Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 2598: Jiang Yunheng!

Just when Chen Hongyuan and Ji Yun talked to them, several groups of people appeared. Among them, there are several dialects that Cheng Yu knows. For example, those who went to the Chen family for the previous test, the Oriental Flying White of the Eastern family, the Feng Gaohua of the Feng family, and the Jiang Yunmu of the Jiang family appeared.

However, there are still many people who Cheng Yu has not seen. However, Cheng Yu knows very well that the people he knows are not the protagonists of this time. The ones he does not know are the most important people in this time.

Of course, in the eyes of these people, Cheng Yu is not eye-catching, and even not as attractive as the women around them.

Those who know Cheng Yu have no good expressions, and they seem to want to eat Cheng Yu's appearance. Only the Eastern Flying White saw Cheng Yu seem very happy, as for why, only he knows.

However, perhaps because there are other people around, so he did not come over to say hello to Cheng Yu, but just nodded in the distance, it was said hello.

Cheng Yu also nodded. One more friend is better than one more enemy. Although he understands that the reason why Dongfang Feibai sees himself so happy is that he promised to refine his three immortals.

"How? Where are the people you know?" Here, a young man next to Jiang Yun’s curtain looked at Cheng Yuyu and asked.

"The guy wearing the white robe is the guy I met with you in the Chen family's pro-test." Jiang Yun curtain looked at Cheng Yu and said.

For what happened in the Chen family, Jiang Yun curtain has always felt that it is his biggest shame. Although there are not many people who know this, even other families do not know why he was promoted.

However, in his heart, the shame that Cheng Yu brought to him has already been deeply imprinted in his heart. After returning to Jiang's house, many times in his dreams, he once again dreamed of fighting with Cheng Yu.

But every time he was awakened by Cheng Yu's defeat, he only thought of Cheng Yu's powerful strength, but it gave him a deep sense of powerlessness.

He really didn't want to understand, this seemingly indeed only the young people in the early days of Mahayana had such a strong strength.

For some of the more powerful fighters, there is no such thing as a realm that does not match the realm. But like Cheng Yu, the strength is more than a level higher than the realm, but it is far from the bounds of the realm, which is too strange.

"You mean the Promise Palace disciple who forced you out of the Chen family hunting ground?" The young man also constantly looked at Cheng Yu curiously.

For what happened in the Chen family test, Jiang Yunscreen has already told him. Especially when it comes to this person who defeated the Jiang Yun curtain in the early days of Mahayana, he is indeed somewhat curious.

Now I’ve taken a closer look at Cheng Yu and found that he was indeed a great Mahayana. However, Jiang Yunmu said that his strength is not the beginning of Mahayana, and the strength is far beyond the early days of Mahayana, and may even have reached the late Mahayana.

At this time, Cheng Yu also noticed that the young people around Jiang Yun’s curtain had been observing himself. However, seeing this young man's appearance is like a high-profile, looking at himself in a condescending posture, which makes Cheng Yu very unhappy.

However, this is the Nangong family, and they are coming to watch the Nine-Yuan Dabi. He does not want to have anything to do with these people.

So I slammed my head directly and continued to watch Chen Hongyuan and Ji Yun talk.

However, Cheng Yu did not want to cause trouble, but in the view of the young man around Jiang Yun's curtain, Cheng Yu's attitude is clearly not to put him in the heart.

Thinking of this, I saw that he suddenly had a pair of eyes, and there seemed to be an invisible sword that had been shot toward Cheng Yu.

There is nothing in the world, and the mediocrity is self-interesting.

Cheng Yu does not want to find trouble, but does not mean that others will let him go. Cheng Yu felt the provocation of the other side, and his eyes turned back.


At this time, I saw the ring of the people around Jiang Yun’s curtain suddenly screaming, and actually quit two or three steps directly, and the corner of his mouth overflowed with bloodshot eyes.

"Big Brother, what's the matter with you?" Jiang Yun was shocked. He didn't know that his older brother Jiang Yunheng had a provocation against Cheng Yu, but he saw that he was suddenly injured and was very puzzled.

"I'm fine, this person is really not simple. Are you sure that he is not Chen's family? Will not participate in this Nine-Family ratio?" Jiang Yunheng waved his hand and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, asking.

"As far as I know, he is only a disciple of the Promise Palace. Even if his surname is Chen, shouldn't it be Chen's family?" Jiang Yunfu said uncertainly.

He knows the name of Cheng Yu, but he does not know that this process is not Chen, so he has nothing to do with Chen Jia, he can not understand.

"That's a pity, if he also participated in the Nine-Big ratio, I would like to have a good time with him!" Jiang Yunheng said coldly.

I just wanted to give the other party a horse, but I didn’t expect it to be put together by the other party. However, this also looks out, this Cheng Yu's strength is indeed extraordinary.

But this is exactly the case, which has aroused the war in his heart. It’s a pity that if Cheng Yu is not Chen’s family, then he has no way to make a big move with him.

"Big brothers don't want to be impulsive. We are here for the Nine-Family. This guy is not a member of the Nine Family. We don't have to compete with him, but it has delayed our big event!" Jiang Yun said.

If Jiang Yunheng is willing to teach Cheng Yu for him, he is naturally comfortable, but now their most important task is to be able to achieve more than the top three.

Jiang Yunheng is the biggest hope of the Jiang family. www.ltnovel.com~ If Jiang Yunheng missed the position of the top three because of his business, then he will be finished in Jiang Jiake.

Although his status in the Jiang family can be said to be a thousand miles away, there are still many people in Jiang who look down on him from his heart, even including the "big brother" in front of him.

However, he does not care, as long as he can get the attention of Jiang, these people who are now looking down on him, one day they can only look up to themselves.

The so-called small can not bear to chaos, he even remembers how to hate Cheng Yu, he will not go to Cheng Yu's troubles now. At least before his strength is not great, he will not go to Cheng Yu.

So now he can only bear it!

"Go! Let's go back first. After the big ratio, I will let him know the strength of my Jiang Yunheng!" Jiang Yunheng also knows that his current responsibility is great. At this time, it is best to bear with him.

Anyway, it is only two days away from Dawei. He does not need to find trouble for himself at this festival. And the strength of this kid seems to be really good, if you really fight with him, maybe you will hurt yourself, this is very bad for the next big ratio!

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