Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 2732: Admit defeat?

Ji Xian was wrinkled with his eyebrows at this time. Nangong was able to come out intact from Guan Zhixin's sword field and once again took the initiative in the showdown. He was naturally very happy.

However, he did not want Nangong to kill Guan Zhixin. No matter what the circumstances, he did not want such a thing to happen.

Because of this, they and the Ji family will inevitably have a huge contradiction, which is not a good thing for the Nangong family.

Ji family is a strong family, and is enemies with such a family. The final result is no matter what, the Nangong family has absolutely suffered great losses.

Of course, this is not to say that they are afraid of the Ji family in the Nangong family. This is not the case, but he is considering the overall situation.

Because if such a family like them has such a big contradiction, then there is no winner. Or they are the losers of the two families, and the other seven families are the biggest winners, especially the Stuart family, which is very powerful, is the biggest winner.

In these years, their Nangong family has gradually emerged, and the situation of the three great families has basically formed. They definitely do not want this balance to be broken.

Therefore, the people of Ji family, they can not kill. At least in the current situation, he can’t kill. Now he sees what Nangong’s performance is in the ring, and he is worried.

"The only thing that can stop this now is himself. I hope he will not be too impulsive. If he really kills the Ji family, then the situation can be serious!" Nangong Chengye said.

"Yeah! Jijia is not a good temptation, let alone this Guan Zhixin is the genius of Ji family. If he kills him, Ji family will definitely retaliate against our Nangong family. This is not a good thing!" said an elder. .

"What are you afraid of? Is it true that our Nangong family will be afraid that they will not be married? Now our Nangong family is no longer the former Nangong family. Their family Ji will really dare to avenge our Nangong family, we will never let them better!" However, not all elders have the same idea, so the elders stood up and said that they were not afraid of the posture.

"That is, if their family members were killed by us in the ring, they can only say that their family is not as good as others. How can they dare to retaliate against us? Then they did not throw their faces in other families." "Another elder is also open to support.

People are bloody, and no one will be so weak when they are born. Especially when they are already strong, and facing the provocations of others, they have been difficult to do those sloppy things.

When the Nangong family was not strong, it was naturally the eyes of other families. However, God has eyes, and now their Nangong family has begun to rise, they do not need to look at other people's faces.

What's more, even if Nangongyi really killed Guan Zhixin, it was also a matter of collapse. Why did they retaliate against the Nangong family?

Moreover, even if they really want to retaliate against the Nangong family, they will not have any fear of the Ji family. The big family will come to a dead net, and their family has always been the top of the family in the nine family.

If they fight with their Nangong family, then their accumulation of Ji’s family for so many years will naturally be destroyed. He does not believe that Ji Jia dared to do this!

"You think too simple. If Ji Jia really retaliates against our Nangong family, do you think we can still fight with the Ji family?" another elder said.

"Why not, can we still fear that they are not in the Nangong family?"

"It's not that we are afraid of the Ji family, not the Ji family. If we fight in the two families, what will happen? Even if we finally win the Ji family, then what? What do you think of our Nangong family at that time? Or is it the current Nangong family?" said an elder who did not approve of the enmity with the Ji family.

"If we fight with the Ji family, it must be a loss, but we have been able to stand up, then even if we lost the battle with the Ji family, we can still stand up again!"

"Confused! Don't forget that these nine great families have a strong family in addition to us and Ji's family. If we are fighting with the Ji family, then who is the biggest beneficiary? Naturally it will be Situ. Family! If the Situ family is a big one, then do you think that you really can re-emerge? How easy is it?" The elder said loudly.

"It’s true that the whole length is old. You think this thing is too simple. Now we have a good re-emergence in the Nangong family, and we have formed a three-legged relationship with the Ji family and the Situ family. We must not break the current balance, even if it is Ji family is fighting against us, and we can't fight!" Ji Xian said.

"Don't we still want to make Ji family unable to fight?" The elders did not understand this truth. They just thought that their Nangong family had already reached the point where they are now. If they were beaten by themselves, they would have to endure it. Not too shackled?

"So we only hope that the children will not kill Guan Zhixin. If Guan Zhixin is not dead, then Ji family will naturally not be able to retaliate against our Nangong family.

If we really have a conflict, it is not good for our two families~www.ltnovel.com~ Finally, it only gives other families more opportunities, especially the Situ family, so this is absolutely impossible! Ji Xian continued.

"I still have that sentence anyway, no matter what kind of behavior the deaf children are doing now. As long as the Ji family dares to fight in the Nangong family, they will never have a good fruit to eat!" The elder is very domineering.

When the people heard the words of the elder, they shook their heads helplessly. If Guan Zhixin is really dead, Ji’s family will retaliate against the Nangong family, and they are not willing to suffer from it.

However, they must start from the overall situation, and they cannot destroy the Nangong family’s efforts for so many years because of their own moments of arrogance!

However, they did not say anything more. After all, what is the situation now, they do not know.

Maybe Nangong is not going to kill Guan Zhixin? But now the strength of Nangong Temple is indeed very strong. Of course, if this power is facing them, it is naturally not a problem.

But now that Guan Zhixin has been hurt, if Nangong is going to shoot him, he can hardly say the next one.

At this time, Guan Zhixin on the ring saw that the opposite Nangong was constantly waving the big clock, and he could not help but swallow a slobber.

"What exactly does this guy want to do?" He is constantly estimating if he is still able to stop if Nangong slams it down.

"I will give you another chance. If you admit defeat now, it may be the best ending!" Nangong said, holding a big clock and asking for Guan Zhixin's last!

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