Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2236: The East Gate was attacked!

Three days said that it was not fast, and that it was slow. However, for the people of Aoki Castle, the three-day time is like a year.

Since the outbreak of contagious and poisonous in the city, everyone no longer dares to stroll around the street as usual. Because everyone is afraid of being suddenly infected by others.

Therefore, in the past three days, everyone who is engaged in it is heart-wrenching, afraid of it, and no one dares to touch strangers.

However, even in the city government, everyone became very cautious after seeing others. Even those who are in the middle of the government, even if they meet an acquaintance, don’t dare to speak too much, and they don’t dare to rely too close.

Because no one knows whether the other party has been poisoned. If the other party has been poisoned, he is accidentally infected, and that is all right.

However, in the West Courtyard of Aoki Castle, Cheng Yu was sitting in the room with a relaxed face, seemingly completely unaffected by the emotions of everyone outside.

"It seems that we are too underestimating them. I didn't think they were very reliable!" Cheng Yu chuckled in his heart, picked up the teapot on the chair, poured himself a cup of tea, and slowly drank it.

That poison was obtained from the poison king, although the poison king was not obedient after being accepted by Cheng Yu, but after Cheng Yu's multiple intimidation and lure, he finally got some venom out of Cheng Yu.

You must know that the poison of the poison king is really not comparable to the general poison. In his view, the poison of the poison king is even more powerful than the thousands of flowers and souls formulated by the poisonous immortals.

Although the duration of the poison treatment in the frost-free body is longer, it is because the poison in the frost-free body has already occurred. Moreover, Cheng Yu is not likely to give her a lot of blood, each time a small amount of taking.

If this thousand flower eclipse is Cheng Yuzhong, then there are so many golden blood in Cheng Yu's body, and it doesn't take long for it to solve the poison of thousands of flowers and souls.

Moreover, the number of toxins in the poison king is not clear, at least more than a thousand. In addition, the poison they originally had was not the strongest poison released by the poison king.

Moreover, the stronger the strength of the poison king, the more toxic it will become. Just like the poison of the century-old poisonous king, it can only poison the monks below the gods, but the poisonous death of the monks of the Millennium King of the Kings is not a problem.

As long as the strength of the poison king is constantly stronger, it will be a breeze to poison a late master of the Mahayana.

This time, Cheng Yu borrowed some venom from the poisonous king, but this poison was not for him to go, but for the women who stayed in Aoki Castle.

He just secretly gave the poison to them, and he still had some concerns that they could not do it well. But now it seems that they have done this very well.

It has been three days now, and Cheng Yu is very confident in the poison of Wang. If it wasn't for him that he had the golden blood that could dissolve the drug, even he met the venom and he was helpless and could only wait to die.

Therefore, he believes that in this Aoki Castle, there is no way to solve this poison. In the Xicheng resident, the dragon eagle must have died a lot.

This time is the time for his plan to implement the second step.

After drinking the tea on hand, it was already late at night.


At that time, several red and red flares suddenly appeared in the sky above the East Gate, and the whole city was dyed red. At the moment the signal flare exploded, the entire city seemed to have become daylight.

"what happened?"

"The city owner! There is an enemy!"

"Enemy attack? How can there be an enemy attack? Where has it been attacked?" After hearing the sound of the signal flare, Qinghai rushed out of the room.

"The city owner, the East Gate was attacked!" The guards ran in a panic and said.

"The East Gate was attacked? Is it that Xiaohai has come over again?" Qinghai heard that it was attacked by the East Gate, and suddenly became nervous.

Now everyone in Aoki Castle knows that people from Yucheng came to Qingmu City to poison them. But as the owner of a city, he thinks more than these people.

Behind the city of Yucheng is the screaming overseas dynasty. With the enthusiasm of the shackles, I am sure that I dare not be so arrogant against the Greenwood City. The reason is very simple. If it is really done by the city, their goal will only be their capital city, not the people of the dragon eagle.

Since these people are the agents of the Dragon Eagle, the people behind them must be the people of Xiaohai.

Now the East Gate has been attacked again, and in all likelihood, the people on the side of Xiaohai have once again shot. But the elder Qin did not say that they have already formed an alliance with Xiaohai? Moreover, the frontline situation in the north is now very good. Their Dragon Eagle and Xiaohai Alliance are in a state of flux, step by step in the demon smashing the land.

In this case, the relationship between Dragonhawk and Xiaohai should be getting better and better, but how did Xiaohai suddenly shoot at Longying?

Could it be said that this stunned sea leopard ambition, want to come up with a double arrow, not only to fight the devil, but also to fight the dragon eagle?

However, at this time, he could not allow him to think more, and I don’t know how many people came to this time. www.ltnovel.com~ If the East Gate was attacked by them, then this time it’s really Dangerous.

"Mr. Hu, the East Gate was attacked, please ask me to go with you to check the situation!" Qinghai came to Cheng Yu's room and tapped the room gently, but he heard it from his voice. It is really anxious.

"The East Gate was attacked? Is it that the people in Yucheng have called again?" After a while, Cheng Yu came out of the room and asked.

"For the time being, I am still not sure, but in all likelihood, it is the people of Yucheng. So late to disturb Mr. Hu, the city owner is really unwilling to go." Qinghai shook his head and said.

"It is no problem, this is related to the safety of Aoki Castle. I can resign and protect the city of Aoki. This is the responsibility of Hu as the guest of the city!" Cheng Yu said.

"Mr. Hu Gaoyi." When I heard Cheng Yu’s words, Qinghai’s heart was very touched.

After all, these guest secrets are only the most polite to Cheng Yu, like other guests, when he went to find them, they were all dissatisfied or unwilling.

When Cheng Yu and Qinghai came to the hall of the government, other guests in Qinghai had already waited there. However, Cheng Yu, who finally saw Qinghai, asked them to wait here. Their hearts were a bit uncomfortable.

In particular, the guest princes of the Mahayana period did not look good when they looked at Cheng Yu. After all, in their view, as a master of the Mahayana period, they are willing to stay in such a small city government, which is very good for Qinghai.

However, this Qinghai is too ignorant, Cheng Yu is just a small fit period. Although it is only a step away from the Mahayana period, it is not easy to say whether Cheng Yu can finally take this step.

And they are already a genuine Mahayana period, Qinghai let them wait here for a fit period, if they are comfortable in the heart!

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