Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2240: The heart of the defense is indispensable!

Qinghai looks at these people are all selfless, but the heart is already translucent, he will not know what they are thinking?

Perhaps Cheng Yu is really worried about his life, but these people, he is too understanding. The four words of greed and fear of death are not just about talking about them, they are doing the best of these four words.

However, he did not say much, although some despise their behavior, but have to say that they have a saying that is quite right.

That is, Aoki Castle can't be without a dragon. If they and the Elder Qin are killed, this Qingmu City is equivalent to becoming a land of nowhere. How can the trample or the sea of ​​Xiaohai not want to trample on the Aoki Castle?

Although the people in Xicheng made him very worried, he could not sacrifice the people of the entire Qingmu City for the people of Xicheng.

So, looking at everyone said: "I understand what you mean, I will not go!"

"The city owner, you are really a wise decision. I believe that as long as there is you in Aoki Castle, this city will never be robbed by the city!" Everyone heard that Qinghai finally knows what to give to everyone. The answer, everyone suddenly let go.

Although they said so much, they are really afraid that Qinghai’s brain will not turn, and there is really no way.

"However, although I don't go to Xicheng District, I always know that the situation there is! Come on!" Qinghai said loudly, and suddenly a guard came to him.

"City Lord!"

"You go to Xicheng to inquire, what is the situation there? Get the news and come back and tell the city!" Qinghai said.

"Yes!" The guards clenched their fists and immediately disappeared into the sight of everyone.

"Citymaster, don't we return to the city's main house now?" Seeing Qinghai waiting for news here, several people suddenly became unhappy.

After all, there is still danger here. If those people suddenly kill back, then are they all going to suffer?

"Although I don't go to Xicheng, I can't let these murderers go back here again. They want to come and want to go and leave. Are they really no one in our city?" Qinghai said loudly.

Although the strength of those people may be really terrible, but he is also very clear that the Dragon Eagle is not as simple as they think. Because as far as he knows, there are still a few masters of the robbery period.

However, he has been in Greenwood City for so many years, but he has never seen it. Although he has not seen it, he has also learned from the elders of Qin, that is, Aoki Castle does have a much better existence than him.

Therefore, this time, even if these people are powerful, they are even stronger than the Qin elders, but they may not be able to get better. At this time, he does not believe that these masters still do not appear, or else what is the significance of their stay in Aoki Castle?

No, this time, he did not stand up and persuade Qinghai, because the ins and outs of this matter are clear and clear, this is the bureau of his cloth.

More importantly, even if they go out from here, no one will be like them, so even if Qinghai is to stay here until dawn, he does not care.

"The city owner, you are really dangerous. The masters of the Mahayana are really not as simple as you think. If they want to kill us, it is a breeze!" But Cheng Yu is not in a hurry, but Tang Keqing on the side is some Anxious.

They don't know what is in the brain of Qinghai. It's time for it, and it's still dead. If the masters of the later Mahayana really ran back, they were all dead.

"Mr. Tang, did Mr. Hu not have a punch with that week? But isn’t he still standing here right now? Not to mention Mr. Tang, you are still in the early days of Mahayana, can’t you even get a punch in Zhou Ping? "Qinghai sees these people so greedy and fearful of death, and their faces are not good."

He had listened to their persuasion before, but he didn't go to Xicheng, but now he just dared not to let them hold the retreat of those who attacked the city. He really didn't know who these VIPs were.

He has some regrets now, is it wrong to ask such a group of guests? Perhaps he should drive away these guest secrets, leaving only people like Cheng Yu who have the courage to take responsibility and really think for him.

However, when I heard Qinghai, Tang Keqing’s mouth trembled, his face was pumping, and he had a hard punch with the master of the Mahayana. He really didn’t dare to do this.

Because he is very clear, although it is also a Mahayana period, but the early stage of Mahayana and the late Mahayana is not a level at all. In the late stage of Mahayana, it is easy to kill a few, even a dozen or so early.

However, even if he didn't dare, he couldn't lose face in front of Cheng Yu, so he said: "The city owner, sometimes it is not necessarily true. Mr. Hu is good, but compared with the later stage of Mahayana. But it is really insignificant.

Although everyone said that Mr. Hu had a hard punch with Zhou Ping in the late Mahayana, I did not believe it. Since Mr. Hu is so powerful, I will wait for the masters of the later Mahayana to come. Let us see how your boxing is. ”

He knows his strength very well. He knows that he can't hit a big punch with the master of the Mahayana~www.ltnovel.com~ But he doesn't believe that Cheng Yu really had a hard punch with Zhou Ping.

He did not appear on the gate that day, so he did not see the magical scene. However, he also knows that Cheng Yu did have a punch with Zhou Ping, because many people said that they saw it with their own eyes, and even some of them had seen it with their own eyes.

However, he did not believe that Cheng Yu really had a hard punch with that Zhou Ping. It must be Cheng Yu’s use of what he saw as a trick, or else he might resist the late stage of the Mahayana. Even if he did not kill Cheng Yu in a fist, he was afraid that he would die half-death.

"Tang Keqing, the city master that day saw his husband and Zhou Ping hard to hit a punch, you think this is a fake?" Qinghai's face is even worse.

He felt that Tang Keqing had no guts, but now he still doubts the strength of others. It is ridiculous.

"The city owner misunderstood. I don't think this is a fake. After all, there are so many people who have seen it. I just think that what you see is not so magical. For example, Zhou Ping did not intend to kill Mr. Hu. He just waved a punch and didn't even make half of the power of the family.

In this case, what if Mr. Hu is a hard punch? "Tang Keqing is not convinced of the face of the city owner, still self-satisfied."

"The city owner, Mr. Tang said right, Mr. Hu, although the strength is good, but after all, it is only the late stage of the fit. In the late stage of a fit with a Mahayana hard hit, but no death and no disability, this is really doubtful, There is nothing hidden in this. The city owner, you must be careful! After all, the heart of the victim can't be, but the heart of the defender is indispensable!" A visitor in the middle of the Mahayana stood up and said with a smile!

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