Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2237: Not in town!

Although he saw that these people were not good at his face, Cheng Yu did not say anything. He had no interest in dealing with these people, and he did not have this.

Of course, he is very clear about what these people are thinking, but he does not need to face these people.

Qinghai also naturally saw the faces of these people, but he did not care too much. After all, these people really don't give him the face of the city owner. In this case, he also wants to remind them.

Even if they are great, it is only the guest who he invited. Since he is a guest, he must listen to him. If these clerkes can't use it for themselves, then he doesn't have to spend such a big price to raise these people.

However, Cheng Yu is different. As long as he has something to do, whenever he goes to find him, Cheng Yu will be very polite to agree. Obviously, Cheng Yu has more interest in it, and he is very good at giving him the face of this city.

And what he wants is exactly this kind of guest, so he wants to raise Chengyu’s position in the city government and let them have a look. These guests want to be seen by him, and they must first hear about it.

"You, now the East Gate is attacked, it is very likely that Yucheng once again launched an attack on our Aoki Castle. But this attack can be far more dangerous than half a year ago, so I will find the guests in the evening. I also hope that everyone can help me solve the crisis in Aoki Castle. Now let's go!" Qinghai did not give everyone the opportunity to refuse.

He is very clear that if he talks to these people in a negotiated tone, then the East Gate is afraid that it has been smashed, and they will continue to push it.

However, he did not give them this opportunity now, said the situation, and directly led the way.

Cheng Yu did not say anything, the first one was with Qinghai.

Others looked at each other, although everyone was dissatisfied with Qinghai’s attitude tonight. However, they are the guests who have been invited by Qinghai, and the resources they usually need are also provided by Qinghai.

If it is not a last resort, they do not want to really fall out with Qinghai.

After all, they were all scattered before they became Qinghai’s guest. As a mess, they know that it is not easy to get enough resources for them to cultivate.

Especially in the realm of their present situation, as the strength continues to increase, they need more and more resources. Without a reliable resource-providing place, they simply don't have a good life.

Because they need more resources, they spend most of their time looking for resources when they are doing the repairs. Even if some resources are collected, it is not enough for them to practice for a long time.

However, since becoming a guest of Qinghai, there has never been a shortage of resources. This is why they clearly have such strength, but they are willing to be a guest in a small city.

Because the days of scattered repairs are really difficult, they are now happy, no matter what resources they need to practice, Qinghai will try to satisfy them.

So, this is the light, and they don't want to lose this iron rice bowl.

Everyone just can't understand the way that Cheng Yu has always been a good old man, especially now that Qinghai is especially good for Cheng Yu. I heard that Qinghai has prepared more resources for Cheng Yu than they do, which makes them More uncomfortable.

However, now they are even dissatisfied in their hearts, but also to give this face to Qinghai.

Of course, as for the time to shoot, it depends on whether the opponent is strong or not. If the opponent is too strong, they don't want to put their own life for a little resource.

After all, resources are good, but life is to be enjoyed.

Especially when they got to their position, it was very reluctant.

"Since this Qinghai sees this surname Hu, then there is something to let this kid go up!" A visitor in the early days of Mahayana seems to have already seen everyone's mind, so he smiled. Said.

"Mr. Tang said that it is reasonable. Since he likes the limelight so much, let him go!" Others will smile, and Tang Keqing’s words really go to their hearts.

Since the surname Hu’s resources are better than theirs, it’s okay for him to do more.

When Cheng Yu came to the East Gate, Qinghai’s face was blue and green, because the East Gate was full of guards of the city guards. But fortunately, the city gate has not suffered much damage, as long as you send someone to hold the gate.

"Come on!" Qinghai shouted.

A keeper will rush over and hug the fist: "City Lord!"

"Talk about it! What the **** is going on? Is the person over the city attacking it?" Qinghai said with a cold face.

"The city owner, we don't know. Everyone who was in front of the East Gate died. When we came over, we didn't see anyone attacking the city gate!" said the defender.

"So, these people have already entered the city?" Hearing the words of the defender ~www.ltnovel.com~ Qinghai's face is even worse.

Although they don't know the identity of the enemy, he already has a lot of confidence that he is the one sent by Xiaohai. This Xiaohai is really more and more arrogant, and even so bright and honest people sent people to the city.

"This is not known, maybe they have already left!" The keeper will think about it.

He felt that if these people were to enter the city, it would definitely be a dead end, so he felt that these people had attacked the city and could only leave quickly to save their lives.

"Mr. Hu, what do you think? Are these people entering the city or going back?" Qinghai frowned and asked.

"It is impossible for them to go back. If they just ran to the East Gate, then there is no need to make such a big move. So in the opinion of Hu, these people should be in the city." Cheng Yu Said.

Of course, he knows that these people are in the city. However, it doesn't matter whether he said it at this time, because he has enough confidence that no one can catch them.

"That's not necessarily. Maybe today these people are just to inquire about a virtual reality. They don't have to go into the city at all. Besides, if they enter the city, what can they do? Can they still bring us Aoki? Are everyone in the city killed?

In addition, since they are coming fast, it means that there are not many people who come to the city today. In this case, if they enter the city, they will die, but they will easily reveal their identity.

So in my opinion, they will leave if they kill someone. It is because of this that they can use this to confuse us.

When we are still looking for people in the city, perhaps people have already returned to Yucheng and have a good drink! "The guest named Tang’s guest stood up and said.

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