Godly Student

Vol 8 Chapter 2312: escape!

"Elders of the grandson, do you still think that we can persist?" Huang Huang heard that the monk had told the current situation, and his face was not good.

Xiaohai is in a state of turmoil. They are so human beings now that they cannot be opponents of others.

"The current situation is really unfavorable to us, but our people have not yet returned to Yucheng. We must insist on it again, otherwise we will abandon the city and escape. We have no way to live." The elder grandson said with a dignified face.

"Do you still want to save those people now? If we don't leave the city again, we will die when they attack the city in three directions. Now the only way we want to live is to get out of Ximen immediately!" Huang Huang said with some anger.

The original situation is not as bad as it is now. Now they are surrounded by three sides. If they let the people of Simon be surrounded, they will not be able to leave the city.

"We can't go out of town now!" said the elder grandson.


"It's very simple. There are swindles in Xiaohai! Now the three sides of Antong City are all people in Xiaohai. Why is there no west?" said the elder grandson.

"Of course they haven't come over yet, so we have to hurry out of the city!" Huang said, of course.

"No, the situation may not be as simple as you think. From Taihuacheng to Ximen or Beimen, there is not much time between them. The difference is only a few hours.

The time from Wanzhou City to the South Gate is a few hours later than the Taihua City to the North Gate. The difference between these hours can basically be said to be about the same time from Taihuacheng to Ximen. That is to say, the time from Taihuacheng to Ximen and the time from Wanzhou to Nanmen are similar.

Since the Xiaohai soldiers of Wanzhou City have already reached the South Gate, the people of Taihuacheng should also arrive at Ximen. But now they have not appeared, do you think there will be no fraud in this? "The elder grandson explained.

Several people heard the explanation of the elders of the grandson, and suddenly they were white. If this was the case, then they had been encircled.

"So the people of Simon are deliberately not appearing, just waiting for us to leave the city?" Huang’s face became more and more ugly.

"This possibility is very big, but no matter what, it is not the time when we are out of town." The elder grandson said.

"But we are trapped in the city now, as long as they attack the city at the same time, we have no chance to live!" said Huang Huang.

"If we keep it, they may not be able to make us all over the army. If that is the case, then we will not break out later." Elder Gongsun said.

What he hopes most now is that the people he sent can reach the city early, and then bring people to support them. Otherwise, they are really likely to be wiped out here.

"I have already said that, don't worry about so many people, you just don't listen, this is the price of the woman's benevolence, and now we will not live more than half the chance!" Huang Elder is very dissatisfied with the current situation. He has begun to regret that no one has ever left the city before.

But now the situation has changed dramatically, and it is impossible for him to think of a person out of town. Nowadays, I can only follow everyone in any case. Only in this way can I have the opportunity to fish in troubled waters and then take the opportunity to escape from Antong City.

"Now what is said to be late, still try to keep Antong City, the city is broken, we can't escape!" Gongsun elders also have some helplessness.

It’s just that they have so many masters of the robbery period in Antong City, but they only have five emigrations to escape, he is really not willing!

But now it seems that if they were out of the city, they might really be able to save the lives of five people. It’s too late to say anything now.


At this time, several people suddenly heard a huge boom in the east.

"Not good! Xiaohai has begun to attack the city!" Everyone's face changed, and the most worrying thing has always happened.



However, when their voices fell, two loud bangs came from both the north and the south, and the whole Antong City shook at this moment.

"They really attacked the city on three sides at the same time!" The elders of Gongsun were even more ugly in their faces, and they were both enemies on the three sides. They were obviously difficult to stop people in Xiaohai.

"What do we do now? Do you have to guard the three doors separately?" said Elder Green, worried.

"No, we can't separate again. If we separate, then we will be broken by them!" said Huang Huang.

"What do we do? There are only three masters of the robbery period in the north and the south. If we don't support them, the north and south doors will soon be broken!" said the elder.

"If we support them separately, we have five people, and there is no way to stop them from breaking the city, so we can only go to any one of the north and south doors, and the other must give up!" said the elder grandson.

"Abandon another door? Isn't that going directly into the city?" The crowd was shocked.

"There is no way now. We must gather the greatest strength to stop the masters of Xiaohai! Now we have to inform the elders of the East Gate and the South Gate, all of them to the West Gate. We must not only give up one door, but the other two. The door has to give up!" Elder Grandson thought about it and said finally.

"How can this be done? Once the two doors are given up, we will have no defense, then we will die!" Bai Changji.

"We have to leave the city from Ximen, and we can't manage that much!" Elder Gongsun shook his head.

"From Ximen out of the city? You are not saying that Simon is likely to have an ambush? Are we ambushing now when we are out of town?" The elders said ~www.ltnovel.com~ Simon may have an ambush, but they may not Ambushing outside the West Gate, perhaps they want to intercept us halfway through the city, so we must take chances. If they are not outside the West Gate, we have a great chance to return to the city! Said the elder grandson.

However, although the arrangement of the elders of the grandson is rapid, the sea is more rapid. Because the three north and south gates were only guarded by three masters of the robbery period, the two gates were quickly broken, and even the masters of the six robbery periods were killed.

Now the entire Antong City is still only the East Gate is still standing, the grandson of the grandson and the grandsons who saw the North and South Gates have already smashed into the city, and they can't take care of it. They directly escaped from the West Gate.

He is very clear that he escaped, the six masters of the East Gate are undoubtedly dead, but he has no way, with five of them, it is impossible to be the opponent of Xiao Hai, and now can only bring The rest of the people escaped!

Fortunately, Ximen did not encounter the ambush of the masters of Xiaohai, but the elders of the grandson were not stupid, and quickly shifted direction and fled in the direction of Taihuacheng!

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