xiao Hai have sent us troops at the same time, they will miss this opportunity!"

For those outsiders who robbed the bonfire, he was itching his teeth, but now there is no way. Because the main force of the Dragon Eagle and Xiao Hai are here, he can't even have more strength to deal with these foreign pilgrimages.

However, as long as he frees his hand, he will never let go of these foreign dynasties.

Of course, compared to these foreign pilgrimages, he is even more angry about the Longying outside and the overseas dynasty.

This time, if they were not, they would attack the overseas eagle of the eagle eagle. They were afraid that the Lord would be overthrown by the whistle of the overseas squad, and there was still a chance to shoot them.

"This dragon eagle is really abhorrent. This time, if we didn't send a message to them, they have the present scenery. I am afraid that they have already started to fight with the overseas dynasty. Now they are still attacking us. It is really It’s too mad, we must kill him this time!” In the hall, several elders thought about the actions of the Dragon Eagle and the foreign dynasty, and suddenly they were extremely unbalanced.

In their view, this dragon eagle is clearly ungrateful, and they really can't swallow this breath.

"External King, this time belongs to look away, please the outside king to punish!" Peng Elder heard the words of the elders, his face is a bit ugly, but he is also very clear, this time is indeed his calculation mistakes.

At first, I thought that this would make the war between Longying and the overseas dynasty more intense, and let the two foreign dynasties lose more.

However, he did not think that he was the enemy's two foreign dynasties. In the end, he eventually formed an alliance and sent troops to them. This really surprised him.

However, he is not the kind of person who is willing to evade responsibility. This time the plan is indeed his fault. He should have this responsibility to admit this mistake.

"Peng elders don't have to be like this. This plan was originally agreed upon by all of us after deliberation, so this is not your fault. The mistake is wrong in this dragon eagle and the ambition of the wolf. They think they rely on them. A foreign dynasty can capture my demon, it is too small to see our devil.

How are we fighting with them now? Although the demon king is also annoyed with this plan, he knows how to get rid of the people under his command.

Since the facts have been made, it is no longer meaningful to blame Peng Elder. What they should do now is how to fight against the Dragon Eagle and Xiao Hai.

"External King, this time our losses can be a bit big. Now the war has been going on for three months. We have lost more than 70 cities. If we continue this way, our losses will only be greater. We must The master of the school sent out!" Long elders stood up and said.

"As you can see, what is the advice of the elder Long?" The foreign king heard that they had lost more than 70 cities, and they were shocked and angry.

"External King, I agree with the decision of the Dragon Elders. At the beginning we had a battle with the Dragon Eagle ~ www.ltnovel.com~ to win over 100 of them, only to have the current strength.

If this time they are beaten back, then we are in the east, it is very difficult to get up again. And now the outsiders around us are beginning to harass us, and if we don't slam them again, it's even harder to change the situation today! "Peng Peng said.

He was very moved by the tolerance of the king. The more he did, the more he wanted to be extravagant.

"Yeah, this time, the dragon eagle is afraid that it also wants a shame of snow. I want to fight back the city that they lost. So we must never give him this opportunity again!" Other elders also stood up. Attached road.

Once they had the same strength as the Dragon Eagle, but after a hundred years of war, they directly laid down hundreds of dragon eagle cities with very strong power, so that the strength of the Dragon Eagle was all over the East. In the last few places.

Now that this dragon eagle wants to take revenge and wants to take these cities back, it is absolutely impossible.

If such a thing really happens, then they are unacceptable. Because every high-ranking person suddenly finds himself becoming a weak person, they are very difficult to accept.

This time, the Dragon Eagle and Xiao Hai came together. If they attacked this way, their Luo Luo’s losses would be great. At that time, the Ronaldo will be declining, and the Dragon Eagle and the Xiaohai will rise, and their status and strength in the East will certainly fall.

They are now used to the status of the present, how can they let the Dragon Eagle and Xiao Hai step on their feet?

Therefore, no matter how much they pay, they can't let Long Ying and Xiao Hai step on their feet, and even step on them!

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