Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 2691: Lost!

Situ Yongcai’s face was very ugly at this time. At this time, he was a little difficult to ride. I just said that I would continue to fight with Ji Tian, ​​but he obviously has no such ability now.

Especially Ji Tian’s sword field is so terrible, he is really scared.

"I ... admit defeat!" Situ Yongcai was very reluctant in his heart, but he did not have the confidence to fight with Ji Tian again, and finally chose to compromise.

"Haha... It turns out that the Situ family is just like this. I thought you really want to play with me again?" Ji Tian saw Situ Yong admit defeat, and could not help but laugh at it.

In fact, it is a good thing for Situ Yong to admit defeat, because at this time, it is meaningless to play with Situ Yong.

Although Situ Yong is inevitable at the moment because of the sword field, he has used the sword field twice in a row, which is still very expensive for him.

It is not a good thing to use the sword field so frequently, even if he can take the opportunity to kill Situ Yongcai, but he does not need to do so.

"Hey! This time I lost to you, but the next time we come again, I will never lose to you again!" Seeing Ji Tian's proud appearance, Situ Yong was almost mad.

But this time he really lost, even if Ji Tian is so proud, what can he do?

"At any time, I will accompany you, but next time, I may not have such a good mood, and let you out of the sword field!" For the screaming of Situ Yongcai, Ji Tian did not mind.

This time, if it is not because of the Nine-Family ratio, he is not good at killing people here. Otherwise, this Situ Yong is now a dead person.

However, how can he put his eyes on a defeated man? If there is a chance to play against Situ Yong next time, he will not be soft again, he will kill Situ Yongcai.

"Hey! Whose hand is not necessarily dead, let's walk!" Situ Yongcai trembled in his heart, but did not admit defeat, and slammed down the ring.

Originally thought that this big ratio is a fame for himself, but also let everyone see him is the first genius of the Stuart family. But did not expect, in the end he still became the defeat of the army.

At this moment, he felt that his face was full of shame, and he did not want to stay here again, leaving the Jun Zifeng directly.

He has now been eliminated, so as long as he does not violate the rules of the Nangong family, no one will take care of him wherever he goes.


Watching Situ Yong leave, everyone cheered. When Ji Tian was trapped by Situ Yongcai's fire dragon, most people thought that Ji Tian had lost.

However, they did not think that there was a dramatic scene in the downfall. Ji Tian not only succeeded in breaking the fire dragon of Situ Yongcai, but even directly attacked him, trapping Situ Yongcai in his sword. Within the domain.

Nowadays, I won this big victory in one fell swoop. Everyone who looks like this is really thrilling and exciting!

"Ji Tian is not the first genius of the Ji family. This strength is not a virtual one. It is such a strong promotion!"

"Speaking of this, this Situ Yong is still a pity. I thought I was winning, but I didn't expect to lose to Ji Tian after all!"

"Situ Yongcai, although strong, but after all, is only the second person of the Stuart family, he will lose to Ji Tian, ​​in fact, it is also expected."

"Yes, if this game is like the words of Situ Yongwen and Ji Tian, ​​the number one figure of the Situ family, maybe Ji Tian is not likely to counterattack!"

"This is hard to say, but I think that with their strength, the first day of the Ji family and the first day of the Situ family will definitely meet. So, we will see this in the next big ratio. A wonderful match!" Under the stage, everyone commented on the whole process of this big ratio, everyone is particularly excited.

In particular, this big game is only the first day of Ji’s family and the second genius of Situ’s family. I think that there is a big ratio of the first genius of Ji’s family to the first genius of Situ’s family. Excited.

On the other side of the Ji family, I saw that only Ji Tian stood on the ring, and finally he was relieved. Ji Tian is indeed a smart person, and all their previous concerns are superfluous.

Of course, what makes them most happy is that Ji Tian finally won the big match. Not only did they have a bigger capital than the top three, but they also greatly weakened the strength of the Stuart family.

Although they still have a No. 1 character, they are also promoted to the No. 1 character of the Ji family. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for the Situ family to want a family.

Ji Yun sat in the area of ​​Jijia, looking at Ji Tian, ​​who was on the stage, with a faint smile on his face. As for his inner thoughts at this time, only he knows it.

Originally, he was the No. 2 character of the Ji family. In fact, he entered the quarter-finals, and even got a chance to win one of the top three places.

However, he himself gave up in this round, and many people are sorry for him, but he does not think so.

Because sometimes, being too high-profile is not a good thing. Of course, if he didn't let him meet Guan Zhixin, he might not make such a choice~www.ltnovel.com~ He will always fight hard until he gets the top three.

However, it is such a coincidence that although Guan Zhixin is only a mid-May, his strength is not simple. He did not know how Guan Zhixin realized the Yellow Emperor's sword domain, but he can be sure that the strength of this Guanzhi letter may not be weaker than himself.

Instead of fighting with him for such a big fight, the final result is all Ji family, then he does not have this need.

Moreover, he also saw it, and Guan Zhixin seemed to be very persistent about the Nine. In this case, he would rather complete Guan Zhixin, and for him, it would be a double-pound.

In fact, whether you can get the top three of the big ratio is not so important to him. All he wants is a chance to enter the dead zone. Now Ji family has Ji Tian and Guan Zhixin. Even if Ji Family is like it, it is still relatively easy to get a quota.

Therefore, his purpose is actually equivalent to having been reached, and why should he stand on the ring again?

What's more, sometimes people are too out of the limelight, and it is easy to cause unnecessary trouble. And he is a person who doesn't like trouble!

Now looking at Ji Tian’s temperament in the ring, he has no uncomfortable place, because that is what he is pursuing, and what envy is there?

However, at this time, the Ji family is a happy atmosphere, but the Situ family is a cloud.

Although it has already been expected that this will be the result, when Situ Yong will admit defeat, their hearts are still difficult to release!

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