Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2232: Get out!

Long Chang is really angry. For things like face, if there is no absolute strength, what is the face? In the realm of comprehension, it is always the strongest, and only if you have enough strength to have a face.

If, as Peng’s elders said, in the critical moment of the devil, he would have to take care of these faces. I really have to wait until the dragon eagle and the whistling team jointly attacked them. When they were in the east, their status in the east was even worse. .

At that time, who will take care of your face? I am afraid that everyone will treat you as a target of bullying.

Therefore, the face of this thing will exist between the strong, or only the same level of talent will have. If you are at a different level, what is the face?

Just like the poor in front of the rich, do you have a face?

This is the case, for the elder Peng, the elder dragon is really mad. As the saying goes, mediocrity is a mistake. If there are such far-sighted people in the dynasty, then Ronaldo is not far from extinction.

"The elder dragon said it is simple. Do you think that you want to send troops, who will promise to send troops? How can people humiliate you when they arrive?" Peng elders face the elders of the dragon, and their faces are ugly. I can't help but say ironically.

Everyone has their own dignity, especially for the Mahayana monks like them. Nowadays, the land of the devil is encroached by the dragon eagle and the whistling sea. From more than 500 cities, it has become more than 300 cities and lost more than 100 cities.

However, for Ronaldo, this loss is not only the city, but also the loss of Ronaldo's position in the entire east.

There are only more than 300 towers of the devil, and those foreigners will not even put their devils in their eyes. Even if he felt that he should actually ask for help from these foreigners at this time, his dignity told him that even if he went, it would only be humiliated by these foreigners.

"For the devil, even if they are humiliated by them? As long as we can be strong again, we will give them ten times the humiliation they will give them sooner or later.

As for sending troops, they should know what to do as long as they can see the current situation. The Longying and Xiaohai alliances have risen in the east. This is what all the foreigners in the east do not want to see, especially those outside the two foreign dynasties, but they do not want to see their rise.

Outside the king, for the devil, I am willing to act on behalf of the devil, I hope the foreign king can agree! "The dragon elders looked at the king of the magical roman."

The elders of the dragon said that everyone in the room was speechless, even if the elder Peng was just snoring and no longer speak.

After all, now that the elder dragon is willing to give up, he has nothing to say. Anyway, Chengdu and Chengdu have nothing to do with themselves. Even if those foreigners really want to humiliate them, it is also the elder of the dragon.

When the Emperor Luo Luo heard the words of the elders of the dragon, his heart was very moved. After all, at this time, the person who can think so much about Ronaldo is the one who is really good for the devil.

"Long elders, are you sure to let them send troops?" said the demon king, watching the dragon elders.

"Outside the king, they will definitely send troops. If they don't send troops, they will be swallowed by Longying and Xiaohai one day, and they will definitely not want to see this day." Long elders said with confidence.

"Then you decide which foreign ambassador to go out first?" The outer king saw the dragon elder so confident, and his heart felt confident.

"I decided to go out and let the sky go outside!" said the elder Long.

"Dragon Elders, the strength of Tianzang is not small, even stronger than our previous Ronaldo. I want to convince them to send troops. I am afraid that it is not a simple matter!" I thought that the Dragon Elders would choose a weaker one. Outside the DPRK, the weaker the outer dynasty, the more afraid of the rise of the Dragon Eagle and the Xiaohai Alliance.

However, the strength of the sky is so strong, even if they rise, they may not be afraid of them.

So in his opinion, it is not an easy task to convince the sky.

"The foreign king said that it is very strong. Now that we are weak, if we make the sky, people will not put us in the eye. Besides, we have almost no friendship with Tianzang. Why do they help us? It’s impossible to let Tianzang send troops.” Peng’s elder stood up and said disdainfully.

Others have also come forward to agree with Peng’s statement. After all, Tianzang is not deeply involved with us, and they are so powerful themselves that they want to help us. This is really difficult to achieve.

Therefore, everyone thinks that the elders of the dragon should first send out those weaker foreign sects.

Even if the king of Ronaldo doesn't like them very much, but in today's situation, he can't help but nod. He also thinks that it is really impossible to help the soldiers to help them.

"External King, you are overestimating the strength of Tianzang and the current situation. Although the strength of this day may be stronger than our Mo Luo, it may not be strong enough to go to ~www.ltnovel.com~ Now Longying and Xiaohai have invaded so many cities, and if they can breathe from this battle, then the heavens will be in danger.

Compared with other foreign dynasties, Tianzang, like our Mo Luo, has a fatal weakness, that is, they also border the Dragon Eagle and Xiaohai at the same time.

If they are dominant, such a location can be said to be an advantage, but when the enemy is strong, this advantage turns into a weak.

Although the sky is strong, it is not the opponent of the Dragon Eagle and the Xiaohai Alliance after the rise. This is beyond doubt. I believe they can also see this. If they don’t send troops to help us at this time, then the next one will be destroyed.

Because Tianzang also involves the interests of Dragon Eagle and Xiaohai, no other foreign dynasty has been bordered by the two foreign princes of Longying and Xiaohai at the same time. They move any one of them, and another foreign dynasty is difficult to obtain benefits. .

Therefore, if the devil is defeated, the sky will be attacked. If they are for their own sake, they will have to send troops to help us! "Although everyone is not optimistic about their plans, but the elders of the dragon are still a light and confident face.

Because the situation is now very clear, even the Ronaldo has been defeated, and lost so many cities. If they do not send troops to help them to restore the defeat, then the rise of the Dragon Eagle and Xiaohai becomes inevitable, and no one can stop it.

At that time, the first to suffer is absolutely the day of Tibet.

Therefore, in his view, the first out of the sky is the most appropriate. On the contrary, if they send other smaller foreigners at this time, they will feel that Ronaldo has been defeated. The victory of Dragon Eagle and Xiaohai has been fixed. Even if they really fear the rise of Dragon Eagle and Xiaohai, they are afraid of them. Now how strong is the strength of the alliance, how can you easily send troops?

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