Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2241: Run the road!

Cheng Yu glanced at the person who spoke. He remembered that this person’s surname was one of the two great Mahayana recruited by Qinghai.

If Tang Keqing's words are only to pick up Cheng Yu's thorns, but this Ho Qingqing's words are completely provoked between Cheng Yu and Qinghai.

He Keqing's words are clearly saying that Cheng Yu is a traitor sent by Yucheng, and this suddenly makes everyone's face change.

However, the people present, in addition to Qinghai and several powerful guest secrets, everyone else is a gloating scene.

"Mr. He, this can not be said indiscriminately. I believe that Mr. Hu can't be a person sent by Zhou Ping!" Qinghai said with a serious look.

After all, he first saw Cheng Yu killing Zhou Ping's men, and Zhou Ping was also trying to save Qi Fei to Cheng Yu.

Moreover, in the state of Zhou Ping, it was obvious that Cheng Yu angered Zhou Ping by killing Qi Fei. Later, Zhou Ping even attacked Aoki Castle.

Therefore, Qinghai believes that Cheng Yu is definitely not a group with Zhou Ping.

However, this He Qingqing is a master of the middle of the Mahayana. Qinghai does not want to offend him now, so he still gave him a few faces.

"The city owner, knowing people knows what to do!" He Keqing said again.

"Well, this matter is for the time being, don't say it anymore, I believe that Mr. Hu is a man!" Qinghai waved his hand and stopped He Keqing's words.

He Keqing saw that Qinghai trusted Cheng Yu so much, and even repeatedly covered him. Although he was somewhat dissatisfied, he did not say anything more.

Cheng Yu, who is the party, has been quietly standing aside, looking at it all faintly, and there seems to be no intention to explain it at all.

However, Cheng Yu was so moved when he saw that Qinghai believed himself. As the saying goes, the employer is not suspicious and the suspect is not used.

It’s just that Qinghai finally has to be disappointed with himself. Although he is not a group with Zhou Ping, he is not a group with Long Ying.

But fortunately, Cheng Yu and Qinghai are not enemies. Even though their positions are different now, he believes that Qinghai will become a camp in the future.

The former Dongchengmen guards were all killed, and the escorts who were coming were cleaning up the bodies, while Cheng Yu waited by the tower.

To be honest, although Qinghai’s words are very hard and very responsible, his heart is also anxious and nervous.

After all, through the analysis of their process, the strength of those people is indeed not weak. And they are waiting for them here, it is really dangerous.

But I think there are so many masters here, although there are no masters of the Mahayana, but they are there, he wants to save his life should not be difficult.

Not long after, the guards who had sent out to inquire about the situation before Qinghai came back.

"The city owner, the big things are not good, the Qin elders were killed!" The **** ran over and had not waited for Qinghai to open, and the guards had already said with panic.

"What! The elder Qin was killed? Who killed it?" The news from this guard is really shocking.

Although everyone had some speculation before, perhaps the Qin Elders would not be able to, but did not expect that, just a moment, Qin Elder had already been killed, which shows that those people are more powerful than they think. .

"The ones who attacked the East Gate!" said the guard.

“Have you ever heard about the strength of those people?” Tang Keqing, next to Qinghai, hurriedly asked.

"I didn't see those people, but I heard them see the people killed by Elder Qin saying that they are... they are..."

"What are they? Hurry up!" Qinghai shouted.

"They said that those people are crossing...over...the robbery!"

"The robbery period!" Hearing these three words, it is even more shocking than the news that Qin Elder was killed.

And Tang Keqing was even scared and fell to the ground directly. If the face was gray, his mouth muttered: "The robbery period! We are dead!"

"Are you sure those people are in the robbery period?" Qinghai felt horrible even when he heard the robbery period, and even his face was somewhat white, but he tried to make himself look calmer.

"There should be no mistakes. Those people have witnessed the death of the elders of Qin by those people. And although I did not see those people, I have already heard that the fighting in the Dragon Eagle House is very strong. Horror, I can't even approach it, I don't dare to wait too much, so I will come back and report it!" This guard seems to think of the feeling when I wanted to get close to the Dragon Eagle House. The whole person could not help but tremble. Scared him.

"How many people do they have?" Qinghai tightened his fists and it seemed that the situation was more trouble than he thought.

He really did not think that this Xiaohai had sent a master of the robbery period, which shows that they really want to start with the Dragon Eagle.

And now they are fighting in the Devils area in the Dragon Eagle and Xiaohai, it is impossible to launch large-scale forces. Therefore, it is indeed most appropriate to send a master of the robbery period directly.

However, he still has no desperation~www.ltnovel.com~ Because there is also a period of robbery in the Dragon Eagle House, I just don't know a few. The biggest problem now is that Xiaohai has sent several robberies. If the number is not as good as that of Longying, then Qingmu City will not fall.

"I heard that there are five people!" replied the guard.

"Five! Is it a period of robbery?" When you heard this number, everyone was already desperate.

What are the concepts of the five crossings, and none of them can leave Aoki Castle alive. No wonder the city dared to be so arrogant, even the masters of the robbery period were dispatched, which is terrible.

At this time, the guests around Qinghai were all anxious and pale, and they had no intention to stay.

"This subordinate does not know, everything happens too fast, they are not very clear!" The guards replied.

"The city owner, I think we are still leaving Greenwood City. From the current situation, if it is later, I am afraid that we will not be able to go!" Tang Keqing now does not want to stay in Qingmu City for a moment.

However, the masters of the company have been sent to the robbery period. Five people do not know that there are several periods of catastrophe. Even if there is only one, it is not something they can cope with.

What's more, the masters of the late Mahayana, like the elders of Qin, said in the hands of others that killing would kill, and these people, even if they are no more useful.

"The city owner, Tang Keqing said yes, now the situation is not good, this city is too embarrassing, even the masters of the robbery period have been found, if we do not leave, there is really no chance!" He Keqing also said to persuade.

He Keqing opened his mouth, and then others also spoke. If the strength of these people is only the Mahayana period, they can still try to top it.

However, now everyone is out of the robbery period. This is because they have no way to stop the loss. At this time, they will not run, but when will they wait?

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