Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2311: Xiao Hai is coming!

Huang’s elders are somewhat difficult to do, because they have half of the chances of living and death, and he dare not take such a risk.

"Elders of the grandson, are you really sure to stick to the day in Antong City?" Huang grew seriously watching the elders of Gongsun.

He didn't want to die, let him leave alone, it was too dangerous. If someone is accompanied, even if you really meet the people of Xiaohai, then he also has a chance to escape. But there is only one person, he wants to run, it is difficult.

"Huang elders, I really don't have a bit of control. I just said that there is such a possibility." Seeing the elder Huang, the elders of the grandson and grandmother smiled, his tone was softer, not so firm before. .

Because he only wanted to keep the elders of Huang before, so he deliberately said something firm, so that Huang Elder thought he had a great grasp. But now Huang Elder has obvious meaning to stay, he will naturally not lie again.

If you are clearly unsure of the day in Antong City, you have to be sure that if they really can't keep it, then Huang Huang is afraid to blame all his responsibilities on him.

He knows that even if this is the case, Huang Huang will actually choose to stay, because he does not dare to go out alone.

Sure enough, Huang’s elders hesitated and his face was cloudy and uncertain. The last bite was still helpless: “I am willing to stay, I hope we can really stay here for a day.”

"Huang Elder, you should believe in your own decision, we will never lose to Xiaohai," said White Elder.

Although it is only Huang Elder, but their situation is not very good now, so every master of the robbery period, let them stick to the day to increase the success rate.

"Well, since all have already decided, then I can only hope so!" Huang Elder nodded.

The 17 hawking periods of the Dragon Eagle were all left in Antong City.

On the other side of Xiaohai, the East Gate is the main force direction sent by Xiao Hai this time. There are fifteen masters of the robbery period. However, because Xiao Hai did not know how many robbing masters in Antong City, they did not dare to be too mad, but they often sent people to attack, and occasionally came out a few masters of the robbery period.

However, Long Ying also has six masters of the robbery period in the East Gate. In order to be safe, Xiao Hai did not immediately use all the robbery periods to attack the East Gate.

In Taihua City and Wanzhou City, the masters of Xiaohai first attacked these masters after they waited for the dragon eagle's master to leave the city. After the elimination of these reinforcements to Antong City, they began to attack Taihua City and Wanzhou City directly.

So they quickly occupied the two cities, but they did not stay in the two cities, but left a small amount of troops, and then others went to Antong City.

Of course, this is not their only way to go, but these people are divided into two parts, and some continue

Go to Antong City, and the other part is on the way to Lucheng and Antong City.

Now Taihua City and Wanzhou City have been broken, leaving only one Antong City. What's more, they are stationed in the east, north and south of Antong City. The troops or troops are heading for it. There is only one West Gate left in Antong City.

However, they do not intend to encircle Simon directly, and they choose to lurk.

"Pang elders, Elder Tang and Elder Zheng came to the news. They have already arrived at the North Gate and the South Gate of Antong City. When did we start attacking Antong City?" East Gate Waihai Camp, a Mahayana monk ran to Pang Said the elders.

"Very good, waited for such a long time, finally waited for them, is there any news at Ximen?" Pang elder asked with excitement.

They started from the first to arrive in Antong City. They have been playing for seven days. They have not tried their best to attack. They only hope to consume more dragon eagle.

Of course, the most important thing is that there is no news from the North Gate and the South Gate. Now Elder Tang and Elder Zheng have come to Antong City, have endured for so long, and are about to erupt.

However, he is not prepared to let anyone in the Dragon Eagle, they actually want to invade the site of Xiaohai, it is also necessary to see if they have this ability.

The site of their whistling sea is not something that anyone can take away. If you do this, you should bear the consequences of doing so.

Although Antong City has been surrounded by three sides, Ximen is a very important one. If Simon is not ready yet, then you can't start with Antong.

"Pang elders, Elder Tang and Zheng elders did not go to Antong City for a long time. Others went from the middle to the west gate, fearing that it was not so fast!" said the monk of the Mahayana.

"Well, if this is the case, then let the people of Longying wait for a while, and believe that their good days are coming to an end. This Antong City is their place of burial!" Smile.

In his heart, all the dragon eagle masters in Antong City are already the meat on the cutting board, only waiting for them to do it at any time.


"Elders of the grandson, the masters of Xiaohai appear in the north gate and the south gate. It seems that they want to attack Antong City. What do we do next?" A monk in the Mahayana rushed over and said to the elders of the grandson.

"This Xiaohai seems to really want to trap us. How many people have they come together?" The elder grandson frowned. This is not a good sign. Now, the more you wait, the more you will do to Xiaohai. More prepared, and the more dangerous they are!

"I haven't decided yet, but it's roughly estimated that the North and South Gates add up to two or three thousand people. Together with the 30,000 people who have been stationed there for the East Gate, the elders, we are not in a good situation!" The monk said with a worried look~www.ltnovel.com~What is the situation in Ximen now? Is there also the presence of Xiaohai? "The face of the elder grandson is not very good looking.

These three gates are surrounded by nearly 60,000 people in Xiaohai, but the most important thing is whether they have many masters of the robbery period. They are not very clear, and this is also very dangerous.

However, from the current situation of Xiao Hai, their masters of the robbery period are not afraid of it. During this time, he has already sent people to know that there are at least ten masters of the robbery period in the East Gate.

Even if there are no ten in the north and south gates, there should be ten people in total. In this way, they have at least 20 people in the robbery period outside the three seas.

However, the reinforcements that came to Taihua City and Wanzhou City were destroyed, so their number is afraid that even 30 people are possible.

But now they still need to stick to half a day, if Xiaohai has such a force, they are afraid that even this half-day time may not be able to insist on living.

"Elders, Simon did not find anyone with Xiaohai, do we have to leave the city from Ximen?" said the monk of the Mahayana.

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