Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 2698: Never change from the sect!

"Leiyan swordsmanship!" The elders of the Situ family saw that Situ Yongwen on the ring had made such a means, and suddenly became very excited.

Although Situ's family is well-versed, it has always been a very difficult area to understand. In the Situ family, many people are able to refine all kinds of Taoist symbols. It can be said that they have a deep understanding of all kinds of symbols.

However, these people have not made much progress and achievements in the understanding of Lei Zhifu.

Compared with the attributes of various attributes, Ray's way of life may be the most difficult to cultivate.

In fact, it is not only in the Situ family, even if it is all the repairers in this world, Ray's way has always been the most difficult.

Therefore, among the various symbols circulating in the market, the signs related to mine are very rare. Even if there are, the price is very expensive, and it is the rare thing.

Throughout the Stuart family, it is only a few people who can understand the meaning of Lei. Even most of these elders have not been able to comprehend the thunder.

From this we can see how difficult it is to understand the thunder. However, now Situ Yongwen has made a sense of thunder, and combined it with blasting and kendo, forming a Lei Yan mixed spell sword, which is enough to show that the Situ Yongwen talent is high, the future is really not Limited!

"Yu Shidi, is this a bit like your lightning-leading?" Xinhai saw this scene and was shocked. He could not help but ask.

"There is a similarity with the lightning-leading technique. However, from the means he has used, it is more like the thunder attribute of their Stuart family." For the thunder that Situ Yongwen led, Cheng Yu also felt Very unexpected.

In fact, the Ray attribute is actually very difficult to comprehend and cultivate. However, in his view, Situ Yongwen can understand that the nature of the Lei attribute is not unusual.

The reason why he was surprised was that he was able to combine the sacred traits with the fire and the kendo to become a Lei Yan mixed sword, which is very difficult.

Although it is a mixed sword, this is not to say that three different ways are made at the same time. If it’s just that simple, then the Situ family is afraid that they don’t know how many people can make a sword.

This sword-like technique seems simple, but it is actually very difficult. He needs to perfectly combine the three simple techniques of the original, which is what anyone can do.

This is why the Stuart family has so many monks in the Mahayana period, but there are only a few who can really make a sword, not to mention the mixed swordsmanship.

Because there are many people who can make each kind of Taoism alone, but how to integrate them perfectly without being excluded, this requires talent and needs to be understood.

"From the perspective of the momentum, this is a horrible sword with the property of Lei. Although Nangongke is also a great guy, but he encountered Situ Yongwen, he is still very disadvantaged!" Xinhai said.

"Before we saw Situ Yongcai's wind and fire mixed swordsmanship, although the momentum of the mixed swordsmanship is also very strong, but now compared with this Thunderfire mixed swordsmanship, this mixed swordsmanship seems to be more terrible. !" Xinhe said with some exclamation.

"That is natural, Ray attribute is the strongest attribute of various attributes. With the mixed attribute of the Ray attribute, it is naturally more powerful than other mixed swordsmanship!

However, we should not underestimate this Nangongke, the gentleman of their Nangong family is still very powerful. Therefore, Situ Yongwen may not be able to win this Nangongke! Cheng Yu said seriously.

Like Nangongke, he was able to take advantage of the early Mahayana Mahayana. He seemed to see his own shadow in Nangongke, so he was still looking forward to Nangongke.

"The gentleman of the Nangong family is very powerful, but it should be worse than the swordsmanship of the Situ family." Xinhai said.

"Gentleman and Fujian are not strong or weak. Some are just people who use Taoism. Just like in the same door, everyone's exercises are the same. Why are there strong and weak? This is to pay attention to it. Talent and your own efforts.

As long as you are diligent enough, plus excellent talent, no matter what exercises you practice, you will not be worse than others.

Gentleman said that the essence is actually a special kind of spiritual power, because it itself is also cultivated by the aura. It is only the spiritual power of the Nangong family that has been cultivated through special exercises to be more powerful than the spiritual power we have cultivated.

In order to cooperate with their special spiritual power, Nangong family also has corresponding exercises, so we will see this special Taoism of the Nangong family.

Although the essence is still spiritual, it must be said that the power of the Nangong family's gentleman is in line with their practice, and the power is indeed much larger.

If the children of their Nangong family had excellent talents, and supplemented by these exercises, the power they exert would naturally be worse than the power of the Situ family.

Therefore, although there are differences in the world, but the change is not separated from its ancestors. Whose strength is stronger, look at their own means!

Although the realm of Nangongke is not high~www.ltnovel.com~ but the talent is extremely high, the means are also unpredictable. Although Situ Yongwen is higher than him and has swordsmanship, it may not necessarily be the last winner. ! Cheng Yu looked at the battle between the two men on the platform, and opened up to analyze the people.

"Yu Shidi said that there is a difference. Although the world's Mahayana is different, it does not change from its ancestors. No matter how varied these people's means are, what they end up using is the spiritual power transformed from the aura. This will never be. The fact of change. So they are big in this game, who wins and who is negative, it’s really hard to say!” Xinhe nodded.

"Oh, if you say this, if the big game is won by Nangongke, then the Situ family can be interesting. Their No. 1 genius figure was eliminated by the early stage of a Nancheng family. Haha, think about it. I feel irritating!"

"If the Stuart family is eliminated, don't know if they will turn their faces in a hurry?" Xin Luo laughed.

"Flip the face? Is the other family a vegetarian? The Stuart family fell down. I don't know how many families want to step on it. Can they be stronger than the eight major families?" said Xin Hai.

"That may not be. There are only four families in the quarter-finals. If the Situ family is eliminated by the Nangong family, then the most profitable ones are Chen Jia and Jiang Jia. Do you think that the families that have been eliminated will help them? They would rather let the Situ family occupy the position and do not want Chen and Jiang to rush to represent the Situ family.

However, other families can't stand it, but the Ji family must have hoped that the Situ family will be eliminated, so the Situ family also dare not turn their faces! Said Xin Luo.

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