Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 2706: Ginger's unwillingness!

"What can I do then? Hongyuan brother has already tried his best. If he really can't get the top three, there is no way to do it!" said Xinhe helplessly.

Although the results have not yet come out, but from the quarter-finals, you can already see some eyebrows. After all, the strong have already revealed their own strength, who can advance, almost can guess one or two.

Judging from all kinds of signs, the situation is really bad for Chen Hongyuan.

However, when they analyzed the situation here, Chen seems to have considered the same problem, so at this time Chen Tianxing saw that Chen Hongyuan had the upper hand, but still could see the faintness revealed in his eyebrows. Sadness.

"Homeowner, Hongyuan's performance this time is good, this Wu Chenggang really is not as great as Hongyuan, we seem to have no suspense in the promotion of the semi-finals!" Chen, an elder, said with some excitement.

For every five hundred years, the Nine Nationalities have a big ratio. Over the years, it can be said that this time the Nine Nationality is the closest to their family.

And if Chen Hongyuan wins this victory, he can go to the top three with the other three. Chen Jia has such a result, how can he not be excited?

"From the current situation, it should be no problem to advance to the top four. However, you can look at the situation in the other three platforms. These three platforms have strong people.

At that time, if these three people compete with the far-child children, we are afraid that we will lose! "Chen Tianxing is more than a long-term vision."

What he cares about is not in front of him. They originally came for the sake of the top three, not for the top four.

It is not uncommon to enter the semi-finals, because the semi-finals will eventually eliminate people. Although there is only one person who has been eliminated, from the current situation, the person who is eliminated is likely to be Chen Hongyuan.

If Chen Hongyuan was eliminated in the semi-finals, then everything will be abandoned.

So considering these issues, Chen Tianxing is always worried.

"Home, although this is the case, but you said that Hongyuan will be eliminated, is this too arbitrarily? You see that Hongyuan's strength is still very strong, and he also understands the soul refining technique, when Into the semi-finals, the person who lost will not necessarily be him!" said an elder.

"Yeah, my homeowner, how can we grow the ambition of others and destroy our prestige? We should believe that Hongyuan is the one who can think of Hongyuan before this step? Hongyuan does not rely on its own strength. Going step by step to the present?

Therefore, we should not be too small to see Hongyuan, maybe he still has what means we have not seen. At the time of the three strong battles, maybe Hongyuan will once again bring us unexpected surprises? "These elders are obviously very confident about Chen Hongyuan now.

In fact, before they did not have much hope for Chen Hongyuan, Chen family was able to go this step, in fact, it was beyond their expectations.

Now they really have a chance to compete for the top three. They naturally have great confidence in Chen Hongyuan. If Chen Hongyuan can really get the top three places, then the rise of the Chen family is just around the corner.

They are so hard to have such great confidence in the future, but they don't want to be interrupted by Chen Tianxing.

"I hope so!" Chen Tian did not think that these elders were so optimistic about Chen Hongyuan.

But seeing them so excited, he does not want to dispel everyone's enthusiasm. Even if victory is only a good dream in their hearts, he hopes that they will wake up from their dreams.

It is not that he does not believe in his son. If he can get the top three, he is naturally very happy. It’s just that the situation has gradually become clear, and when it’s eight in four, it’s still a chance to try its luck.

Just like Chen Hongyuan, so many masters did not touch it, and even let him meet Wu Chenggang, which is very lucky in itself. Unlike Jiang Haoran, even Pu Ji went to Ji Tian, ​​so now Jiang Haoran is obviously in a disadvantage, and his elimination is almost a matter of ironclad.

But the four fights for three, but it is absolutely impossible to take chances again, because the ability to advance to the semi-finals is the strongest remaining.

At this time, Chen Hongyuan is useless even if luck is good. There will always be no one in the three who will automatically abstain from voting!

At this time, to say the most angry and helpless, it is necessary to count the **** family.

Jiang Haoran's strength, they think it is still very good, although not the strongest of these people, but in these eight people is also absolutely middle-up.

Do not say anything else, at least stronger than the strength of the Chen family.

But now? The kid of Chen’s family actually has the upper hand, and the chance of winning obviously is great. And what about their **** family? Let them meet the comet Ji Tian!

Now that Jiang Haoran is at a disadvantage, it is almost impossible to counterattack in this situation.

Seeing that Jiang’s family is going to be eliminated, Chen’s family has to be promoted. The anger in his heart is simply not venting!

"Hey! We Jiang family is not easy to have a genius like Jiang Haoran, they have already reached this step, but now they have to be eliminated, really not reconciled!" Jiang's elder man sighed helplessly.

If the Jiang family was eliminated early ~www.ltnovel.com~ just like the wind home, perhaps not as uncomfortable as it is now. After all, there will be not so many thoughts after the early elimination.

It is because Jiang Haoran step by step, one after another, let them also see that Jiang is hopeful to get the top three.

However, now it is a step away from the top three. If you can go further, basically there will be a chance to get the top three places.

Who would have thought that Jiang Haoran’s luck would be so bad this time? It’s really unfortunate that I’ve got the strongest person in Ji’s family!

"Who made us Jiang's unlucky? It's really no eyes, it's hard to get into the quarterfinals. This time I lost, I have to wait another five hundred years, how many 500 years can the Jiang family wait? "Another elder is also worried."

Although the Jiang family is not too declining now, if you can no longer enter the dead zone and get some high-quality resources, the Jiang family will only slowly fall.

The more it is, the more difficult it is for the geniuses of the Ji family and the Situ family. It will be difficult to get the top three places in the future. Therefore, this is basically an infinite loop, just like other families, why it has fallen, that is because they have not entered the dead zone many times.

It’s just that they have had the privilege of entering the farm in recent times, so they have got some resources, which makes their Jiang family slower than other few.

However, even so, if they do not get the supplement of the dead domain resources, their Jiang family will have to fall sooner or later. This is a fact that cannot be changed!

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