Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 2699: The uneasiness of the Situ family!


After Situ Yongwen’s long sword absorbed this thunder, there was a ray of lightning on the entire long sword. From time to time, the thunder and lightning screamed, and the momentum seemed quite amazing.

Even the people watching the battle under the stage could not help but retreat a few feet, for fear that Situ Yongwen accidentally played the fire, and it would be worse to hit the thunder to them.

Nan Gongke obviously did not think that this Situ Yongwen actually had this means. He had watched the big ratio of Ji Tian and Situ Yongcai before. He thought that although Situ Yongwen was the first genius of the Situ family, he and Situ Yongcai also Almost, most of the wind-inflamed mixed swords he used will be stronger than Situ Yong.

However, this guy did not follow the routine, but he led the Thunder and integrated the Thunder into the sword. With Tian Lei's sword-fighting technique, it is not from the momentum that it is not the same as that of Situ Yongcai.

However, although he knew that he was not optimistic about the crowd, he never cared about it.

What he has to do is to subvert the views of all people on low-level monks. He wants to let the world know that the realm is higher and it does not represent strength.

Although he was only a great Mahayana, he had the strength to step on all his high-profile people. Those who are in high realm can only look up to his existence!

The blood is boiling in his body, even if Situ Yongwen is the first day of the Situ family.

He Nangongke! Never fear!

"Hey!" Nan Gongke now has a heart in the world, a big drink, and the six tigers rushed toward the middle of Situ Yongwen.


However, Situ Yongwen's strength is not imaginary, with a long sword of thunder and flame, a sword directly inserted into the ring.

Taking Situ Yongwen as the center, a circle of flames with lightning light rushed out like a wave of air, and the six tigers were directly recoiled back.

The six tigers grabbed the platform and prevented their bodies from being washed away. The sound of the tigers of the six tigers almost shattered the guilt of everyone, and everyone quickly stepped back and stayed away from the ring.

However, although these six tigers are terrible, the thundering waves of Situ Yongwen’s swords are even more horrible. These waves pass through the six tigers, and the six tigers are wrapped up by the flame. There are also constant lightning bolts on them.

Although this process seems simple, it is the key time for Situ Yongwen and Nangong fighting law.

Although the six tigers were wrapped in flames, they still approached Situ Yongwen step by step. And Situ Yongwen is constantly releasing the thunder of the long sword, preventing the tiger from approaching.

Whether it was Nangongke, who was still waving in the air with a big brush, or Situ Yongwen, who was holding a long sword and was inserted in the ring, both hands were shaking, and the expression on his face was extremely dignified and his face was not It’s so beautiful.

It can be seen how much the two people are spending, but it is clear that neither of them has given up. The six tigers managed to move a few steps forward, and they approached Situ Yongfang, but they were forced back by the ray of anger.

In this way, the two people were difficult to separate up and down at one time, and they stalemate in the ring.

"Home, the situation is not very good, this Nangongke is so strong, it is not like an early Mahayana?" Seeing such a scene, the elders of the Situ family took the lead.

Because the current situation is clearly beyond the scope of their acceptance, they feel that Nangongke in the early days of a great Mahayana will not be the opponent of Situ Yongwen even if it is so powerful.

But now, this Nangongke is difficult to distinguish with Situ Yongwen by virtue of his own strength. Although this surprised them, they even let them see their concerns.

Now everyone sees the result is difficult to distinguish, but for the Situ family, they have actually lost half.

Because the strength of Nangongke’s performance is far beyond their imagination, he is now deadlocked with Situ Yongwen. If Situ Yongwen can't take the other side, they may even lose the qualification for promotion in this winning ratio, and the Situ family will be completely finished.

"Where did this Nangongke come from?" At this time, even Situ Yuanxiong, the owner of the Situ family, could not start nervous and angry.

Situ Yongwen is the biggest hope of their Stuart family and the biggest card. Originally drawn to Nangongke, this was the most relaxed battle, but he never imagined that this battle was so difficult.

Especially when I saw the hard-working appearance of Situ Yongwen, I knew that this Nangongke was really not very simple. He even pushed him to this point.

Now that the two are deadlocked, he can't see who is in the upper hand. In such a situation, if they fail, they will lose.

Although there are two people in the Situ family, they are in the ring, but Wu Chenggang’s loss can be, and Situ Yongwen’s game is what they can’t afford.

Once Situ Yongwen lost, it would be difficult for them to take the first three. At least with the strength of Wu Chenggang, it is very difficult to get bigger than the top three.

"It is said that this Nangongke was not outstanding in the Nangong family before. www.ltnovel.com~ But no one thought that this Nangongke had performed so well in this time." An elder said.

For the performance of Nangongke at this time, he did not understand why.

You must know that Situ Yongwen has displayed the swordsmanship of the Lei attribute. This kind of mixed swordsmanship can be said to be much stronger than any other two kinds of attributes.

However, even if this is the case, this Nangongke is still resisting. Is this still the beginning of Mahayana? Even if it is a late Mahayana, it may not be able to do this step like Nangongke.

"Is it a genius figure secretly cultivated by the Nangong family? He is the true genius of the Nangong family. Is the Nangong 珏 just the scorpion they played?" An elder doubted.

"Is this impossible? A good Mahayana does not train in the late stage. Is it necessary to train an early Mahayana?" an elder questioned.

"Can't two of them not be cultivated at the same time? Besides, if there is such a strength in the early days of Mahayana, even if there are a few people who are his opponents in the late Mahayana, what significance does this genius not cultivate?"

"It seems that the Nangong family is not as simple as we think. They are afraid that they will be ready for this time. It seems that they are sure to win the top three this time!"

"You look at the Nangong Temple, the strength is not very simple, the promotion is afraid that there is no problem. If Yongwen lost to Nangongke, this Nangong family is afraid that the top three must monopolize two places!" An elder Worried.

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