Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2230: lost heavily!

"Ha ha ha ha! Money elders are really good tricks. Indeed, if this is the case, the king really hopes that the devil will come to us for help!" After listening to the money, the elders still want to get benefits from the devil, and suddenly they are bright. Very good mood.

If you follow the idea of ​​the money elders, this is a deal that will not lose money.

"But according to the current situation, although Luo Luo is at a disadvantage, but it will not let them help us, we may still have to wait for a while. If it is Xiaohai, they can capture more land in the Ronaldo, even When they are unable to recover these cities, they will naturally bow to us!" Elder Qian thought about it.

"If this is the case, then we still have to interfere with Xiaohai and Longying at the border?" Wang of Tianzang nodded and knew that the elders of money said it was not false.

If it is not forced, Ronaldo will never ask for help from them so easily. But now they have no loss in the sky, the longer Roza insists, the more they consume with Xiaohai, which is a good thing for them.

"External king, this is natural. Although our current plan has been formulated, but it can be implemented, it depends on the next situation. If the situation does not develop as we imagined, our plan will naturally There is no way to proceed.

However, they are now in chaos, and the surrounding foreign dynasties have invaded the territory of the Dragon Eagle, Xiaohai and Moluo at the border. As a foreign dynasty that borders the Dragon Eagle and the Xiaohai at the same time, how can we miss this good opportunity?

We must not only interfere with the borders of the two foreign dynasties at this time, but also try to occupy their territory as much as possible.

If our plan can't be implemented, then at least we have gained some benefits here. This war is not a loss for us.

If our plan can be implemented in the end, then now occupy some of their sites, then when we start, is it easier to win the whistling sea?

Therefore, this border war is indispensable anyway! Said the elder money.

"It's reasonable to say it. Well, if this is the case, then we will send some more personnel to the border to let them occupy some sites as much as possible!" The outside king nodded, which is indeed a good idea.

However, he is also very clear that even if he wants to increase his troops to the border, he can't increase it too much. Don't let Long Ying and Xiao Hai feel that they are going to kill the Dragon Eagle and Xiao Hai, or else they really have It is possible to transfer their troops to Ronaldo to them.

As long as they are not too far on the border and slowly swallow their territory, they will naturally not care too much now. After all, they are now able to capture a city in a day or two, and they will be concerned about such a small war in the border.


The battles of the Three Dynasties have intensified. No matter which foreign dynasty, they are constantly increasing their troops to the battlefield. The tragic war is beyond the imagination of all.

In today's situation, as the main warfare, the Dragon Eagle, Xiao Hai and Mo Luo have nearly a million troops. The three external pilates add up to three million. Of course, the three million soldiers are not dispatched at the same time, but are dispatched in batches.

It is because the second and third batches will be dispatched after each loss of a large number of troops. So for now, there are no three million soldiers on the main battlefield, and the three external pilates add up to seven or eight hundred thousand soldiers.

This shows that the war has developed to the present, the three foreign dynasties have lost almost two million troops, and the three foreign borders have been attacked by various foreign pilgrimages, and more or less have lost some people.

So, until now, the losses of these three foreign pilgrimages have been quite large, with an average of seven or eight hundred thousand soldiers lost in each foreign dynasty. We must know that these seven or eight hundred thousand warriors are not ordinary people, but they are all genuine monks. Even the lowest repairs have the realm of building a foundation. It is so lost. It is a fake.

Especially for these foreigners, not everyone can enter the foreign dynasty. The people they choose in their sphere of influence are more talented and even have many geniuses.

However, it is normal because of the current strength and death in this war.

So many people may have chosen so many suitable candidates after years of accumulation, who would not feel sad?

However, for Long Ying and Xiao Hai, even if they lost a lot of disciples to make them feel sad, but they have won so many cities.

As long as there is a city, it means that there are people and resources. By the end of the war, they can naturally continue to select the right talents in these cities.

For Mo Luo, for now, their losses are really miserable. Not only lost talent, but also lost territory.

Losing the site is tantamount to losing the population and resources. I want to make up for those lost talents in the future. I don’t know how many years it will take.

And the fewer the sites, the fewer talents they can choose.

So, in the face of this situation ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Mo Luo does not care so much. Now the alliance between Dragonhawk and Xiaohai is too big for them. If they don't want to pick up their hands again, they want to get back these pools again, then there is really no hope.

These cities are the foundation of their foothold in this world, although everyone belongs to the dynasty. But the dynasty has always pursued the survival of the strong, who can survive, who is the strong.

The so-called leftover is the king. Only after the baptism of war can the real talent be able to survive.

Besides, no matter how they fight between the foreigners, they all belong to the dynasty. For the entire dynasty, they did not have much loss.

Moreover, the strength of each foreign dynasty is getting stronger and stronger, and some of them are even less convinced of the dynasty. Therefore, letting them fight each other is more in line with the interests of the dynasty, so they are even more blind, they want to fight, then let them fight.


Aoki Castle!

Although Cheng Yu has been staying in the city, he has been inquiring about the current situation of the Three Dynasties. Although he always wanted to provoke the contradiction between the Dragon Eagle and Xiaohai, he also felt that there was no best time.

Now I heard that Xiao Hai and Long Ying have sent more disciples to Yuan Luo than Yuan Luo. I am very happy and know that this war is getting more and more fierce now.

This is good news for him. However, while being happy, he is also terrified by the accumulation of these foreigners.

What is the concept of a disciple of 100,000 yuan or more? Nowadays, the whole Promise Palace adds up to fear that there are so many people, but for these foreigners, it is only a breeze to send so many disciples.

This is the gap, and he is very clear that this is definitely not the full strength of Dragon Eagle and Xiao Hai. They must have more and more strong disciples did not move, so Cheng Yu decided to wait!

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