Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2235: The news revealed!

The elder Qin was sitting in the hall, but his face was extremely ugly. He did not expect to find Xiaohai in the city of Aoki. This shows that Xiao Hai has begun to want to start with their Dragon Eagle, which is not good news.

"Does the elders know that everyone is poisoned?" Qin Changs thought about it. He thought that this matter should still inform the elders.

Although he has ordered the Langzhong of the city to formulate the poisonous antidote, but in the case of the following people, the situation is not very good.

The most important thing is that this poisoned person is still a person in Xiaohai, which is even more troublesome.

Now they are fighting the Devils with the Dragon Eagle and Xiao Hai, but they are secretly shooting them at the Dragon Eagle, which is really very angry.

More importantly, if the matter is not handled well, they may suffer great losses. It is even possible to affect those warriors in Ronaldo.

Even though he now wants to send people to attack the city and give them some lessons, most of their people have been poisoned, which makes him angry, but can't do anything.

Only by telling the story to those elders, they will make a decision.

Looking at the next person to report to the elders of the elders, his heart has stabilized. Although the dragon eagle is stationed here, everything is commanded by him, but when he really encounters an uncontrollable event, he can't make a decision and can only be handed over to the elders.

It is now known that the people in Xiaohai are swearing at the ghosts. Do you want to send someone to teach Xiaohai some lessons? He dare not make a decision and can only make the decision of the elders.

"How? How do the elders say?" After waiting for a column of incense, the next man came back, and Qin Elder quickly asked.

"Elders, the elders said that they have already seen those poisoned people. The poison is too powerful, and they have no way to solve them. Let you quickly send people back to the station to invite the poisonous elders. As for the discovery of Xiaohai The things of the human body, they said that they are kept secret for the time being, don't pass it out, but they must tell the story to the king!" The man said the words of the elders.

"But these people are afraid that they will not last for three days. Even if they are invited to poison the elders, it is useless?" Qin Elder frowned.

Some amazements in my heart, even the elders are too helpless, this poison is really powerful, and I don’t know where this whistling sea is so powerful.

As for the confidentiality of those bodies, he may understand. In today's situation here, even if the murderer is a whisperer, he can't do anything to them.

However, once this matter is known to everyone, everyone will be extremely angry, even unable to control their own situation, and may even cause changes.

It seems that the elders do not know how to deal with Xiaohai, and can only ask the foreign king to decide.

However, although the bodies of Xiaohai and the large number of monks poisoning in the Longying station were suppressed by the Qin elders, there is no wall that is impenetrable.

The day after the incident happened, everyone in the entire Qingmu City knew these two things, which made the Qin elders angry.

"What is going on? I have not told you that these two things are not allowed to pass out? Who is it?" Qin Elder was furious in the hall.

Now everyone in Aoki Castle knows these two things. Of course, they know not the murderer sent by the people of Xiaohai, but the murderer sent by Yucheng.

But the two things spread out, and now the entire Aoki Castle is panicked. Even a large number of ordinary people want to leave the city and leave Qingmucheng.

After all, everyone is passing, and the poison is quite powerful. Even the very powerful monks are supported but will die in three days. If ordinary people get this poison, they will die in less than a day.

However, the most terrible thing is that this poison can also be transmitted. Once someone is exposed to a poisoned person, normal people will show signs of poisoning within an hour.

Therefore, after hearing this news, these ordinary people still have to accept it, and they are taking their own homes to prepare to run the road. If they don’t run, they will only wait for death.

However, the city government has issued a death order at this time, no matter who it is, can not leave the city.

Because he is very clear, if these people really let the people out of the city, then this thing will spread farther, when all the people around will know that they have a highly contagious poison in Qingmucheng, then they have to .

However, ordinary people can't leave the city, which can irritate all the people.

"Why don't you let us out of town?"

"That is, now the city is very poisonous. If we don't let us out of the city, we will all die here, I don't want to!"

"I don't want to die too, you open the gates and let us go!"

All the people are blocked at the gate of the city, want to go out, and even a lot of ordinary people pick up the guys will rush out.

However, these defenders can't manage that much. For those people who are gradually starting to riot, they have no way at all. They can only kill them directly for those extremely extreme people.

Seeing that these soldiers actually started to kill, all the people were scared at once.

They want to go out of town ~www.ltnovel.com~ nothing more than want to live. But now these soldiers do not dare to be so impulsive in order not to let them go out of town to kill people directly.

After all, although staying in the city may be highly toxic, it is still possible to survive. However, if they want to rush out of the city gate, they will be directly killed by these soldiers, and they will be afraid.

"The city owner has a life, and now no one is allowed to leave the city. If there is a violation of the order, go straight to it. You should go home quickly. During this time, you should stay at home as much as possible. Don't go out at random. Don't just have physical contact with strangers. So that it will not be infected with poison." It is impossible for the defender to kill all the people here. If it is possible to persuade these people to go back, it is naturally a good thing.

The people heard that the keeper would say this. Although he was unwilling in his heart, he still wanted to leave the city, but he saw that he was still bleeding with a knife, and no one dared to collide with the city gate.

Some ordinary people know that it is impossible to leave the city. They can only go home first. However, some people did not send it so easily. Although they did not return home, they did not collide with the city gate. They just stood in front of these defending soldiers.

"You still don't want to go, do you want to eat a knife?" Seeing these people staring at them motionlessly, the guard will impatiently raise the knife in his hand.

"General, you let us out of town, we are not bad people, it is useless to leave us here!"

"Yes! General, you will do it and let us go out of town."

Everyone looked at the slashing knife on the hand of the keeper. Although he was afraid, he still had the courage to ask the keeper.

"The city owner has already said that no one is allowed to leave the city now. Whoever wants to leave the city, that is, the same party who poisoned the murderer, caught the direct killing of innocent, you have to think clearly!" The defender will be very rude to say .

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