Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2231: Request foreign aid!

Time has passed and it has been unconscious that the Three Dynasties have lasted for six months, and this war does not seem to stop. Instead, the three foreign dynasties are constantly sending a large number of disciples.

The situation of Ronaldo is getting worse and worse. In these three months, Ronaldo has not only failed to recover the defeat, but has lost more than 100 cities.

Today, the sphere of power of the Ronaldo has changed from more than 500 cities to more than 300 cities today, that is, the current Ronaldo is similar to the dragon eagle before the war.

While Longying and Xiaohai have respectively got more than eighty-nine cities, Longying now has more than 400 cities, and although the city of Xiaohai is not yet four hundred, it is also very close.

If we follow the current situation and insist on it for more than a month, the city of Xiaohai will reach 400. This time, Xiaohai is indeed making a big profit.

Of course, the most exciting thing is the Dragon Eagle. Naturally, after being encroached by more than 100 cities, the entire Dragon Eagle is no longer able to rise in the east.

Nowadays, more than 80 cities have been swallowed, although the dragon eagle has not returned to the original size, but it is also very close to the original. As long as they continue for a few months, they will be able to return to the size of the year.

However, Ronaldo did not have such a good opportunity. When they were not encroaching on the Dragon Eagle, they also had more than 400 cities. However, after this war, they have to retreat from the previous year, which makes them really lose a lot.


"The outer king, now the dragon eagle and the whispering sea are getting stronger and stronger. If we continue this way, the devil is dangerous!" Long elders said with anxiety.

Since the first half of the war, they have been in a weak position, although the two eagle eagle and the whispering sea were not as good as the devil, but after they were united, they were still too small to see them.

Nowadays, their two foreign dynasties are getting stronger and stronger. After all, every time you hit a city, it is an incentive for them. However, for their demon Luo, for every loss of a city, it is a blow to morale.

In the past six months, they have been defeated repeatedly, and they have been repeatedly defeated by the Longying Xiaohai Alliance. They do not say that they lost these cities, which is also a great blow to morale.

Morale is extremely important for war. The warrior has no morale, and it is clearly a stable war. In the end, it is very likely to become a defeat.

This is the case with the current Ronaldo, which has lost more than 100 cities in a row. What a terrible speed. They have only a total of more than 500 cities, and now they lose one-third of them. If they follow this speed, their Ronaldo’s strength will only weaken and become less than a year. They will be destroyed.

"Dragon elders, what do you think?" Mo Luowai Wang no longer had the original ambition, and did not have the feeling of winning the original.

Every time I heard that my city was taken away by the Dragon Eagle and Xiao Hai, he was mad at the blood. In the past six months, he has not known how many times he has been angry with this matter.

But he is very clear that anger is useless, but as a foreign king, when he heard that his territory was taken away, he clearly knew that anger was useless, he could not help but be angry.

"External king, today's plan, we are afraid that we can only request foreign aid!" Long elders helplessly said.

Once in the east, they couldn’t be arrogant and arrogant, but they were enough to triumph in the east. No matter which foreign dynasty they faced, they would not look at it.

But now, they have changed from more than 500 cities and towns to more than 300 cities. This kind of power has been worse than Xiaohai, just better than Zichuan.

If this squad wants to fight again, they are afraid that even Zichuan is not as good. In the east, they are afraid that they will really become the weakest outside dynasty.

This is really an unacceptable thing for the once-out-of-war King.

Therefore, even in the past six months, they have been losing the city, and he never thought about a truce. Because he is very clear, if a truce, then those lost city will really become the site of the Dragon Eagle and Xiaohai, it is even more impossible to get back.

It is for this reason that he has been resisting, as long as they can reverse the situation, then these lost cities can immediately return to their magic Luo.

However, according to the current situation, the Dragon Eagle and the Xiaohai are in a state of turmoil. It is really not easy for them to want to take back these cities.

"Request for foreign aid? Who please?"

From the beginning of the war to the present, he never thought about asking for foreign aid. Isn't this a joke for the foreigners in the east to look at themselves?

However, according to the current situation, if you do not ask for foreign aid, it is really difficult to return those cities.

"External King, since Dragon Eagle and Xiao Hai can form an alliance, then we can also form alliances with the foreigners around them. Now these foreign dynasties have also been used in the vicinity of Dragon Eagle and Xiaohai~www.mtlnovel .com~ Only the soldiers and horses they dispatched are too small. They can only be said to be small and small, and they cannot control the situation at all.

If they can convince them to send them heavy troops, then the Dragon Eagle and Xiao Hai would like to attack the city on the land of our Mo Luo at such a speed, which is obviously impossible! "The elder dragon said.

"External King, I don't think this will work." But Elder Peng stood up and retorted.


"The outer king, now we have been fighting for half a year. If the foreign eagle around the dragon eagle and the whispering sea wants to occupy the dragon eagle, they have already sent heavy troops. But until now, they have not dared to send heavy troops. Only show that they are very jealous of the Dragon Eagle and Xiao Hai.

What's more, now that their two foreign dynasties have invaded our territory, their strength has increased greatly, and they are even more afraid to anger the Dragon Eagle and Xiao Hai.

Besides, these foreigners are weaker than ours, and if we ask them, isn’t it too shameful? "Peng Peng said.

"Peng elder, now we are already in jeopardy, how can we still think about our own face? If we ask them to help spread the dragon eagle and the squad of the sea, we will be the weakest outside in the east. At that time, all the foreign dynasties will not see us in the eyes. At that time, are we not even more faceless?

Besides, the dragon eagle and the whistling sea are now big. They are the neighbors of their two foreign dynasties. The most unreliable thing in the future is them.

They will watch the Dragon Eagle and Xiaohai bigger? So we ask them to send troops at this time, that is the most appropriate situation, and the easiest time to say them.

If we miss this opportunity, when we lose more of the Roland, they will not dare to even send out the soldiers! "Long elders shouted loudly to Peng Elder!"

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