Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2238: Xicheng can't go!

When Qinghai heard Tang Keqing’s words, he suddenly frowned, not because he deliberately went to the difficult process, but felt that Tang Keqing’s words also had some truth.

The number of people who attacked the city this time is certainly not much, or else they can't run all so fast. If the number is small, if they enter the city, they will be dead for a lifetime, so they are less likely to enter the city.

After all, they are not useful even if they are so close to the city. Is it that they want to rely on this point to kill all the people in their city and the dragon eagle?

But if they ran like this, it really made him unwilling. After all, there is a second time for the first time. If they come to the city once every other time, as if they were half a year ago, they will be able to withstand them even if they have more people.

When I think of it, he is angry and hateful. The guy in Xiaohai really wants to give him a rush. He also sends some people to attack the city to see how many people can hold the city.

"Mr. Tang made a point!" The people thought that Cheng Yu would refute, but did not expect that Cheng Yu nodded at this time to agree with Tang Keqing's words, and immediately disappointed everyone.

I thought that this kid was a lot more, but it was so embarrassing that it was so shameful.

However, Cheng Yu then went on and said: "But Mr. Tang's analysis is very reasonable, but I don't think people are full of food. The killings are so many people who ran back to celebrate, is it not? Is the child playing?"

"That listened to Mr. Hu Xiao's meaning, can these people dare to enter the city?" Hearing the words of Cheng Yu's rebuttal, Tang Keqing did not care, but looked at Cheng Yu with a smile.

However, Tang Keqing’s words made Qinghai frown, while others were looking like a good show.

Tang Keqing deliberately used a "Mr. Hu Xiao" to call Cheng Yu, clearly distinguishing him. Although the strength of the late stage is good, but for the master of the Mahayana period such as Tang Keqing, it seems that there is nothing inappropriate to use Cheng Xiao to call Cheng Yu.

In the realm of comprehension, the strong is respected, just from the realm of Cheng Yu, Tang Keqing can indeed be said to be Cheng Yu's predecessor.

However, although Cheng Yu knew that the other party and even many other guest secretaries also looked down on him, he did not care at all. All he left in Aoki Castle was just to provoke the contradiction between the Dragon Eagle and the Xiaohai.

Besides, with his strength, what are these friends in front of him? When a person's strength has already exceeded his opponent's strength, no matter what the other party says, he will not care.

At least in Cheng Yu's opinion, what is the difference between these people and the ants? What about yourself, what do you know about ants?

However, Cheng Yu does not care, but it does not mean that he will not fight back, so he said indifferently: "Mr. Tang Da's eyes are quite high, but this brain is not so good?"

"What do you say?" When he heard that Cheng Yu was so rude, Tang Keqing suddenly changed his face, and there were signs of anger in the faint.

Other people are even more happy when they see it. They really hope that Tang Keqing will fight with Cheng Yu. Finally, he will play here for a good lesson and learn the lesson.

"Why should Mr. Tang be angry, isn't this obvious? You look at the body of this land, and there is only one wound on the neck or body of each body. This shows that the strength of these people is very good, at least A master of the gods or above.

You said that they sent such a master just to kill a few defending guards? What is it that is not full?

In addition, if these people are such masters, do you think that they will be dead in the city? "Cheng Yu faced Tang Keqing's anger, but he was not afraid at all. He opened the wound on the body of the ground and analyzed the situation of the people who attacked the city.

Cheng Yu, who was talking about it, was obviously stunned. Listening to his explanation, those who sneaked into the East Gate were really likely to enter the city.

"Oh! This is just your own wishful thinking. How can you prove that these people really entered the city, instead of going back directly?" Although Tang Keqing felt that there was some truth in Cheng Yu's analysis, he did not. It may be that in this scene, I think that I am wrong, a cold cry, a confident look.


However, at this time, Xicheng District suddenly heard a huge sound.

"Not good! Xicheng District has an accident!" Qinghai's face changed. The people sent by Longying Waichao lived in Xicheng District. Now it has just been attacked in the East Gate. Now Xicheng District has an accident, which has basically confirmed the process. Yu’s words are very likely to be true.

However, Tang Keqing’s face is not so good, this is really a hard-faced face. I just said that these people can't dare to enter the city, but now they have not only entered the city, but they seem to have made new moves.

"Citymaster!" Just as Qinghai was preparing to rush to Xicheng District, Cheng Yu suddenly stopped him.

"Mr. Hu, what?" Qinghai was anxious, but had to stop. www.ltnovel.com~ The city owner is going to Xicheng? Cheng Yu asked.

"Now the West City has an accident. As the city owner of Aoki Castle, I am going to see what happened?" Qinghai nodded.

"The city owner, you can't go to Xicheng at this time!" Cheng Yu said.

"Why is this?" Qinghai asked inexplicably.

"That is Xicheng District!"

"so what?"

"The city owner should not forget, who is there in Xicheng?" Cheng Yu kindly reminded.

"What does this mean for Mr. Hu?" Qinghai naturally knows where the dragon eagle is stationed.

Of course, the entire Xicheng District is so big, the Dragon Eagle people only occupy a huge mansion, and there are many ordinary people living in other places in the West City.

"I think he is scared? The words that have been said just now are very different, but it is really a thing, but it is awkward. Qingcheng Lord, when looking for a guest, but to polish your eyes, don't look for it. Some people who lie to eat and lie to lie resources come in, then Qingcheng can eat a big loss!" Tang Keqing saw Cheng Yu this kind of deputy, suddenly felt that the opportunity came, he would not fight Cheng Yu.

However, Qinghai believes that Cheng Yu is definitely not a person who deceives and deceives resources. It is true that they are a bit like cheating and cheating. Usually they are not willing to take small things, and they dare not take shots.

But he will not say anything, he believes that Cheng Yu must have other reasons.

I saw Cheng Yu’s glance at Tang Keqing. For his irony, he didn’t take it seriously, only when he put a fart.

If he did not see Qinghai, this person is really good, and as a city owner, it is still good for the people in the city. Unlike the Fang family and the Tianjiacheng Tianjia, they bullied the people, so he did not want Qinghai to die.

Otherwise, he would not care about the so-called life of the so-called guest.

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