Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 2646: The shame of the Shangguan family!

The match between the Chen family and the Gongsun family is too big. Therefore, Chen’s defeat is so bad that it can be said that everyone is expecting it.

It is only this Gongsun Guanyu who, with his strong strength advantage, did not defeat Chen Honghai in the first time, but waited until Chen Honghai spent almost the same amount of money, which is somewhat humiliating.

In this regard, Chen Jia is very dissatisfied with the behavior of Gongsun Guanyu, but they can't say anything. In the end, it is also that their Chen family's own strength is not good. People must deliberately use such methods to humiliate people, and they can't interfere.

"The people of this grandson family are really hateful. His strength can easily defeat Honghai, but he deliberately defeated Honghai with such means, hateful!" said a parent Chen.

"On the top of the ring, whoever has a big fist has the right to speak, Honghai's strength is not good, being humiliated and defeated, and no wonder others!" Chen Tianxing sighed.

He has long been eccentric about this kind of thing, but his heart is definitely more or less uncomfortable, but what can he say? Is it necessary to praise the Gongsun family for this kind of thing?

Isn't that more shameful? Otherwise, others thought that they could not afford to lose!

Fortunately, Honghai is only the beginning of Mahayana. If you lose, you will lose, and it will not affect the overall situation. Even if you lose the test, you can't lose your strength.

After the end of the trial of Chen Jia and Gong Sun Shi Jia, the third wave began to play again.

The Nine-Family Dabie is in full swing on the four platforms, because this round is a knockout, so half of the people will be eliminated after the end of the round.

Therefore, naturally someone is happy with someone!

Of course, this round of trials has also emerged some dark horses, such as the Nangongke of the Nangong family, and in addition, the more eye-catching is Chen Dong's Chen Dong.

He is only a middle of the Mahayana, and his opponent is a late stage of the Shangguan family.

Chen Dong also became the second contender for a successful counterattack, which made people in the venue shocked. He did not think that Chen’s family still hides such talents.

You know, this time Chen’s number of participants is still the least, but they have two Mahayana late, which is a big advantage for those who only have five players.

Now they have successfully reversed the mid-term of the Mahayana and defeated a later stage of the Mahayana. In this way, the Chen family is already the master of the three Dacheng late strengths.

If this is the case, then Chen’s apex strength is quite the same as that of Ji’s family and Situ’s family.

However, some people will also think that they have the Mahayana mid-term equivalent to the late Mahayana, so the strong family like Jijia and Situ Shijia is more likely to have it.

Therefore, compared with the Ji family and the Situ family, the Chen family still has a small gap.

But in any case, Chen Dong defeated Shangguan family, this is a big victory. Compared with Chen Honghai’s failure, Chen Dong’s victory can be too heavy.

In fact, even the Chen family did not think that Chen Dong had such a strength. It was simply to let the Chen family owner to the elders, and even to the Chen family everyone was surprised.

However, for the powerful strength that the disciples suddenly emerged, Chen Tianxing did not intend to go to the bottom of the question. After all, everyone has their own secrets, even if he is no exception.

And there is a way to cultivate the immortal, everyone has their own way of cultivation. Some people are born with immortality, they will encounter many big opportunities, which may make them become a dark horse.

If Chen Dong really became a dark horse today because of the big chance, this is his life, and his air, even if others want to blend and blend.

However, for Chen Tianxing, Chen’s sudden emergence of such a talent, he is still very happy. With so many excellent disciples, Chen’s hopes for this time are a little more. How can he be unhappy?

Of course, they are happy, and other families are really not very happy. There are several families and Chen family who have the same number of participants, but the strength of Chen’s family is obviously stronger than them.

Even Jiang, who has two other Mahayana late contestants, has been compared by Chen, and Chen has a person who is in the air. Is this time that the Nine-Family is really going to spend Chen’s family?

Of course, the most depressing and unhappy of these families is to count on the official family.

Before Jiang’s Jiang’s Jiang Yunshan lost to the Nangong family’s Nangongke in the middle of the Mahayana, it was very shameful, but they did not expect that their Mahayana would be defeated to the Chen family in the middle of the Mahayana, which is even more shameful than the Jiang family. .

If they say that they have lost to the Ji family, the Situ family or the Nangong family, they still have to think about it. But losing to a Chen family who is weaker than their Shangguan family, they feel that they have lost their faces.

"Waste, I want to go to the official family name, he is a thousand years ago, even bigger than the third, but now it will be defeated in the mid-May in the Chen family. The name of my Shangguan family will make you ruin!" The disciples who returned from the fiasco, Shangguan Wenyang, the sorcerer of the bureaucrats of the Shangguan family.

"The disciple is incompetent, please ask the owner to punish!" Shangguan Wenyang also knows that this time he really made the family shameful, and he did not dare to say anything with his head down.

Originally, Jiang Yunshan has become a joke of this time, and he still had some gloating, but he did not expect that he would become a bigger joke.

He was in the midst of a great Mahayana and lost to the middle of the Mahayana. Not to mention that the Shangguan family could not accept it, even he could not accept it.

But the facts are a foregone conclusion ~www.ltnovel.com~ Even if he is so unwilling in his heart, he has no way to change this fact.

"Hey! You still have a face to say, this time the end of the big game, you give me to think about the good end of the closed door thinking, five hundred years are not allowed to step out of thinking and half-step!" Shangguan 丞 obviously the anger in the heart can not be eliminated, facing Shangguan Wenyang said with dissatisfaction.

Since he became the owner of the Shangguan family, the Shangguan family’s nine-nation Dabi has never seen such a situation. Therefore, this time Shangguan Wenyang really brought great shame to the Shangguan family. If the Shangguan is not angry, it will be a ghost.

"Big brother, will it be too heavy in five hundred years? Wen Yang is not interested in losing to Chen." A middle-aged man next to Shangguanyi said.

"Oh! It is because you usually indulge him too much, and now it will let our Shangguan family suffer this humiliation. No one wants to say anything about this matter, otherwise they will be punished together with you!" Shangguan angered.

It turns out that this person who is pleading is not someone else. It is the third official of the Shangguan, Shangguanyuan, and this Nangong Wenyang is his son.

However, after hearing the words of Shangguan, they did not dare to say a word, including Shangguanyuan did not dare to speak again!

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