Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 2647: Hope is great!

Shangguan’s temper is very clear to everyone, and no one dares to refute what he has set. And everyone knows that this time the situation really made the Shangguan family feel shame, so they dare not plead for Shangguan Wenyang.

If Shangguan Wenyang is lost to opponents in the same realm, even if the other party is Chen, they will never be so angry.

They are mad at Shang Wenyang and also the leader of the young genius of the Shangguan family. Now they have lost to a mid-time disciple of Chen Jiacheng who is weaker than their Shangguan family.

This kind of thing is hard to accept if it is replaced by another family that is similar to Chen’s strength, let alone the Shangguan family.

However, on such an occasion, although Shangguan was angry, he still tried to maintain his own temperament and did not let Shangguan Wenyang be in front of him.

Shangguan Wenyang stood there with his head down, although he felt too heavy for the punishment of five hundred years, but now the owner is mad, he dare not say a word more, for fear that he will be given him for a few hundred years, then he This life is over.

However, such a thing happened today. He himself has no face to see people in the Shangguan family. He thought about it too much, so as not to be embarrassed. It’s just that this five hundred years is really too long.

The Shangguan family’s battle is like a smashing eggplant, while Chen’s family is a jubilant. The haze that Chen Honghai lost before disappeared suddenly. For such a big victory, it is worth celebrating.

However, one person in the crowd is not very happy. This person is Chen Qiuhan who is directly in the first round.

It’s not because Chen Dong’s victory over him is not happy, but because Chen’s rise, which makes him feel like he’s the weakest person in Chen’s family.

In particular, his first game was to win in the round. Many people think that he is just lucky, and there is no strength at all.

Therefore, because of the joy brought by the wheel, it suddenly became his shame.

In the next battle, Chen Hongyuan's battle was Jiang's Jiang Yunsheng. This person was only in the middle of the Mahayana, so Chen Hongyuan did not have much effort to defeat him.

Chen Hongyuan’s luck is also good. It’s just the beginning of a great Mahayana, and it’s also easy to advance.

There were a number of black horses on the four platforms. Although a few black horses emerged, only a few people were able to successfully counterattack, and most of them could not be countered.

Forty-seven people, one person in the round is a 56-person matchup, and the twenty-eight-person team competes on the four platforms, which is equivalent to seven battles on each platform.

Although some battles are very fast, but there are quite a few duels, the strength is quite the same, so the time is longer than the fight, and it took a day to finish the first round of competition.

All the tests of this day are finished, and the mood of each family is different.

Six people from Ji family entered the second round, and the winning percentage was very high. The second highest number is the Situ family, and five of the nine are promoted.

Next is the Chen family of four, the Nangong family of three, the Jiang family three, the Gongsun family, the Shangguan family, the East family, the two.

In the second round, a total of twenty-nine people, and from the results of the first round of comparison test, although the number of people entering the second round is the highest, but the highest winning rate is Chen, a total of five people have Four people advanced, and the winning percentage reached 80%. Once again, they became a dark horse and attracted the attention of the other eight families.

In addition to Chen's family, Jiang's performance is not bad. Although Jiang Yunshan was attacked by Nangongke at the beginning, but three of them were promoted by three people, and the winning rate was equivalent to that of Jijia, reaching 60%.

However, Chen Jia and Jiang Jia have advanced so many people. Naturally, people from other families have been brushed down. There are several families in which the situation is not very good.

For example, there are only three people left in the Nangong family, and only two of the six people in the Gongsun family have lost more than half of them.

Especially the Nangong family, after the first round, their Nangong family has already ranked fourth, which is not good for their next test.

"Hongyuan brother, this time I really want to congratulate. According to the current situation, your chances of entering the top three are very big!" After the end of the first *, Chen Hongyuan walked down, and his heart was holding a fist and laughing.

Originally, they felt that Chen’s hopes were not great this time, but they did not think that Chen’s family really became a dark horse. Five of them had four people to advance, and the next big ratio is still very optimistic.

"Although today's situation is not bad, today is only the first round of the knockout. Many of the weaker players are basically eliminated today. So compared to today, tomorrow's knockout is a tough one. Can we still have a Chen family? It is hard to say that maintaining this advantage!" Today's results made Chen Hongyuan very happy, but he was not so proud of himself.

Because today is only the first day of the big ratio, from tomorrow, the strength of the opponent will become stronger and stronger, so the difficulty of the ratio will be larger and larger.

Especially in the semi-finals and semi-finals, the rest is basically the late Mahayana.

However, the whole ratio has one or twenty Mahayana late, so even after the Mahayana period, it will be eliminated a lot, showing how fierce the competition is.

So what really worried Chen Hongyuan was the first three battles after the battle~www.ltnovel.com~ because he wants more than just a fake name, but hopes to get the top three for Chen, so that Chen can get into Qualification for the dead zone.

"Reassured, I am still very confident about you, even if there are some other masters, but you are not worse than them, so the opportunity is still very big. Besides, the lottery is still very lucky. If your luck is better, I believe it is easy to enter the finals.

If your opponents are bad luck, they will meet some powerful opponents in advance, then you will make a big profit. "Heart smiles."

"If that, if I met a strong opponent in advance? Then I am not going out soon?" Chen Hongyuan smiled bitterly.

There is no saying in the heart of the sea. This type of lottery is really important. No one knows how strong his opponent is before he goes to the downfall.

Just like today's round of comparison, in fact, some people with good strength but bad luck are directly eliminated, such as the Shangguan Wenyang of Shangguan family.

Even if his strength is not very strong, but how to say it is also a late Mahayana, how can not go anywhere.

However, after the end of the first round of the knockout, even a lot of people in the early and middle of the Mahayana were promoted, but he was eliminated, will he be weaker than these people? Obviously not necessarily.

So, sometimes luck is really part of the strength. If the strength is not weak, coupled with excellent luck, he really has great hope for the top three.

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