Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 2599: Big change!

"Isn't that Jiang Jiangheng of Jiang's family? I heard that he is the biggest hope for Jiang's entry into the top three this time. But I think he seems to be hurt? Isn't it going to be mad?" The wind family also noticed ginger. In the situation at home, I saw that Jiang Yunheng’s situation suddenly was a little bit wrong, and then he left with the Jiang family, and suddenly said.

"It would be interesting to go into the fire. If this is the case, Jiang will fall to the last one, it will be really fun!"

"Haha, then they are afraid that they will only be able to see each other with their faces!" The windy family, you said a word, it seems that the mood is very good!

"There seems to be Chen family and Ji family. How did they get together? Gao Hua, have you been to Chen family before, when did the family Ji family and Chen family come together?" However, it is not All the wind family are happy to laugh at the Jiang family, one of the young people with deep eyes watching Chen Hongyuan said.

"That is the two brothers Ji Ji and Ji Yang of the Ji family, and Chen Hongyuan, the second master of the Chen family. They seem to know the people of the Promise Palace, so they will come together?" Feng Gaohua said.

Just when talking about the word "The Promise Palace," the feeling of gnashing his teeth, anyone can hear his hatred of the Promise Palace.

However, unlike the Oriental family and the Jiang family, they handed over to Cheng Yu. They only lost to Xinluo when they calculated the result of the ghost in the last time.

Therefore, he did not know much about Cheng Yu. To say that he hated the Promise Palace, that is the hatred of Xinluo.

"There are people from their Promise Palace coming?" the deep man asked curiously.

He also heard about Feng Gaohua’s loss at Chen’s home, knowing that he was defeated by the Promise. However, Chen’s trial has nothing to do with him, but he doesn’t care too much.

What he cares about is that a small Promise Palace has actually passed the five major families and won the Chen family test. This is really quite unexpected.

"It is the few men and women around Chen's two young people. Chen Shanran is the woman next to Chen's two young people, and the man around her is the one who participated in the Chen family's test!" Feng Gaohua looked at Chen Hongyuan. Said over there.

"So, you just lost to him?" The man looked at the Xinluo and said with a smile.

"Yes!" Feng Gaohua's face is not very good looking.

"There is nothing to be a pity, a woman. And if you lose, but this does not mean that he is better than you, you lose only luck, not to mention that you were only the beginning of Mahayana, but now you have It is the middle of the Mahayana. Like his realm, I believe that you are much stronger than him!" The man smiled and comforted.

"The last time I was not the one who did the Chen family to grab the ghost, I can never lose to such a person. Hey, if there is another chance, I must let them know what is the real strength!" Feng Gaohua The heart is very uncomfortable to say.

The fact that he lost to a small martial art like the Promise Palace really made him unwilling, and he lost a little bit. This kind of mood is really uncomfortable.

In fact, Chen’s suggestion is not to compete for strength, but to compete for the ghost. He is already particularly dissatisfied. Because of this, it is difficult to win with strength, and there is a lot of luck in it.

But in the end, it was lost to luck. If he had been using the array to capture the ghosts, if they could come out early to find them, and grab their ghosts, perhaps it would not be the end.

Therefore, he was very regretful at the time, and felt that he only cares about grabbing the ghost, but he did not hunt others' ghosts like him. This solved his opponent and added his own chips.

Therefore, he feels that he has failed in luck and strategy, not in strength. If he is given another chance to compete with him, he believes that these people cannot be compared with him at all.

"So what are you still unwilling? You have to remember that the other eight great families are our opponents. Like the Promise Palace, you can't get on the table. What do you care about with them? Isn't that your identity? "The men looked at the people of the Promise Palace and felt that Feng Gaohua lost to these people. It is really helpless to think about it. Is he so uncomfortable?"

On the other hand, the people of the Eastern family know that Xinluo is the one who won the Chen family test, and one of them is a satire on the oriental white.

However, although the Eastern Flying White is very unhappy, he has not explained anything to these people. Because if others look down on you, no matter how hard you try to tell the truth, others will only be looking for excuses.

What's more, he doesn't care what others think of him, because he has long been used to these villains in the family.

Although he lost to Cheng Yu in the last Chen family test, he felt that he was very lucky. At least he got a promise from Cheng Yu, and he could help him refine the three immortals.

During this time, he consulted a lot of information in the family, and also found several resources of Zhu Xiandan. He chose the three kinds of quasi-Xian Dan that are most suitable for him.

Now that Cheng Yu has also come to the Nangong family, he is ready to find an opportunity for him to help him to cultivate Dan.

As for the ridicule of the children of the family, let them laugh. Who can really laugh at the end and see it later.

In addition to the family, other families have come to the Nangong family one after another. Many families also have some children in groups around the Nangong family.

Occasionally there will be contradictions between several families. ~www.ltnovel.com~ But it is just a small fight, and there is no big trouble.

Seeing that more and more families are appearing in the Nangong family, Cheng Yu is most worried about the Situ family. After all, they killed the Stuart family, and they didn't know what attitude they would have if they saw Cheng Yu.

I don't know if it is luck or if the Situ family is too low-key, or if the Nangong family is too big, they haven't seen the Situ family in the Nangong family for two days, which makes Cheng Yu breathe a sigh of relief.

Of course, what they don't know is that the homeowners of the Nine Major family have already gathered together in the Chamber of the Nangong family's house.

There are really not many opportunities for the homes of the nine great families to get together at the same time, and such scenes are extremely rare. Such scenes have appeared five hundred years ago.

However, at this time, the atmosphere in the hall was a bit dignified, because today everyone is not together to talk about some family, but there are six family names to the Ji family, the Situ family and the Nangong family to ask for the Nine Nationalities. More than reform!

"The three homeowners, the views of our six families have already said very clearly, what do you think now?" Jiang Tianyi, the owner of the Jiang family, said loudly.

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