Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 2690: I am afraid of it!

Ji family!

"Homeowners, God does not really want to kill Situ Yongcai, isn't this a good thing?" However, the things that Situ's family are worried about, Jijia people also have their own concerns.

"Heavenly deserves to be measured. What we want is only the victory of this big ratio, not the enmity of the Situ family!" Ji Xian looked at Ji Tian on the ring to control the sword field is getting smaller and smaller, and his heart also has Worried.

He has reached the sword field of the second realm, and he is very clear about its power. He didn't know if Situ Yongcai had other countermeasures, but if he didn't, he would be really dangerous, and it would not be impossible to lose his life.

This is not what he hopes to see, although the Situ family is the biggest opponent of the Ji family, but in such an occasion, it is not suitable for killing.

In his plan, even if you want to get rid of the geniuses of the Stuart family, they should be in the dead zone, not here.

Therefore, seeing the current situation, he can't help but worry that Ji Tian will be too impulsive. If he really kills Situ Yong, then this can be troublesome.

After all, nowadays so many people are watching, if their family has killed Situ Yongcai, then the Ji family is absolutely unreasonable.

At that time, even if the Situ family is in trouble, their Situ family has enough reasons, and even will be supported by other families, which is naturally what he does not want to see.

"I really hope that Tianer should not be too impulsive, although it is a good thing to kill the No. 2 genius of Situ Shijia to our family. But now is not the time, if not, our family will become the target of the public!" An elder worried Said.

"Everyone should not worry, maybe God has already understood everything in his heart. He should also know that he needs only a big victory!" Ji Xian said to several elders.

After all, no matter what happens, they can only sit here and watch. Even if they are worried, they will not be able to rush to the downfall to interfere with their ratio.

On the stage!

Ji Tian is a wise man, and naturally it is impossible to get a handle on such an occasion. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for him to kill Situ Yongcai here.

However, Situ Yongcai is the second person of the Stuart family after all. If you do not use some tough means, there is simply no way for Situ Yong to admit defeat.

Therefore, it is absolutely possible to compress the sword field and force Situ Yong to surrender.

Under such a sword field, he does not believe that Situ Yong can still resist the living. At this time, the sword field is still shrinking, and the space inside Situ Yong has become smaller.

However, Ji Tian will not really want to twist Situ Yongcai into minced meat. Therefore, when Situ Yongcai thought that Ji Tian would use the sword field to completely smash him, this sword field finally no longer shrinks.

However, within the sword domain, because the space is compressed, the flying sword is getting faster and faster, and Situ Yong has no way to completely resist so many swords, so the body is already scarred. It is.

Ji Tian himself could not see the situation inside the sword field. However, the sword field was within his control and he could probably feel the situation inside.

Therefore, when I felt that the breath of Situ Yongcai quickly weakened, suddenly he dissipated the spiritual power of his body, and the sword domain disappeared completely at this moment.


However, Situ Yong apparently did not know that Ji Tianhui suddenly withdrew to the sword field, at this time he was being hit by several swords. So at the moment when the sword field disappeared, Situ Yong once again appeared in front of everyone, just to see that he was wounded and he was shot and fell on the ring.


Situ Yongcai was lying on the ring and saw that the sword field had finally disappeared. He finally breathed a sigh of relief. However, at this time, he looked at Ji Tian's eyes but was full of anger.

I saw him slowly stand up and hold a long sword. It seems that he did not admit defeat. He also wants to fight with Ji Tian!

"Look at how you look so embarrassed, do you think you can still be my opponent? You have lost!" Ji Tian looked at Situ Yong just could not help but laugh.

Although he does not intend to kill Situ Yongcai here, it does not mean that they will not hurt him. In the sword field of the second realm, Situ Yong was able to persist, and he has proved that his strength is really good.

It is a pity that even in this case, in front of his sword field, it is ultimately vulnerable.

"I want to admit defeat, is it still early?" Situ Yong was angry at this time. He had eaten such a big loss this time. How could he be willing to lose to Ji Tian?

"It seems that you don't really see the coffin without tears. But you have to think clearly. If I didn't let you out, you would die in my sword field. If you don't realize it, don't blame me." Polite, don't you want to try the sword field again?" Ji Tian said with a cold smile.

Now his words are already here, and now he is the one who puts the Stuart forever, and he put Situ Yongcai a horse. If this Stuart is so illiterate, it is his own shot, then even if he is really killed by him, everyone will not blame him for deliberately killing the Stuart family, right?

Therefore, if Situ Yong is really determined to fight now, his heart is very happy. Killing the genius character of the Situ family, it is a good thing for Jijia~www.ltnovel.com~ Moreover, this is the opportunity that Situ Yongcai gave him himself. I believe that it is to kill Situ Yongcai, others I think it is his own deserved!

"..." However, when Situ Yong heard the words of Jian Yu, he understood that he felt his body tremble.

It is terrible in the sword field. He has already experienced it personally. In his current state, he really has no way to rush out of the sword field, let alone directly break Ji Tian’s sword field.

At the thought of this, he couldn't help but some regretted what he had just said. I am too impulsive. I want to break Ji Tian’s sword field. It takes a lot of time to study. If I fight with the other side, it is obviously very bad for myself.

It’s just that his own words have been exported. It’s really impossible to pull him back. When he stood on the ring for a while, he didn’t know what to do.

"How? I will give you another chance. If you are really killed by me, don't blame me for being too embarrassed!" Ji Tian saw that the other party did not answer, and his heart was sneer.

He knew that Situ Yongcai was afraid of being attacked by himself this time. He was afraid that he would not dare to fight again. In fact, if Situ Yong really wants to fight, even if he can kill the other party, but it will inevitably leave a lot of trouble for himself, at least the Stuart family is afraid that it will not let him go so easily.

Therefore, even if he can kill Situ Yongcai now, he does not intend to do so, or let him put a living path first. Anyway, this guy is also afraid of himself, even if he meets him again next time, he may not dare to shoot himself.

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