Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 2707: Losing must also have dignity!

"Hey! They Chen Jia went down the dog, and even let him draw such an opponent, this time they are very cheap. In the current situation, they are likely to advance to the semi-finals. "An elder said with a bad face."

"Although Chen Jia has a big bargain, they don't necessarily get the top three!"

"That is, there are four people who have eliminated one person? The ghosts know that they will be the one who will be eliminated!"

"That's not necessarily, four people knock out one person, but the chance of successfully getting the top three is 75%? Chen is still very promising!"

It is said that the grape is sour when you can't eat the grapes. This time, the Jiang family is obviously this kind of psychology.

Their Jiang family is such a seed player, Jiang Haoran, and now their seed players have to be defeated, and their hearts are naturally unbalanced.

Now that Chen Jia is better than them, I have a chance to advance. How do they look at the eyes?

Therefore, I hope that Chen’s family will not get the top three even if they enter the semi-finals. Is this even more irritating?

"You can't say that, four people only knock out one person is not fake. But you don't look at what people can win in the four platforms now?"

Compared with the other three promoters, Chen is obviously not as good as them. Under such circumstances, do you think Chen has a 75% chance of getting the top three? This is simply impossible! "Jiang Wuya suddenly said."

Among the few families, the last thing he hoped for was to see Chen’s top three. Now Chen Hongyuan has the opportunity to advance, and his heart will be so good that he will see the ghost.

However, his analysis was not based on the fact that Chen was biased against the facts. He has been observing that Chen’s family is the least dominant in terms of possible advancers in the four platforms.

Therefore, if Chen Hongyuan really advances to the semi-finals, it is very likely that he is the one who was eliminated. Of course, this is also analyzed from the current situation. This does not mean that Chen Jia really does not hope to get the top three.

However, psychologically, he does not want Chen to get the top three. So seeing this situation now makes his mind a little more balanced.

It is not an easy task to get the top three.

At this point, Jiang Wuya put his gaze on the second platform again!

Although Jiang Haoran’s chances of defeating him are great, his heart still has some expectations. In the unlikely event that Jiang Haoran can reverse the situation, reverse the situation?


In front of Ji Tian’s mighty kendo, Jiang Haoran retreated.

Jiang Haoran was repulsed by Ji Tian and gasped in his mouth. He had already known that the Jijia’s kendo was overbearing. Before that, he had also fought with other people in the Ji family, but he was not as embarrassed as he is now.

Compared with those of the Ji family, Ji Tian’s kendo is much stronger. Whether it is speed or power, it is impossible to compare with other Ji family.

Originally, there was not much confidence in this matchup. Now facing this kind of Ji Tian, ​​he even makes him feel that the other side is an insurmountable mountain.

"Do I really have to stop here?" Jiang Haoran really did not understand how to crack the other side of the kendo.

The same is the sword, but the two people's understanding of the kendo is obviously not at the same level. Ji family is a sword repair family. In the kendo area, that is everyone, he has no way to compare.

More importantly, until now, Ji Tian has not made the Jijia’s swordsmanship!

When I thought of Ji Tian’s last round of battle with Situ Yongcai, the strength of the sword field was stronger than the kendo at this time, and his heart was more pleasant.

"I advise you to admit defeat, if it really forces me to make a sword field, you may not be as good as it is now!" Ji Tian looked at Jiang Haoran.

Although his current Kendo is worse than Jiang Haoran, but Jiang Haoran is also the first genius of Jiang's family. Even if Kendo is not as good as him, his own strength is not much weaker than himself.

Therefore, it is very difficult to let the other party admit defeat by simple kendo. But if you use the sword field, it will consume a lot of him.

If it is not a last resort, he is not willing to consume such a large amount to display the sword field.

Therefore, if you can let the other party directly admit defeat, it is the best, so at least you can save your strength and reduce your energy consumption!

"Although I think that it is not your opponent, but I want to let me admit defeat, it is absolutely impossible! What are the tricks, even if you go out, I will continue!" Jiang Haoran said loudly.

How to say that he is also the first talent of Jiang family, now even if he will lose to Ji Tian, ​​but it is impossible to lose so dignity. What's more, there are so many people watching the game. If he admits to lose, how can he raise his head in the Nine Worlds? How to raise your head at Jiang?

Therefore, even if he is worried about the sword field of the other side, he must continue.

So confessed, he can't afford to lose that person!

"If this is the case, then you have to be careful!" Ji Tian also knows that it is impossible to want the other party to admit defeat so easily. However, after all, he still has to give it a try. Since the other party refuses to admit defeat, then he will only I can make another move.

He will not be so stupid, telling the other side that he wants to make a sword field. Therefore, what he is now making is still his best kendo.

Jiang Haoran saw that the other side did not use the sword field to deal with him ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ suddenly felt relieved. Since the other party does not use the sword field, he will not lose so easily, maybe he still has the opportunity to turn over.

Therefore, at this moment, Jiang Haoran is also trying his best. Since the other party does not use the sword field now, he can no longer give him this opportunity.

As long as the other party does not make the sword domain, he still has a chance.


This time, Jiang Haoran took the initiative to raise the speed. He naturally had no advantage in composing the kendo with the other side. Therefore, he can only fight with the other side, only the speed.

Ji Tian's speed is fast, but his speed can be faster than him!

"This guy, it really hides the strength, did not think that his sword is so fast!" Ji Tian apparently did not think that Jiang Haoran has been in a disadvantage before, the entire duel is also completely passive.

But I didn't think that this time he chose to take the initiative, and the speed is still so fast, even faster than his speed, which obviously makes him very surprised.

"Look at it! Haoran counterattacked. I really didn't misread him. I already knew that he still had the opportunity to turn over. If I can continue to fight like this, I don't think he will lose!" Seeing Jiang Haoran finally fought back, Jiang Jia The elders suddenly shook their spirits and the whole person seemed excited.

"Don't worry, this is just the beginning, can you turn over and look at the next one!" Jiang Wuya's heart suddenly ignited a blood, only hope that Jiang Haoran is not a momentary male, have to stick to it. !

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