Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2233: Poisoned!

"The elders of the dragon said that it makes sense. If this is the case, this day is really not a soldier." The foreign king did not cause the elders of the dragon to take the lead in the sky, but after his analysis, In the current situation, it is the most appropriate to make Tianzang.

After all, the strength of Tianzang is very strong. As long as the Tianzang troops are sent out, other foreigners have confidence in nature, so it is much easier to want them to send troops.

Seeing that the foreign kings have already agreed, other people naturally have no opinions. After all, the words of the elders of the dragon just do have some truth.

More importantly, regardless of the outcome, the elders are the elders. Even if it fails, there is no semi-finance relationship with them, so no matter how the elders choose to make objects, they have little to do with them.

"External King, although I am now sure to let Tianzang send troops, but it is a month after arriving in Tianzang. Therefore, we must insist on staying in the next more than one month.

If we let Dragon Eagle and Xiao Hai attack the city, it will be even worse for us. At that time, even if we convince Tianzang to shoot, we are afraid that it will be difficult to clean up the situation again! "Long Long thought for a moment and worried about the current situation of Ronaldo.

"Despite the reassurance of this dragon elder, this dragon eagle and howling is even more brave. Before they get the soldiers from Tibet, they would like to occupy another city and a pool!" said the singer Wang Luo.

This is a guarantee for the elders of the dragon. Only the situation of their devils is stabilized, which will be more beneficial to him. If what others are seeing is only the constant retreat of the devil, it will certainly hit their confidence in sending troops.

Of course, in addition to the guarantee for the dragon elders, more is the anger of the Dragon Eagle and Xiao Hai.

He never thought that one day they would eat such a big loss in the hands of Dragon Eagle and Xiao Hai. However, not all of them have been consumed, and Longying and Xiaohai want to continue to occupy the city, which will pay a great price.

In the next month or so, even if the two lose, they will lose the dragon eagle and Xiao Hai at any cost.

"Good! If this is the case, I should start soon, I hope to be able to convince them to send troops together!" Long elders got the guarantee of the foreign king, and simply said two sentences and then withdrew from the hall.

Even if he is already a late Mahayana, but the real world is too big, to the Mo Luo resident to the Tianzang resident, this distance is at least a month, he did not dare to have any fallacies.


In Aoki Castle, Cheng Yu has been paying attention to the situation in the battlefield of the Devil.

I learned from Qinghai that now that the Ronaldo has lost, more than 100 cities have been lost. This made Cheng Yu a little shocked. He did not think that after the combination of the Dragon Eagle and the Xiaohai, this time, he even took over more than 100 cities in the Magic.

Of course, in Cheng Yu’s heart, this is what he does not want to see. After all, this situation shows that the Dragon Eagle and the Xiao Hai are constantly strengthening, and these two foreign dynasties are his enemies.

Although the entire dynasty is actually his enemy, the Dragon Eagle and Xiao Hai have had direct conflicts and frictions with him more or less. Therefore, Cheng Yu’s first ruin to be destroyed is naturally Dragon Eagle and Xiao Hai.

After destroying them, perhaps the dynasty will not find him any more trouble. After all, the other foreign dynasties have no contradiction with him.

Now the Dragon Eagle and Xiao Hai are constantly becoming stronger, which is extremely unfavorable to his plan. Before he thought that after the Three Dynasties began the war, the final result must be three losses. He never imagined that Ronaldo had lost so fast.

So, is he going to provoke their relationship with the alliance? However, according to their current situation, even if he is going to provoke the contradiction between the two foreigners, Long Ying and Xiao Hai may not believe it.

After all, at this time, it is their common goal to win the Ronaldo. No one will sell the other party at this time. They are afraid that at a glance, it is someone who is behind the scenes.

But if they don't provoke their relationship, then Ronaldo will be defeated. Of course, if Ronaldo is defeated, he does not have much relationship with him. For him, it is the dynasty's power anyway. Even if it is destroyed, the loss is also the strength of the dynasty.

It’s just that he is not reconciled. He had let Baidu do so much before. He wanted to make the Dragon Eagle and Xiaohai fight. It’s best to let both of them lose a lot.

However, he never imagined that in the end, the Dragon Eagle and Xiao Hai did not fight, and they formed an alliance. Nowadays, he is still singing all the way, his strength is getting stronger and stronger, and there is even the possibility of destroying the devil. This makes him really angry.

"This time it was a failure to the extreme. Not only did it not mess up the Dragon Eagle and Xiao Hai, but it made them more profitable." Cheng Yu thought with anger.

"Ma's, in this case, I can't manage that much, no matter whether I can successfully provoke the contradiction between Dragon Eagle and Xiaohai, I have to try it!" Cheng Yu thought about going inside the city government. Www.ltnovel.com~ Finally, I think I should try it.

Before he overestimated the strength of the devil, he thought that after the dragon eagle and Xiaohai sent a master to the devil, they would definitely lose the three losses with the devil, so the dragon eagle and the whispering continually sent a large number of masters to the devil. .

At that time, if it was to provoke the contradiction between the Dragon Eagle and the Xiaohai, then Mo Luo would definitely go south and let the Dragon Eagle and Xiao Hai lose a lot.

However, now that the Ronaldo has lost, the strength has been greatly reduced, and it may even have shaken the foundation of their Ronaldo. And now that the Dragon Eagle and the Xiaohai are big, even if it succeeds in provoking the contradiction between them, Mo Luo may not have the strength to drive the Dragon Eagle and Xiaohai people out of the Devil, let alone let them go south. The rotten dragon eagle and the whistling sea.

But now if he does not shoot, then the strength of the Dragon Eagle and Xiao Hai will only become stronger and stronger, and that is what he does not want to see.

And this time if the Dragon Eagle and the Xiaohai Alliance won, then in this eastern part, it is basically difficult for the foreign dynasty to deal with them. They will certainly continue to annex other foreign dynasties. At that time, he will There is no way to deal with Long Ying and Xiao Hai.

Thinking of this, he intends to continue to implement his plan.

I thought about it, so the next day, there was a big event in Qingmucheng, in the Xicheng District of Qingmu City, where the dragon eagle was stationed in Qingmucheng.

However, just last night, most of the people who were stationed in the Dragon Eagle were poisonous, and a large number of people with dragon eagle dying began to die, which made Qin Elder very angry.

"Who is doing this in the end!" Qin's face is very ugly, although there are only more than 20,000 dragon eagle people stationed in Aoki Castle, but yesterday there were more than 10,000 people inexplicably poisonous, until now Thousands of people have already died, which makes him not angry!

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